Direct Marketing Servicing Proposal Assignment

Direct Marketing Servicing Proposal Assignment Words: 3658

?Proposal to Board of Directors Direct Marketing Servicing By Team 3 Mario Reyes- Network Architecture Senior Manager Jason Kitchens- Software Architecture Senior Manager Joshua Fox- Information Security & Assurance Senior Manager Jeanine Phillips- Web Strategies Senior Manager 08 February 2013 Introduction to the Proposal’s Purpose and Content Direct Marketing Servicing Corporation is a medium-sized manufacturing company with 250 employees. It directly markets one product: unique coffee cup with a patented ball bearing sliding mechanism. Nathan Jr. nd a group of 10 other executives run the company. Direct Marketing Servicing Corporation has received a large sum of money from a venture capitalist. The venture capitalist and Nathan Jr. are predicting 100% growth in five years. To achieve that growth, productivity will need to increase by a similar amount. Therefore, this proposal provides a suggested business model update. Further, the Information Technology Systems Functional Area’s four main IT departments’ updates are indicated to assist the business model to predict, plan, and implement future growth and profits.

In this proposal the problem of the outdated Information Technology Systems Functional Area with four outdated departments are addressed with new ideas and new employees to implement them. The 100%t growth projection in five years can become a reality with the managers’ ideas about these questions: 1. What will my updated IT Systems Functional Area look like? 2. How should IT be integrated with other functional areas to assure that the company can meet its business objectives? 3. How can the IT departments adhere to a Code of Ethics with such fast growth? 4. What new ideas can we implement in the our IT departments? 5. What are the issues facing the company and the employees? 6. What will be the job titles, descriptions, and skills of our new IT employees? 7. What types of professional development should the company’s IT professionals pursue? This proposal describes ideas for the updated IT Systems Functional Area. Specifically managers from IT departments are providing ideas to address the concerns. Executive Summary Information Security and Assurance The Information Security and Assurance Department will need to cope with the ever-changing world of threats that are created daily.

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What worked a few days ago might not be the best employment of operations for today. The Department must adapt to what the threat is and how to defeat it. The department must have a strong working knowledge of each potential out there for a full realm of protection. The team must ensure no gaps anywhere in the system for outbreaks. By ensuring all the steps are enforced religiously the team can ensure complete protection of all information and ease of running of the company. This is a vital part of the company and one of the most challenging. Network Architecture

The true value of the IT department is not in “what we make, but in what we make possible” (Cisco 2013). Rapid advancements in technology are “altering our economy and creating new market opportunities for the firms which can understand and anticipate their impact” (Deloitte 2013). The IT department is poised to continue uncovering new ideas and create the innovations that will serve the demands of this organization. To accomplish this we are leading the way in “architecting networks build on simplicity, security, openness and scale” (Juniper 2013). Software Architecture

The Software Architecture department is determined to bring this company together with a great software architecture that will allow all departments of the company to see what’s going on. The company will be able to connect any member at any time if they have a question about their part of the company’s paper work. If an employee needs to know their sick leave time then they will be able to log in and view with this system. The Software Architecture department is dedicated to bring this company up to age with the latest trend of software at the lowest cost.

We strive to live in the now and not the then. Web Strategies This company is in need of new ideas and more employees to venture capitalist of a 100% predicted growth projection within the next five years in order to survive and compete in this productive and competitive world, So being manager of this department , I will assure that the company will meet all competitive objectives by marketing and promoting through advertisements on the Web, Blogs, Articles and business directories and all through web strategy websites.

In doing so this company will promote Leadership and Marketing Membership and Meetings Human Resources and Technology This company’s standards will be honored by its Code of Ethics~ The Ethical Code will pertain to this company to provide the best possible services to its community while working with any quantity of customers honestly and respectfully and reliably while serving business which will honor and reflect this company’s standards and name. Information Security and Assurance Department of the IT Systems Functional Area By Joshua Fox

Member of Team 3 Part 1: Information Security and Assurance Department Composition (four components) The IT Security code of ethics will be a strict working model of the department. The code of ethics will be the teams guide to upholding to the strictest standards for the safety of each individual. By having the power the team will have they will have to keep a strong head on these standards. Protection of company and personal information will be the upmost importance and any discrepancies will be dealt with promptly.

Having access to the information available to the team will involve tending to your duty and adhering to privacy and confidentiality standards. The team will be responsible for proper use of organization property. The workplace environment will be free of harassment and an equal opportunity workplace. The IT Security team will ensure the best Information Technology security software and resources will be used in all daily work. Apple computers will be implemented for their secure platform while being backed by up to date protection “MacScan” for enhanced security.

The team will ensure that all new threats and weaknesses are dealt with in a timely, efficient manner. The IT Security team will follow strict protocol to ensure all issues that have or can happen will be thoroughly dealt with. The team will have a working security system that will contiguously scan for attacks while daily operations are being held. After hour complete system scan will occur nightly with a detailed report the following morning. The team will send out a detailed security brief via email each morning consisting of past, present and future threats.

Detailing each in as much information as possible. The report will speak on how to avoid the threats and ways to keep a safe working environment. The IT Security team will be made up of 3 personnel. It will include a department head and 2 expert personnel. At least one will be an expert systems administrator. At least one will be a software expert. Having this combination will ensure that the personnel can cover the vast array of issues inside the department. The IT Security team will review multiple times a day the websites involving IT Security.

The websites required to be monitored are the following. Securityfocus. com SecureMac. com Part 2: Information Security and Assurance Department Executive Summary The Information Security and Assurance Department will need to cope with the ever-changing world of threats that are created daily. What worked a few days ago might not be the best employment of operations for today. The Department must adapt to what the threat is and how to defeat it. The department must have a strong working knowledge of each potential out there for a full realm of protection.

The team must ensure no gaps anywhere in the system for outbreaks. By ensuring all the steps are enforced religiously the team can ensure complete protection of all information and ease of running of the company. This is a vital part of the company and one of the most challenging. Part 3: Information Security and Assurance Department References http://www. ethics. org http://www. securemac. com considerations-successful-agile-companies-use. aspx http://www. securityfocus. com Network Architecture Department of the IT Systems Functional Area By Mario Reyes Member of Team 3

Part 1: Network Architecture Manager Composition (four compositions) The Network Architecture Department’s mission is very simple ant that is to (Connect everything” and “Empower everyone” (Juniper 2013). This department believes the network is the “single greatest vehicle of knowledge, understanding, and human advancement the world has ever known” (Juniper 2013). The department will serve as the foundation for a robust IT environment by providing reliable high performance solutions that will assist in the eventual smooth transition into a virtualized world.

The department will operate with the highest degree of ethical standards that will include “integrity excellence accountability and respect in everything we do” (L-3. com 2013). These standards provide our department the required groundwork that will remind us of our values and commitments to our customers. The Network Architecture team will develop new innovative solutions to provide employees working out of home offices, hotel rooms, airports “with anywhere access to critical information” (Cisco 2013).

The new updated IP (Internet Protocol) network will allow in-house, remote and mobile workers access to critical applications such as sales team automation tools, portal applications, email, Web-based video conferencing, IP telephony, and Virtual learning applications. The network architecture group will consist of a Senior Network Engineer, Network Administrator, and two Desktop Support Technicians. The Senior Network Engineer will be responsible for the organizations’ LAN/WAN environment and computer systems. The position will be responsible for the daily upkeep and administration of the companies’ core network and computer systems.

The senior network engineer will be responsible for the planning, design, and implementation of all network infrastructure and architecture projects within the organization. The Senior Other responsibilities: Implement and maintain all network, security, and computer systems to meet the organization’s current and future requirements. Daily administration and oversight of the network and computer systems. This includes the creation, deletion, and maintenance of user accounts, mailboxes, distribution lists, groups and all associated security parameters.

Design and support migration strategies in support of the customers; which includes migrating future customer processing requirements into the customer processing environment in a manner consistent with present practices As a key member the Network administrator will perform technical work installing, operating, and providing tier 2 support for servers, desktop computers, IPhones, remote vpn client, and email services. Other responsibilities: Network administration (including backups, security management, email account management, user account management, and internet access Performs technology eeds analysis Installs hardware and software to ensure satisfactory results during resource deployments Manages small to medium sized projects assigned by Senior Network Engineer. As a member of the network group this position’s main role is to provide maintenance and support of the organization’s desktop computing environment. The desktop technician’s duties will include installing, diagnosing, repairing, and upgrading of all PC software and hardware equipment to ensure precise workstation performance. This position will provide support remotely, via telephone, email and in person.

Other responsibilities: Evaluate and recommend desktop products that will assist in current of future desktop hardware needs. Develop strategies to meet short-term and long-term desktop hardware needs. This department will require the continuation of training for all personnel and will provide expense reimbursements to anyone that achieves certifications such as Securty+ Network+, Cisco CCNA, Cisco CCIE and CISSP. Information on these certifications can be found at http://www. cisco. com, http://www. comptia. org, and http://isc2. org. Part 2: Network Architecture Manager Executive Summary

The Network Architecture group is committed to providing innovative network infrastructure solutions for this organization. Collaborating as a team and bringing all the required elements together will create a strong nucleus that will serve as the building block of a new robust network environment. Part 3: Network Architecture Manager References (Cisco. com 2013) Retrieved January 23, 2013), http://www. cisco. com/en/US/solutions/ns339/ns640/networking_solutions_products_genericcontent0900aecd803e865f. html (Juniper. com 2013) Retrieved January 20, 2013, From http://www. juniper. et/us/en/company/profile/vision/ (L-3. com 2013) Retrieved January 20, 2013, From http://www. l-3com. com/code-of-ethics-and-business-conduct-%E2%80%93-english (Usenix. com 2013) Retrieved January 20, 2013, From https://www. usenix. org/lisa/system-administrators-code-ethics Software Architecture Department of the IT Systems Functional Area By Jason Kitchens Member of Team 3 Part 1: Software Architecture Department Manager Composition The Software Architecture departments main function is to develop software and tools that the company can use to grow and expand with ease and little cost.

We give the stake holder’s ways to access the system without having to be at the office. We give them ways to communicate with each other outside and inside the organization. The Software Architecture develops the company’s programs that will run the machines to make the company’s new product. We will also design database system that will keep up with how many products we have in stock, what orders need to be shipped, payroll, and supplies we have and supplies the company needs. Our goal is to develop an architecture that is easy to maintain and can be used for several things throughout the company.

The company trusts that our programs we create are of our own nature and no other companies that we have taken and changed to suit ourselves. We have to maintain integrity with our programs by getting any patens or license we will need to develop the programs. The roles of Software Architecture aren’t like other departments. The Senior Software Architecture is the one in charge of the department. He plans the architecture out to see what is needed to complete the project at hand. Once he gets the plan down, he then gives the task to the other members in the department.

There are no “roles” per say in the Software Architecture department. Everyone in the department has the knowledge to make software; it’s just the fact of which part are you better at. One may be better at getting the hardware side of the code down while the other may be better at protocols. The member will be assigned the part that they are most efficient at. Once every part is made, its then time to put it into one piece. This is where the Senior Architecture will come back into play. Once the project is done and tested, it’s ready for use.

The code could be used again to develop another similar project in order to save time and money. The department would like to offer an incentive program for certifications. There are a few software certifications that a Software Architecture can acquire. The MCA is for Microsoft based systems. Linux has 3 levels of certification: LPIC-1, LPIC-2, and LPIC-3. Apple has a couple of certifications that would be beneficial for the software department to have. The two certifications that should be maintained are the one for mobile devices and then the one for software architecture on desktops, servers, and laptops.

It wouldn’t be a requirement for the employees to have any of these but it would be a valuable asset to the company if they did have them. The company should not pay for the whole thing as that would cost too much money, but maybe the company could pay for the test or add a bonus to a check for each certification the employee gets. This would encourage the employees to get certified which give them more knowledge in the software they will develop for. The Software Architecture department will help to integrate all other departments in the company from sales to administration.

We will develop an inventory system that will keep track of the products already made, products order, and products that have been processed and shipped. This system will be able to be seen by the whole company but changes will only be made by those who need to update it (mostly managers from shipping and sales). The architect will also have a communication process in it, like Microsoft Exchange for this process. Each employee within the company will have their own email for the company that they will use to send and receive any type of message to another employee in the company.

The employees will also be able to set this up to where they can check their mail from home or mobile device in case they are away from their desk when an important email is sent. The payroll department will have their own database system that will help them keep up with the employees personal information, pay rate, pay raises, time, benefits, and so forth. This will only be seen by those on the payroll staff as it contains information that no one else needs. This will be accessed from the company’s computer and nowhere else due to security risks. There will be a database for supplies that are needed to make and ship the product.

We will have this for warehouse staff. Most of the applications we implement will be available for both inside company use and mobile device use as we know that some of our staff will be in the field trying to market the product. Making the apps accessible on mobile devices will allow them to post orders faster instead waiting to get back to the office. Everything will still be secured so all information will be well protected. There are many places to keep up with events and trends in the software architecture world. The main place I find very useful is CNet.

It keeps with the latest news in all technology. They give reviews and site to visit so you can learn information on your own. They sometimes offer free downloads to try things out before you buy. Another site I have found is www. lanyrd. com. It lists different conferences that are happening in the US. It shows slide shows and gives descriptions on what has been happening in the world of software architecture. There are other ways to see what’s going on in the software architecture world and that’s by visiting other developer’s sites. Some developers list projects they are getting into.

They don’t give detail of course but you can see where they are trying to go with something. Part 2: Software Architecture Department Manager Executive Summary The Software Architecture department is determined to bring this company together with a great software architecture that will allow all departments of the company to see what’s going on. The company will be able to connect any member at any time if they have a question about their part of the company’s paper work. If an employee needs to know their sick leave time then they will be able to log in and view with this system.

The Software Architecture department is dedicated to bring this company up to age with the latest trend of software at the lowest cost. We strive to live in the now and not the then. Part 3: Software Architecture Department Manager References (www. apple. com 2013) retrieved January 25, 2013 http://training. apple. com/certification (www. Cnet. com 2013) retrieved January 26, 2013 www. cnet. com (www. lanyrd. com 2013) retrieved January 26, 2013 http://lanyrd. com/topics/software-architecture/ (www. linux. com 2013) retrieved January 25, 2013 http://www. lpi. rg/linux-certifications (www. microsoft. com 2013) retrieved January 25, 2013 http://www. microsoft. com/learning/en/in/certification/architect. aspx#tab2 (http://www. sei. cmu. edu/ 2013) retrieved January 26, 2013 http://www. sei. cmu. edu/architecture/? location=secondary-nav&source=4861 Web Strategies Department of the IT Systems Functional Area By Jeannine Phillips Member of Team 3 Part 1: Web Strategies Department Manager Composition The updated Web strategy department will be on a one level floor in a tall office building on the 38th floor in center city.

There will be a marketing and sales department which will strictly deal with promotions and new ideas on how to become familiar to the public eye with the company’s brand name and product to boost up clientele and sales. There will also be an order entry department which will handle accounting and financial services while collecting payments, and they will input those payments into the company’s databases, in which in turn the order entry system will be a main line to the shipping and handling department, which will have staff there to pack and prep orders to be shipped out properly by the loading docks while awaiting a speedy delivery.

There will be a supervisor in that department as well as all of the other departments. They will assist and oversee the staff’ productivity toward speed and responses, and in this department federal express and UPS will be available for speedy delivery as well. There will be a human resource and two assistant administrator offices, they will make sure that this IT department will implement and adhere to all professional codes of ethics. They will seek to oversee reports and all necessitates, major problems and great ideas, and they are to mention these to the executive administrator to seek okays, or and a plan of action(s).

The company’s corporate-staff will project and promote the company’s products and they will also seek to assure future growth to be 100% within the next 5 years as planned. This staff will integrate with their executive administrator through morning/afternoon meetings, emails, conferences and phone calls, to report updates, productions, new proposals, profits, inventory, sales and marketing, and different issues that maybe facing the company and its employees, and maybe discussing new training if needed for its employees to learn, or address at staff meetings.

Part 3: Web Strategies Department Manager References http://webbcommunicationstrategies. com/ Burke, Sophia, (09/1997). Web Strategies, Vol 14, Issues 9. Pg 53. Issn 0740-3119 Derienzo, Matt, (04/2012). Vol 145, Issues 4, pg 6. Issn 0013-094X Here are two professional organizations or websites strategies professionals to maintain awareness of professional development to events and trends. Yellowpages. com Google and Google Chrome

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