Advertising and promotion in business Assignment

Advertising and promotion in business Assignment Words: 694

Outcome Pass criteria Evidence for the criteria Feedback LOI Understand the scope of marketing communications Pl . 1 Explain the communication process that applies to advertising and promotion. 1. Internal and external factors influencing the behavior of consumers of your client have been explained clearly, including the following: (a) Demographics (b) Psychographics (c) Lifestyle 2. External factors influencing the behavior of consumers of your client have been explained clearly, including the following: (a)Cultural (b) Social (c) Environmental 3.

How these factors influence the following have been briefly explained: (a) The dvertising and promotion communication process used by you for your client; (b) Consumer buying decision making with regard to your client’s products or services. [Explain – Set out in detail the meaning of something, with reasons. More difficult than describe or list, so it can help to give an example to show what you mean. Start by introducing the topic then give the ‘how or Why. ] Pl . 2 Explain the organization of the advertising and promotions industry. 1 .

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Organization of the advertising industry in relation to the client has been explained by considering the following: (a) Advertising agencies; b) Marketing agencies; (c) Creative agencies, (d) Media planning and buying agencies. Pl . 3 Assess how promotion is regulated 1. The following regulations for promotion have been briefly explained: (a) Consumer Protection From Unfair Trading Regulations; (b) Sale of Goods Act; (c) Supply of Goods and Services Act; (d) Distance Selling Regulations; (e) Consumer Credit Act; (f) Data Protection Act. 2.

A brief conclusion has been drawn, with evidence or reasons, stating whether or not these regulations facilitate or inhibit promotion of your client’s business. Assess- Give careful consideration to all the factors or events that apply and identify which are the most important or relevant. ] Pl . 4 Examine current trends in advertising and promotion, including the impact of ICT 1. The following current trends as used in your advertising and promotion campaign have been explained: (a) Texts; (b) Mobile phones; (c) Web-based media; (d) Posters. 2. How these trends affected your advertising and promotion campaign has been briefly explained. Examine – Describe or explain something (issue, problem) in detail and investigate the implications. L02 Understand the role and importance of advertising P2. 1 Explain the role of advertising in an integrated promotional strategy for a business or product. 1. The promotional strategies and the promotional mix used by your client have been briefly described. 2. The advertising campaign you used for your client has been briefly described. 3. How the advertising campaign integrated into the client’s overall promotional strategy has been explained. P2. Explain branding and how it is used to strengthen a business or product. The following branding techniques have been explained: a) Repositioning (b) Individual (c) Blanket (d) Family (e) Multi-branding (f) Brand extension 2. The branding techniques used by your client have been briefly described. 3. The branding techniques used in your advertising campaign have been briefly described. 4. How the branding techniques used in your advertising campaign would strengthened your client’s business has been briefly explained with reasons or evidence. P2. 3 Review the creative aspects of advertising. 1.

The following creative aspects of your advertising campaign have been explained: (a) Message complexity; b) Message uniqueness; (c) New versus continuing campaigns; (d) Image versus product sell; (e) Message variation; (f) Wearout; and (g) Advertising units. 2. A brief conclusion, stating whether or not the creative aspects used in your advertising campaign served the client’s purpose, has been drawn. [Review – A review usually specifies a critical examination. You should analyze and comment briefly, in organized sequence, upon the major points, merits and demerits of a thing or problem, giving a valid conclusion and the end. P2. 4 Examine ways of working with advertising agencies. . The agency structure for your advertising agency has been written down. 2. Wars in which your client worked with you to produce your campaign have been explained considering the following: (a) How your client selected you as their advertising agency; (b) How your agency was appointed, including contract and good practice guideline; (c) Agency/client relationship; (d) Remuneration (commission, fee, results); (e) Media planning. 3. The effect of the factors in 2 above on the implementation of your campaign has been briefly explained. the implications. ]

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