Marketing Assignment

Marketing Assignment Words: 583

First, let’s define: what Is marketing? It is the action or business of promoting and selling products or services. Marketing is much more than Just selling and advertising. It plays an essential role in providing consumers with need-satisfying goods and services. Marketing is a subject that touches everyone’s life. It is the means by which a standard of living is developed and delivered to people. Well, marketing plays an Important role In society and affects my everyday life.

It offers outstanding career opportunities in such areas as professional selling, marketing search, advertising, retail buying, distribution management, product management and development and wholesaling or logistics. In a variety of non-business organizations including hospitals, museums, universities, government and social service agencies, marketing career opportunity also exist. Marketing is said to be the center of the business today. We all need marketing to get the things we need to live day-to-day. Marketing is everywhere and all around us, whether we see it or not. Marketing can be negative or apostle, but Its still there.

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Some businesses use very little marketing techniques, others are very sophisticated t it. All of us as consumers, are affected by marketing daily. As to how marketing affects me, almost ever aspect is said to be affected by marketing. One of these cases, fashion and daily trend. It cannot be denied that we are eaten up by the fast growing advances of the fashion world. It Is marketing that every inch of it is given justice and fame which makes it very attractive to us. This is how we see what’s new and what’s trending: marketing. If it wasn’t for marketing, we would most likely be running around in our older siblings hammy-downs.

Its a naggers Instinct to want what they see. Marketing makes the fashion appealing to everyone. Sometimes they will target a certain group of people. Most of the erne though, marketing tryst to speak to everyone at once and get everyone on board. Lets face it, if something looks nice or a celebrity is wearing a certain brand, then we are more likely to go for that style. That’s exactly what marketing does In the fashion Industry. Dally trend Is what they put out everyday. Marketing makes us think that we should need to wear certain things a certain way. In some ways it’s almost like brain ash.

They make something appealing to our society so we will want to buy the said product. Marketing has many was to reach their consumers. One way Is through commercials. Commercials about everything from food to cars. Commercials reach the majority of consumers. Commercials promote the said product and make consumers want to buy them. First, let’s define: what is marketing? It is the action or business of promoting and marketing plays an important role in society and affects my everyday life. It offers whether we see it or not. Marketing can be negative or positive, but its still there. E eaten up by the fast growing advances of the fashion world. It is marketing that every inch of it is given Justice and fame which makes it very attractive to us. This is teenagers instinct to want what they see. Marketing makes the fashion appealing to everyone. Sometimes they will target a certain group of people. Most of the time more likely to go for that style. That’s exactly what marketing does in the fashion industry.

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