Effects of Advertising Assignment

Effects of Advertising Assignment Words: 590

Advertising can convince consumers they need a product that would not have ever crossed their mind otherwise. “It can make us unsatisfied with who we are, greedy for what we don’t have, and oblivious to the miseries of millions who haven’t a fraction Of the comforts we take for granted… ” (Source D). Advertisements force society to crave more amenities than they already have and need. It makes them greedy for more and disregarding the less fortunate people along the way. Ads influence everyone, whether it be by the way consumers think or simply by the products they buy.

Although few people admit to being greatly influenced by ads, surveys and sales figures show that a well. Designed advertising campaign has dramatic effects. ” (Source E). A well-run ad campaign can have a great affect on society convincing them to do and or think almost anything depicted through the ads. “Nowadays, marketing executives will use all available methods to convince us of the need to buy their company products. “(Source F). Whatever measures are needed in order to sell a product, are taken. Advertisements no longer promote the physical reduce itself, but how your life will change once you are in possession of that product.

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The ads today use techniques designed to “create unfulfilled desires and then they push us to buy the products that we do not need. ” (Source F). Advertisements are becoming a detriment to society, bringing out bad qualities from within that would not have otherwise prevailed. Advertising subconsciously bombards the consumers, forcing them to conform to society. Society seems to be influenced by advertising in such a way that they themselves cannot help, but fall into their trap. “A logical inclusion is that advertising works below the level of conscious awareness… ” (Source E).

Advertising affects society in such a way that no matter who you are, you will want the product or feel the need to get the product. Society is made aware of every product on the market through advertising. “Advertising tells you what you need. ” (Source D). Through watching, reading or hearing advertisements society will feel the desire to buy that prod cut being advertised or feel that owning the product would make their life that much better. Consumers don’t have control of this feeling, as much as they might ant to hate advertisements, they are still influential and change the consumers’ opinions. The success of cigarette advertising is a potent example of advertising’s enormous power and economic value. ” (Source B). Even though it is proven that cigarettes are harmful towards the body, especially the lungs, so many people are still choosing to smoke and hurt their body. The consumers know it is wrong, but something inside tells them it is okay. This voice is the influence from advertising; they only show the pros of smoking making it look harmless and enjoyable, instead of showing what he inside of the body would look like after a few years of smoking.

Advertisements influence society in such ways that they have no control over their desires. Advertisements have a negative effect on society because they re only goal is to promote the specified product. Just to sell their product, ads may bend the truth and give false information. Their only goal is to get as much profit as possible, so the validity of ads is never dependable. Advertisements are harmful due to their production of unfulfilled desires as well as subconsciously influencing consumers.

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Effects of Advertising Assignment. (2020, Dec 24). Retrieved October 23, 2024, from https://anyassignment.com/art/effects-of-advertising-assignment-42931/