Origin of Christianity Assignment

Origin of Christianity Assignment Words: 604

We are able to think, feel, and discern right from wrong, unlike the animals and plant life. God then placed mankind in dominion ever His creation. We are to use wisdom and discernment to treat Gods creation with great care and responsibility and at the same time, give glory to God alone. Man was created by God and for God. We were created so that we might know Him and give Helm all glory and praise. Although man chose to separate himself from his Creator, God offered a solution through His Son, Jesus Christ.

It is through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus that we are able to fulfill Gods desire for mankind to have a relationship with Him. Our Identity Is In Christ Jesus, our Savior. Morality comes from God and God alone. Although God wrote His law upon the earth of man, (Romans 5) mankind rejected God and went his own way. It Is because of mans disobedience that God had to send His Son to be the perfect example of obedience. The only way we are able to discern right from wrong Is through the very essence of who God Is and that Is found In God’s word.

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The Bible teaches that there are two fates for mankind: to spend eternity In heaven with God or eternity In hell, a place of complete absence from God. It Is not fate that determines our final outcome, rather It Is placing our trust and faith In Jesus Christ. It Is only through Christ that we are sanctified. Through Gods word, we are able to know that rejecting HIS Son Jesus Christ and seeking sanctification outside of God’s perfect solution, Is what causes man to spend eternity In hell. The biblical worldview challenges us to view others as Christ views us.

If we truly believe that that we are Indeed sinners and deserved eternal punishment then we as humans are to approach life In the humblest of ways. Were It not for the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we would surly perish. Armed with this knowledge, one must look at the cross and think “How can I repay someone who has given me everything”? The Lord calls us to treat others as we would be treated. We are to be humble and loving, and yet stand firm on the teachings of God’s Word.

Origin of Christianity By Sprague and that the Bible is the true and living word of God. (Colombians 1:16) If we, as have a relationship with Him. Our identity is in Christ Jesus, our Savior. Hearts of man, (Romans 5) mankind rejected God and went his own way. It is example of obedience. The only way we are able to discern right from wrong is through the very essence of who God is and that is found in God’s word. The Bible teaches that there are two fates for mankind: to spend eternity in heaven tit God or eternity in hell, a place of complete absence from God.

It is not fate that determines our final outcome, rather it is placing our trust and faith in Jesus Christ. It is only through Christ that we are sanctified. Through Gods word, we are able to know that rejecting His Son Jesus Christ and seeking sanctification outside of God’s perfect solution, is what causes man to spend eternity in hell. Believe that that we are indeed sinners and deserved eternal punishment then we as humans are to approach life in the humblest of ways.

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