Contrast Christianity and Islam Assignment

Contrast Christianity and Islam Assignment Words: 520

From a broad perspective Christianity and Islam look almost identical but when you bring In the facts of these two religions you can see that there are many differences. Some major differences are that Charlatanry believe that Jesus was God compared to how Muhammad was not seen as a Cod but a very holy prophet, Christianity also believes In the bible where Islam believes In the Quern or the Koran, and they also had different rules to follow for example Christians have to follow The 10 Commandments and Islam have to follow the Five Pillars of Faith.

Christianity and Islam are very unique in their own way. Christians believed the Jesus Christ is God and the Savior; they believe that He was God as man. One the other hand Islam believed in the Prophet Muhammad, they did not think he was a God but Just a prophet hence his name Prophet. This is hands down one of the biggest differences because lone religion believes that the person whom started their religion was a God and the other religion believe their starter was a very holy prophet. These two religions Just did not disagree with Jesus Christ and Muhammad but with what books they believed in.

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Even though this might sound strange to someone who never fought over a book before but this Is Important. Christians believe that the Bible, The Old and New Testament, was Inspired by God, the people wrote what God inspired them to write. The Quern or Koran is Salami’s own book in it is what Muslims believe is true. These two religions are so different and unique that they follow different rules. Christianity follows the 10 Commandments which include love your God will all of your heart, soul, and mind, and to love your neighbor as yourself. Muslims believe in similar rules but they are also different.

They have the Five Pillars of Faith which includes Muslim profession of faith, praying five times a day to Mecca, fast during their holy holiday of Ramadan, give alms, and do the hajj. As you can see these religions may seem similar but they are really not. All religions must be deferent otherwise their two religions will converge Into one religion. This Is the reason why you see all these religions fighting over what Is the right religion. BY WhYD01HaveT0D0ThtsLikeReally you bring in the facts of these two religions you can see that there are many differences.

Some major differences are that Christianity believe that Jesus was God impaired to how Muhammad was not seen as a God but a very holy prophet, Christianity also believes in the bible where Islam believes in the Quern or the Koran, 10 Commandments and Islam have to follow the Five Pillars of Faith. Christianity who never fought over a book before but this is important. Christians believe that the Bible, The Old and New Testament, was inspired by God, the people wrote what God religions must be different otherwise their two religions will converge into one religion.

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