How Did The Religion Of Christianity Emerge Out Of Jewish Assignment

How Did The Religion Of Christianity Emerge Out Of Jewish  Assignment Words: 646

There Jewish were split into four groups at that time which were the Pharisees, Seduces, Senses, and Zealots. The Pharisees the most important of the three were the Pharisees because they are the spiritual fathers of modern Judaism. Their main distinguishing characteristic was a belief in an oral law that God gave to Moses at Sinai along with the Torah. The Seduces were elitists, who wanted to maintain the priestly caste, but they were also liberal. The Seduces rejected the idea of the oral law and insisted on a written law. The Senses, emerged out of disgust with the other two.

They believed the others had corrupted the city and the temple so they moved out of Jerusalem and lived a monastic life In the desert. The Zealots where the more aggressive of the groups they were concerned for the national and religious life of the Jewish people led them to despise even Jews who sought peace and conciliation with the Roman authorities. These groups all had one thing In common and they hated the Romans and wanted them out. Jesus of Nazareth who Is know today as Jesus Christ gained many followers and all four of the Jewish groups loved him and began considering him the next messiah.

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Jesus a divine gifted man who was able to perform miracles began to grab too much attention Including the Romans attention. The Romans began to see Jesus as a threat and later crucified him because they feared he was the Jewish savior. Jesus resurrected after his death and that Is what sparked the birth of the religion of Christianity. Jesus followers didn’t have to be Jews so that alone let the religion spread all around the world. Charlatanry added to the holly book, the Old Testament, they added gospels and the famous stories of John, Luke, Mark, and Mathew.

They all add n the Old Testament, which makes the New Testament also know as the holly bible. Paul devoted his life to spread the teachings of Charlatanry and how Jesus gave his life for his followers. The Charlatans deity consist of the father the son and the holly split (trinity). Charlatanry also adopted a portion from the Ten Commandments of the Judaism Into their own Ten Commandments. Jesus In the Christian religion Is the Son of God and looked at as sacred and delve while In Judaism Jesus Is Just a fellow Jew and Is not even mentioned In the Torah.

Although the Romans killed Jesus, his tones and Charlatanry eventually won the Romans over, thanks to Paul. How Did The Religion Of Christianity Emerge Out Of Jewish Context By Dibble]moony out of Jerusalem and lived a monastic life in the desert. The Zealots where the more hated the Romans and wanted them out. Jesus of Nazareth who is know today as perform miracles began to grab too much attention including the Romans attention. Feared he was the Jewish savior. Jesus resurrected after his death and that is what Jesus followers didn’t have to be Jews so that alone let the religion spread all around the world.

Christianity added to the holly book, the Old Testament, they Paul devoted his life to spread the teachings of Christianity and how Jesus gave his life for his followers. The Christian deity consist of the father the son and the holly spirit (trinity). Christianity also adopted a portion from the Ten Commandments of the Judaism into their own Ten Commandments. Jesus in the Christian religion is the Son of God and looked at as sacred and divine while in Judaism Jesus is Just a fellow Jew and is not even mentioned in the Torah. Although the Romans killed Jesus, his stories and Christianity eventually won the Romans over, thanks to Paul.

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