Agnosticismassignment Assignment

Agnosticismassignment Assignment Words: 429

Tamara Tillery September 29, 2010 Compare To Religion M/W 6pm Agnosticism Everyone in this world have a religion no matter if you do or you don’t believe in something. Religion is a plays a big part in everyone’s life. The problem is that people only know about their religion and not everyone else’s. It’s always good to know about others religion so u can see their morals and what they stand for and what are they beliefs and them faith. So for my paper I am going to learn about Agnosticism.

Agnosticism is the belief that there can be no proof either that God exists or that God does not exist. The word Atheism is derived from theism meaning a belief in god with the “a” meaning the negation of theism–that is no belief in god. The word was actually first used as an insult against anyone in conflict with the established religion. Indeed the term “theist” used to imply a singular personal god meaning that anyone from a polytheist to a Buddhist would have been considered an atheist.

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Now, however, the acceptance of any spiritual concepts excludes you from the ranks of atheists. Agnosticism commonly arises when people assume that “agnosticism” actually just means that a person is undecided about whether or not a god exists, and also that “atheism” is limited to “strong atheism” the assertion that no gods do or can exist. If those assumptions were true, then it would be accurate to conclude that agnosticism is some sort of “third way” between atheism and theism.

However, those assumptions are not true. Commenting on this situation, Gordon Stein wrote in his essay “The Meaning of Atheism and Agnosticism”: Agnosticism has some practices and morals like some of the other religion have but they practices and morals are very different from others. One of the most important characteristics of moral judgments is that they express our values. Not all expressions of values are also moral judgments, but all moral judgments do express something about what we value.

Thus, understanding morality requires investigating what people value and why. There are three principle types of values which humans can have: preferential values, instrumental values and intrinsic values. Each of them plays a very important role in people every life, but what most people don’t know is that the morals do not play equal role. Agnosticism was founded on June 19, 1956: Jerry Falwell broke away from the church where he was saved and founded Thomas Road Baptist Church, the church he continues to lead.

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