Retail Fish Marketing Management in India Assignment

Retail Fish Marketing Management in India Assignment Words: 1001

Retail Fish Marketing Management DRP. Chartist Amtrak Associate Professor, Fergusson college, Pun – 4 Nail K. Jihad M. A. (Economics) Fergusson college, Pun – 4 Abstract: In this article, the researchers have made an attempt to probe deeper into the marketing management of fish in India with reference to Pun district fish market. India Is the second largest producer of fish In the world after China, contributing to 5. 5 percent of global fish productions . The total fish production achieved during 2010-11 is at 8. Metric million tones with a contribution of 4. 32 lions metric tones from inland sector and 3. 98 million metric tones from marine sector respectively. Harvesting and marketing of fish provides enormous employment opportunities. The post harvest operations of fish, provides more employment to labor than the production sectors. In India about 14. 5 million people were Involved In fisheries sector (Indian livestock census 2003). Foreign exchange earnings were to the tune of RSI. 129 billion (2010-11) from the fisheries exports. Annual growth rate of this sector over 4. Percent per year. The contribution of this sector to the GAP is about 0. 5 percent and share to Agricultural GAP is about 4. 56 percent. Large number of intermediaries is involved before fish reaches the hands of ultimate consumer. The pricing efficiency Is concerned with improving the operation of buying, selling and other connected aspects of marketing process so that Is will remain responsive to consumer behavior. Modern fish marketing policy should envisage not only meeting the existing demand for fish but also tapping the potential demand.

There is a relationship between the marketing margin offish and the velocity of the sale of fish. Survey work was undertaken at Abashing (Indiana Tassel) and Pun retailing markets, interviews were taken of the intermediaries from purchase of fish from Iambi landing centre to the consumer markets with the background of secondary data, analysis was done and the following conclusion was made: that The higher priced fish In category I gives him lower market margin, 9. 98 percent as the velocity of sale is low and the lower priced fish in category Ill gives him higher marketing margin 91. 4 percent as the velocity of sale is higher, INTRODUCTION: In this article, the researchers have made an attempt to probe deeper Into the marketing management of fish In India with reference to Pun strict fish market. India Is the second largest producer of fish In the world after China, contributing to 5. 5 percent of global fish productions . The total fish production employment opportunities. The post harvest operations of fish, provides more 1 were involved in fisheries sector (Indian livestock census 2003). Foreign exchange earnings were to the tune of RSI. 129 billion (201()-11) from the fisheries exports. F ultimate consumer. The pricing efficiency is concerned with improving the that is will remain responsive to consumer behavior. Modern fish marketing policy potential demand. Hypothesis: There is a relationship between the marketing margin of fish and the velocity of the sale of fish. Objectives: 1. To get acquainted with the varieties of fish marketing management. 2. To know the per unit cost of fish collection (production) 3. To collect the information about the latest retail prices of those fish in the market. 4. To find out the fish collectors (producers) share in the consumer’s price. . To search the profit margin of the retailer (final sealer) in the market. 6. To understand the various stages of fish production (collection). Wholesale and retail market. Research methodology: This study is the blend of primary and secondary data. Primary data collection was done through the visits of ponds, tanks and lakes where the fish are produced. Secondary data are collected from the various reports, surveys, books and articles on fish farming and fish marketing management. The researchers have visited various websites related to fish marketing management.

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Collection of primary data from the fishermen was very difficult because of the fact that the reservoirs in (ponds, tanks and lakes) are scattered and are run on primitive lines, they have not developed the idea of record keeping. Therefore, to create record with there help is itself a Herculean task. Scope of the study: The researchers have visited retail shops in Pun to get an idea about the forward and backward linkages. A special visit was made to Indiana Tassel, Pun district. Mainly two market places were covered: One at Indiana and the other at Abashing which are leading market in western Maharajah’s.

There are four types of functionaries at this level- 1) Commission agent and 2) Wholesaler at the landing center, 3) Interior wholesaler and a 4) Retailer at the end. At macro level few organizations have undertaken the whole distribution of fish 1 . At landing centers, fish are disposed by auctioning. This provides maximum competition among buyers and enables quick disposals. Fish at landing centers are not sold in weight because of the practical difficulties involved in the handling of such a highly perishable commodity’s.

Hence the sales are carried out by measures of heaps or measurement practices have changed with time e. G. 22 pieces make a Jodi, The weight of the fish didn’t matter here the number really matter. However, for exportable rarities like prawn, the price per keg of fish is fixed by auction and weight before delivery. Generally, the auctioning is done by traditional auctioneer or middlemen on commission basis who take the accessibility of realizing the sale proceeds from the traders. In this article the researchers have highlighted only domestic market with special focus upon Pun retail market.

Pomona retail shop market: The retail shop markets, we have visited are from various corners from Pun, such as Paid road, Casaba Pete, Ganges Pete,and the area of camp. A survey of retailers at Abashing and Indiana from Pun district was also done, and collected the researchers have information about Iambi market through interviews of the retailers from the market. It is very difficult to collect census about fish traders so purposive sample was taken. The researchers have collected data from 10 petty fishermen and 10 retailers from Pun, Abashing and Indiana market.

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Retail Fish Marketing Management in India Assignment. (2019, Sep 15). Retrieved March 7, 2025, from