Introduction to Marketing: Mid-Term Exam Assignment

Introduction to Marketing: Mid-Term Exam Assignment Words: 556

Web, you could buy not only Internet space from them, but also technical support, and design services. When its ad tells you that its users consider Aerospace “the risk-free host because it offers dedicated and helpful support any time day or night,” you know that Aerospace is most likely trying to do which of the following? A. Downgrade the competition b. Reduce new buyers’ cognitive dissonance c. Increase new buyers’ cognitive dissonance d. Reduce a consideration set e. Evoke alternative evaluation 9. Environmental scans have shown that the population of the United States is undergoing dramatic change. Generally the population is becoming larger, older, make up 20 percent of the U. S. Population. This change in the U. S. Population is an example of hinges to which marketers must respond. A. Cyclical population growth b. Cryptographic c. Demographic d. Situational segment e. Target market 10. You want to buy some dry breakfast cereal, and you are in the mood for unsweetened flakes.

The store you go to has three cereals of that type: Post Toastiest, Kellogg Corn Flakes, and General Mills Wheat’s. You are familiar with all of these cereals and like them all so you decide to choose Kellogg Corn Flakes. Collectively, what is this group of cereal brands called? A. A value group b. A consideration set c. An evaluative criterion d. An impulse set e. A discriminative group Section B: Answer all questions IQ I(a) You are a senior at NYU and are at a Job interview with a small start-up company located in New York City.

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The company, Good Eats Inc. , has a range of packaged food products. These are mostly sauces for Asian dishes. Examples include a sweet and sour sauce, which can be poured over fried fish, either filleted or whole, or chicken to make an enter??e. Another product is a sauce for stir-frying vegetables. The company has its products in packages for consumers and for institutional clients like restaurants, school cafeterias and hotels. The SKU for consumers come in 12 oz tootles, whereas those for institutional clients come in 5 lb packs.

The owner of the company is a professional chef himself but this is his first time at running a business. He realizes that he needs help in marketing the product and plans on hiring a Marketing Executive. You are a candidate for the position. During your Job interview with the owner, he remarked, “l see that you have taken an introductory course in Marketing. We certainly hope to benefit from the knowledge that you have learnt. On this, could you share with me 2 key takeaways or ideas that you learnt in your Introduction to Marketing course which would help me in my efforts to build up my business?

Please elaborate how such ideas can be relevant or useful in my business. ” (9 points) IQ 1 (b) pricing strategy for his products. He is partial to or prefers a skimming pricing strategy. What conditions favor the use of this pricing strategy? (6 points) QUO. Tiger Woods is one, and so is Betty White. Explain the rationale for using celebrities as spokespersons in marketing products or services. Is this a good strategy? (1 5 marks) cons: 1. Risky 2. Costly 3. Confusion between celebrity brand vs… CO’s brand 1 . Opinion leader(reliable) 2. Ready fan base 3. Aspiration’s

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Introduction to Marketing: Mid-Term Exam Assignment. (2020, Mar 20). Retrieved March 18, 2025, from