Emerging Themes of Marketing Assignment

Emerging Themes of Marketing Assignment Words: 2496

The company was first established In 1 886 in New Jersey, since then it has developed relied and has recently celebrated being In business for 125 years. Its family of companies Including Johnny’s baby and Johnny’s beauty compromises of: “The world’s largest and most diverse medical devices and diagnostics company, the world’s fifth largest biologic company, and the worlds eight largest pharmaceuticals company. ” (http://www. JNI. Com/connect/about-JNI/). Johnson Baby products have “stood the test of time” ( http://www. Seasonably. Com/newborn-skin-care). It is clinically proven to protect baby’s skin and It Is a well trusted brand.

Not only do Johnson ensure that their products provide the best care for babies, as a company they also give something back to the community. In 2005 Johnson teamed up with Tommy’s to work together towards one goal, which was to save babies lives. Since then they have donated over IEEE,OHO to Tommy’s which allows them to give as much pregnancy health information as possible to every parent to be. Johnny’s has also helped Tommy’s to set up a pregnancy helpline and has also helped them to work with high street retailers to bring the latest pregnancy information to consumers.

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More recently Johnson and Johnson have Introduced a new ‘natural’ range of baby reduces. These focus on helping the environment. All of the products in the ‘natural’ range are 98% natural. The Marketing Mix The marketing mix is one of the most popular marketing terms. The Business Dictionary describes the marketing mix as: “A planned mix of the controllable elements of a product’s marketing plan commonly termed as ups: product, price, place, and promotion. These four elements are adjusted until the right combination is found that serves the needs of the product’s customers, while generating optimum income. ” ( http:// www. Classification. Com/definition/marketing-ml. HTML#lxzz1JrL2vAUh). The marketing mix was first published by Nell Borden. HIS Idea Included external and internal factors. However this list was not easy to remember and in 1960 Jerome McCarthy cut down the original twelve aspects of Border’s marketing mix. The basics of the marketing mix are the four up’s; product, place, price, promotion. Each one of these needs to be successfully looked at in order form a company to have a productive marketing mix. It Is still used in the same way by companies today, however modern changes In technology have changed It. For example, the Internet. Old have Just been sold in shops. Another way in which the marketing mix has moved forward is that it can now be used as the seven up’s instead of the four up’s. The ups add people, process, and physical evidence to the four up’s, to give a more in depth result. Relationship Marketing is a prospect which has become more used in the past few years. This is not including in the marketing mix, many people think that relationship marketing should be including in the marketing mix, so this is one criticism of the marketing mix. The internet has allowed Relationship Marketing to push the Marketing Mix ‘out of the picture’.

Companies now want to build legislations with the customers. , and they want to offer the customer that little bit extra. The marketing mix is still appropriate but it doesn’t cover the whole picture. Miller 2006 highlighted some criticisms of the marketing mix: “The mix does not consider customer behavior but is internally oriented. The Mix regards customers as passive; it does not allow interaction and cannot capture relationships. The Mix is void of theoretical content; it works primarily as a simplistic device focusing the attention of management.

The Mix does not offer help for personification of marketing activities. ” Relationship Marketing Grosses 1990 states that: “Relationship Marketing is to establish, maintain, enhance and commercialism customer relationships (often but not necessarily long term relationships)”. Http:// resources. Metaphors. Com/PDF-preview. Axed? Code=d285734623113616=largest Companies use relationship marketing in a number of ways. Firstly it is about finding the customer loyalty, and also about engaging them in their products, to make them a loyal and returning customer.

There are many ways in which an organization can do this. They need to offer the customer with information and promotions that are articulacy suited to their needs. A good way of doing this is through the use of loyalty cards. Johnson and Johnson & the Marketing Mix Johnson and Johnny’s products have expanded in recent years. What started off 125 years ago as a range of products including; baby lotion, baby shampoo, and baby talc. They now also have a bedtime range, a toddler range, and also a natural range. The natural range includes the same products as the original range however they are 98% natural.

The product that is being used to analyses the marketing mix is the Johnson Natural Head to Toe Foaming Body Wash. The product has a difference from the original Johnson products. It is 98% natural. “The JOHNSON'” NATURAL@ product line is the only line of baby skin products that is at least 98% natural with over 100 years of baby care expertise”. (http://www. ]unseasonably. Com/introducing-]notions-natural) This is the products unique selling point. The products packaging highlights the natural look. This product has also driven Johnson to produce a new natural standard for all of their natural products.

The Best for Baby Natural Standard. The product has many features and benefits. Firstly the bottle has pump action genealogy. This makes it easier for the customer to use, whilst bathing their baby. It can be difficult to try to open lids on bottles whilst bathing a baby. This product makes it convenient and stress free. This product is also recyclable. The packaging also contains up to 60% post-consumer recycled materials. The benefit of this is that it is helping the environment, it will also make the consumer feel like that they are also helping the environment. The product is also refillable.

This again helps the environment and it can also make it cheaper for the consumer. Johnson and Johnson products are well branded. Their products are “clinically proven to be pure, mild and gentle. ” From baby’s first hospital bath through every special milestone, moms and healthcare professionals alike trust JOHNSON'” baby products to provide the “best in care. (http://www. Seasonably. Com/product/413) This quote shows that healthcare professionals trust Johnson and Johnson products. This then gives customers faith in the product. If nurses and midwives are using the product in hospital then it is obviously well trusted.

Parents want to use the best for their babies, with Johnson they can ensure that this is the case. It has over 125 years’ experience on baby products and it is a number one selling brand. A study in Australia found that : “Today, the baby market is split into two very distinct buying groups. There is the “traditional” new mum in her early to mid twenties who is willing to sacrifice her personal spending to buy a range of top quality products for her baby. And then there’s the “contemporary’ mum who is older (often in her ass’s), has a higher disposable income and demands multi-purpose baby products that offer value for money’ (http://www. Operands. Com/AU/content/view/142/881) This enhances the fact that Johnson and Johnson is a well trusted brand. It appeals to all parents regardless of their income and what they can afford they Just want the best for their baby. Price The price of Johnson and Johnson products range from El to E. 99. This depends of the size of the product. The prices of the products are slightly more expensive than supermarket own brands, however this is not a problem for Johnson. Having a slightly higher price shows that they have more quality, and customers are willing to pay that little bit more for a well trusted brand.

The screen shots below show the difference in price between the Johnson brand and a supermarket own brand. The ‘place’ aspect of the Marketing Mix is all about where the product is sold. Whether that will be online via the company’s website or in shops, it all depends on the type of company. Although Johnson range of products are shown on their website, Johnson do not actually sell direct from their websites. Customers can buy Johnny’s products from a number of places. These include all the major supermarkets, for example Tests and Sad.

Also in beauty shop such as Boots and Supersede, and in healthcare shops such as chemists. Johnson and Johnson baby products are sold in over 100 countries throughout the world. They have to ensure that their products meet the guidelines of the countries and also ensuring that is safe for babies to use throughout the world. Promotion Johnson and Johnson advertising campaign aims to create the magic touch through their products. To do this they use quality television advertisements, educational information and free samples. One of their main promotional tools is the use of promotional coupons.

By signing up to “Johnson by your side” a customer will receive exclusive offers on baby products, free downloaded baby care guides, and stage-based advice from their experts. Another way in which Johnny’s give coupons to their customers, is through the Tests Cellular scheme. Customers of Tests who have signed up to become a member of the ‘baby and toddler club’, will receive money off coupons for products. These products are not Just Tests own brand products but also Johnson baby products. If a customer has a coupon for a product then it increases the chance of them buying it.

Johnson and Johnson also promote their company by supporting programmer for women and children who are vulnerable. They also work with communities to help prevent diseases such as HIVE and Aids. Http://www. ]n]. Mom/connect/caring/corporate-giving Johnson and Johnson have a good promotional tool on their website. This tool allows customers to review the Johnson baby products, by giving a star rating. This gives customers a chance to see what other customers think of the products and whether they would recommend them to others. This increases the chance of customers buying the products. This concept considers the social and ethical responsibilities of companies whose end goal is profitability’ (Crane and Despond 2002). An easy way to break the term societal marketing down is firstly social, this is all about the people and what effect ND impact does the marketing have on them. Secondly, Ethical, what is right and what is wrong? And finally, society, this is what the media has a huge impact on. There are a number of things which may affect the ethics of a company. For example, new legislation laws and consumer protection.

Johnson and Johnson & Societal Marketing Johnson and Johnson doesn’t have a mission statement, instead they have a ‘credo: “We believe that our first responsibility is to the doctors, nurses, and patients, to mothers and fathers, and to all those who use our products and services. In meeting their needs everything we do must be in high quality. We must constantly strive to reduce our costs in order to maintain reasonable prices. Customers’ orders must be services promptly and accurately. Our suppliers and distributors must have an opportunity to make a fair profit”.

Johnson marketing strategy is to expand their total markets, to create new users and to penetrate markets. The Johnson and Johnson family of consumer companies first started setting environmental goals in the sass’s. Since then they have managed to reduce waste, reduce water and energy use, and reduce raw materials and packaging. They have also achieved a certificate which roves that all of their manufacturing sites, and research and development sites are at a high standard for strong environmental management systems. All of these environmental decisions in which they have made, help to enhance their credo.

These environmental changes also help and result in more efficient manufacturing processes, and have increased the products yields and cost savings. They also focus on using less waste and less water not only as a company but for their consumers as well. Consumers can use less water due to the easy rinse formula of the products which means less water is needed for the use of the product. There is also less wasted materials as the products doped not use labels, so therefore less materials are used. Johnson products are 100% recyclable, which shows their commitment to reducing landfill waste. Johnny’s products have ‘stood the test of time’.

They are a well trusted brand and are forever building their customer loyalty. What started off as basic products including, baby shampoo, baby lotion and baby talc. They have now expanded into new releases, especially focusing on their natural range. It is the only range of baby skin products which are at least 98% natural. A few things which the tartar products have are: no silicone, no paraffin and no dyes. This makes them 100% safe for babies. Their natural products contain up to 60% post-consumer recycled materials. Johnson have actually developed the first natural standard dedicated specifically to the special needs of infants skin.

All of Johnson products must pass a rigorous test to ensure that they are safe for the use of babies. This test is split up into four parts; 1) We determine exactly how the product will be used. 2) We carefully assess ingredients and formulations. 4) We never stop monitoring what you say about our products. Http://www. ]unseasonably. Mom/]notions-difference/best-for-baby-natural-standard Johnson and Johnson ensure that every year their environmental performance is monitored and measured to ensure that they are meeting their goals and that they are doing enough for the environment.

These goals include transparency, energy use, water use, paper and packaging, waste reduction, product stewardship, and environmental literacy. These goals are not Just about their products but also about them as a company at their work places, and offices. Literature Review Conclusion To conclude on the question, is the marketing mix still appropriate today. It could be aid the marketing mix is very outdated in today’s market. As mentioned above it does not include the relationship marketing aspect.

This is an increasing aspect of marketing which companies are taking into consideration whilst selling their products to customers. There are a number of criticisms of the marketing mix. Firstly, there are loose theoretical foundations. It is not a theory nor a model; Grosses 1997 stated that: ” The marketing mix is no more than a list of variables, it is not a valid way of describing a phenomenon “. Kent 1986 found that: “Mix management focuses attention on decisions relating to individual products, and assumes that such decisions are taken in isolation from what is happening to the rest of the company’s product portfolio’.

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