Integrated Christianity Assignment

Integrated Christianity  Assignment Words: 916

Pope John XIII call to agronomists, the renewal of the Catholic Church combined with ecumenical and interfaith dialogue in reach for peace and social justice initiatives demonstrates Christianity as a faith that actively remains relevant and links directly to the lives of the adherents. The practice of Marriage also contributes to Christianity as a living religious tradition as it addresses the connections between the sacrament and beliefs of the tradition.

Pope John Axis’s call for the Second Vatican Council led the renewal of the Catholic Church and changes within the Liturgy. John XIII reaffirmed the importance of the Scripture and Jesus by translating the Bible from Latin Into the vernacular as outlined In the Vatican Document Del Verb. This was also combined with changes to the liturgy to the people by translating the liturgy Into the vernacular as well. Translating from Latin in the language of the people demonstrated that the faith adapted to its global expansion and responded to the needs of the people.

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This allowed for greater involvement and understanding of the Mass and restored people’s connection to the practice of their faith. As a result, lay people have access to Revelation and can further understand the Gospels and Jesus’ message embedded in them in order to vive a holy life in accordance with Jesus’ teachers so that they may reach God’s Kingdom in the afterlife. The quote from John 14:6, “Jesus said to him, “l am the way, and the truth, and the life.

No one comes to the Father except through me” expresses the importance of following in Issue’s footsteps In order to connect to God. Pope John Axis’s renewal of the Liturgy and connection to scripture demonstrates that Charlatanry Is a living religious tradition through linking beliefs directly to the lives of the adherents. In Christianity, the Marriage Ceremony is a sacrament and a covenant relationship nabbing adherents to build the Kingdom of God. The ceremony itself varies across different variants of Christianity but all see it as a significant aspect of religious holy life.

The ceremony allows the couple through their vows to each other to pledge their love and faithfulness in front of their family, friends, Church community and God. It is this binding sacrament that allows for: the proper expression of the sexual relationship, mutual companionship and the good order of society in the formation of a family unit. This covenant has the quality of grace, a gift bestowed by God. Ephesians 5:31 describes marriage as a sacrament which unites, “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to how wife, and the two will become one flesh”.

Hence this practice allows adherents to further unite with God established from Baptism. Pope John XIII through changes to the Liturgy and translating the Bible also allowed for adherents to further connect with God and hence Christianity continues to be a religion that is able to provide the medium through which Christians can maintain relationships with God. John XIII played an active and positive role in promoting peace among the world to encourage cooperation and understanding between all nations.

He initiated the sustained Catholic contribution to post-conciliator peacemaking through his encyclical Peace in Terries which was an inclusive letter addressed to “all Men of Good will”. He exemplified his writings by carrying out Christian duties of mercy, such as visiting the imprisoned and sick like Jesus taught, “Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the sick, comfort those in need” (Matthew 25). The Catholic Church, through the role model of John XIII is highly active and continues to defend human rights as the inundation of peace.

It is the quote “Since men are social by nature, they must live together and consult each other’s interests” from Peace in Terries that highlights the importance that Pope John XIII stressed on ecumenist and interfaith dialogue in the modern era with global issues such as the Cuban Missile Crisis and the fear of a Nuclear War present. Communication and unity among different Churches within the Christian Faith and different faiths allowed the religious community to work toward and promote social Justice issues such as human rights and to reach the common AOL of peace on earth.

Pope John XIII consequently demonstrated to the whole world that Christianity is a living tradition, answering to modern issues and actively finding solutions and working towards ensuring the dignity of each human person through reflecting on scripture and beliefs taught by God. The Second Vatican Council, initiated by Pope John XIII taught that God is the ‘author’ of marriage in the document Stadium et specs, 46. It also teaches that Marriage has always been an essential part of God’s plans for humans and that he wrote Marriage into our human nature.

Mark 10:9 demonstrates this idea of God as the author marriage, “therefore what God has Joined together, let man not separate. ” It is because God created Marriage, it is significant for Christians to fulfill their creator’s expectations for humanity. Pope John XIII reconnected the importance of the sacrament of marriage to the traditional beliefs of Christianity and hence demonstrated that it continues to be a living religious tradition. Both Pope John Axis’s contributions to Christianity and the sacrament of Marriage allow adherents to further connect to God and maintain the Christian right legislation with Him.

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