Advertising Campaign Assignment

Advertising Campaign Assignment Words: 384

Academics as well as others studying the effects of drug abuse orgasm questioned these approaches, noting that scare tactics aftershave not been found to be an effective way to change attitudes and behavior Critics argued that there was no evidence to support the claim that the anti- drug ads could alter behavior. 1 . Evaluate the creative strategy used by the partnership for a Drug Free America in its advertising campaign, particularly with respect to the use of strong fear appeals. 2. Much of the controversy surrounding the anti-drug advertising campaigns has involved the determination of the effectiveness of the ads.

Evaluate the arioso approaches used to determine the effectiveness of the anti-drug ads. What types of measures should be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign? 3. Discuss the merits of using an integrated marketing communications program that encompasses a variety of communication tools to prevent drug use versus an approach that relies primarily on media advertising. 4. Evaluate the advertising campaign developed by Ogling & Matter for the OWNED linking drug use with terrorism. Do you think these ads were an effective way of changing the attitudes and behavior of young people with Edgar to the use of drugs?

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Why or why not? 5. Evaluate the merits of the anti-drug advertising campaign from a social perspective. Should the government be involved in this effort or is the PDF the more appropriate organization? (NADIA) were released which concluded that the advertising of the OWNED has had little impact on its primary target: America’s teenagers. The study, which was conducted by the University of Pennsylvania Enabler School of Communications and the West research firm, concluded that ‘there is little evidence of direct favorable advertising campaign effects on youth. The port, which was titled “Evaluation of the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign: 2003 Report Of Findings,” noted that the anti-drug advertising campaigns had a favorable effect on parents but not on children, whose illicit drug use is the focus of the ads. However, the OWNED officials had questioned previous NADIA reports, claiming that they surveyed a smaller number of youths than the long-running University of Michigan “Monitoring the Future” surveys. A December 2003 release of the Monitoring the Future report showed an 1 1% decline in drug use by eighth, 10th and 12th graders between 2001 and 2003.

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