Advertising project Assignment

Advertising project Assignment Words: 1637

An agency can also handle overall marketing and branding strategies and sales promotions for its clients. Low you will find four advantages of advertising agencies: Expertise Several business owners will turn to an advertising agency because of their expertise and specialized knowledge. Especially small businesses, they might not have their own marketing department and would need the expertise that an agency can provide. Most ad agencies will have business contacts such as researchers, media buyers, artists, film makers and other important experts that can help you with your advertising campaign.

One important thing to pep in mind is to make sure when you are researching for advertising agencies to hire is that some only work in online advertising, so it is important that you know what type of advertising you are interested in before choosing an agency. 2. Saving Time When you hire an advertising company for your business you will save a lot of valuable time. This means that your employee’s do not need to spend the time to develop an ad campaign especially if you do not have the staff that is dedicated to advertising work. . Saving Money You might have doubts in hiring an advertising agency because of the expenses, but you need to understand that an ad agency can save you money in the end. Also some agencies are given discounts from publishers, radio and TV stations so they would give your business cheaper rates. Ad agencies can easily redesign ads so they are more effective while also taking up a smaller amount of space which will save your company more money. 4.

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Brand Development Even if you are a well established company, developing a brand can be an extremely complex task. This is where the advertising agency would come in and help you with the process by developing logos and advertising that will elf your company brands awareness. They will also be able to provide you with research that will help you understand what target would be most effective in the market. The agency will also help you design your ads for individual media so you can get the most effective advertising from each market.

The Advantages of a Advertising Agency By Chris Joseph, oho Contributor Share Print this article For small businesses to thrive, especially in a tight economy, it is beneficial to be recognized in the marketplace and to differentiate themselves from the competition. One way to accomplish this is through the use of advertising. An advertising agency can work with a business to develop a campaign that can help create name and brand recognition to potential customers. Other People Are Reading What Are the Benefits of Using an Advertising Agency? The Disadvantages of using an Advertising Agency 1.

Developing Campaigns An advertising agency will work with the business to develop a campaign. This can involve everything from coming up with a promotional theme, determining the proper media to use, creating the ads, and even negotiating the prices for purchasing the advertising with the various media. This can be extremely beneficial to the business owner who has little or no advertising knowledge or has only used one type Of media. Creative Expertise While business owners may be experts in their particular field, they may possess little or no knowledge of what makes an effective, attention-grabbing advertisement.

Advertising agencies are staffed with people whose sole job is to come up with innovative ideas that can be completely original, or based on themes that have worked in the past. This can also help the business owner who is not inclined to think creatively. Sponsored Links Advertising Agency Dublin Raise profit with brand building, PR, events, web, media & more. Www. Functionalities. Com Market Research Business owners may not be strong in the area of market research. The advertising agency can perform much of the legwork in this area by helping to identify the business’s target market as well as their key demographics.

Thus, the advertising agency may be better suited to determine what type of advertising would be most effective, as well as to whom the ads should be aimed. Save Time and Money With many small business owners being pressed for time, it is often not seeable for them to carve the necessary time out of their busy day to create a full-blown advertising campaign, even if they possess the expertise to do so. Also, if they don’t know what they are doing, they can end up spending a lot of money on advertising that proves to be ineffective.

While hiring an agency can result in an additional expense, this can be offset by the return on the investment resulting from a well-planned and executed campaign. Branding An advertising agency can be instrumental in helping a business develop a recognized brand. Agency artists can develop logos and other design features hat can become of a part of the business’s advertising. It can also help with tailoring the brand so the business can meet the unique challenges of marketing the brand on the Internet.

Advantage: Strategy Development An advertising agency will assign an employee to be your liaison within the agency and to communicate your company’s needs to the people who will execute your advertising. This person, along with a team of research and strategy experts, will craft a messaging and distribution strategy that comes together to give your advertising the biggest bang for your buck. Advantage: Creative Team Most business owners and business managers need a little (or a lot of) help when it comes to developing creative, fresh advertising campaigns.

Advertising agencies hold a treasure trove of brilliant writers, artists and creative thinkers who can craft your message in such a way that it captivates the attention of your target audience. Sponsored Links Looking For New Customers Drive Customers To Your Website W/ Free RSI. 20TH Advertising Credit www. Google. Com/Towards Advantage: Media Buying power Because advertising agencies do so much purchasing with media outlets and endorse, they typically are afforded hefty price breaks that an individual business can’t get. This could save you quite a bit, potentially even more than you plan to spend on the agency’s labor and production.

Disadvantage: Time Hiring an advertising agency will add several steps to your marketing process. Therefore, your advertising planning will need to happen sooner and you’ll need to plan on blocking more time for the approval and production process to be complete. In some cases, however, an advertising agency may be able to complete the work far quicker than your business could internally, since cost companies don’t dedicate many staff members, if any, to the task of marketing. Disadvantage: Money Not surprisingly, the most significant disadvantage of hiring an advertising agency is cost.

There is a wide range of talent and quality among advertising agencies and of cost. Your safest bet for hiring an agency that is both affordable and of good quality is to do a request for proposal. The Disadvantages of Using an Advertising Agency An ad agency comes with several disadvantages, such as its cost. Advertising agencies have an array of creative talent and resources at their fingertips to successfully launch a new product or take market share away from the competition. Ad agencies have been the driving force behind successful advertising campaigns for products like GECKO insurance and Miller Elite beer.

While ad agencies offer many benefits, they are not without certain disadvantages. Other People Are Reading Advantages & Disadvantages of Using Advertising Agencies 1 . Additional Expense Hiring an advertising agency is an expense that some businesses cannot afford, especially during tough economic times. When you hire an ad agency, you’re tapping into the expertise of copywriters, designers and creative erectors, all of whom need to be compensated from the commission you pay. For many small businesses, an advertising agency is not an affordable option.

Unfamiliarity With Your Product The ad agency may know toothpaste or pods or microwaves, but it may know little or nothing about your company’s product or industry. Given time, you may be able to educate the agency’s people about what you do, but there is no guarantee that they will develop a true feel for your business. Consequently, you could end up wasting thousands of dollars on an ad campaign that misses the mark. Sponsored Links unclear Expectations There is always the risk of a disconnect between what you hope to accomplish with the ad campaign and what the agency actually delivers.

For the campaign to succeed, you must have a clear objective for what you’re trying to accomplish. For example, if you’re looking to increase market share by lowering your prices to attract new customers, you need to ensure that an ad campaign highlights your new pricing structure. But an unresponsive agency might offer a different and unsuitable approach. Low Priority If you are not regarded as a big client by the ad agency, it may not allocate its est. resources to your project.

If the agency picks up more big clients after you sign on, you may get pushed even farther down the totem pole. As a result, your project may be assigned to inexperienced staff members. Limited Creative Thinking There also is a chance that the agency will take a “one size fits all” approach to your campaign and not take the time to be creative. For example, if the agency developed a successful campaign for a company or product that’s similar to yours, or perhaps even did a similar campaign for one or your competitors, it may do the same approach with your product.

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Advertising project Assignment. (2021, Jan 17). Retrieved October 18, 2024, from