Characteristics of an Ideal Appraisal System Assignment

Characteristics of an Ideal Appraisal System Assignment Words: 1312

Characteristics of an Ideal Appraisal System Abstract To start with, a well-developed evaluation process is one that has the support of top administration within the organization and that is viewed as fair and productive by all who participate in them. It is very difficult to create a performance appraisal. It is also difficult if the organization does not have a logical, well-tested, step-by-step progress to follow in developing their new procedures. Therefore, there is no such thing as a perfect appraisal, however; it is very important to implement a good Appraisal form.

Creating a new performance appraisal system is difficult work. For this reason there are many steps that we must follow as business man and women to create one for the business and now we create one for class and here are the steps to take to create a good one. Nonetheless, remember there is not a perfect one and I will go in details later to create a great appraisal form. First, Get top management actively involved. Without top management’s commitment and visible support, no program can succeed.

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Top management must establish strategic plans, identify values and core competencies, appoint an appropriate Implementation Team, demonstrate the importance of performance management by being active participants in the process, and use appraisal results in management decisions. Second, establish the criteria for an ideal system. Consider the needs of the four stakeholder groups of any appraisal system: Appraisers who must evaluate performance; Appraises whose performance is being assessed; Human Resources professionals who must administer the system; and the Senior Management group that must lead the organization into the future.

Further, Identifying their expectations at the start helps assure their support once the system is finally designed. Furthermore, ask each group: “What will it take for you to consider this system a smashing success? ” In the meantime, appoint an Implementation Team. This task force should consist of both appraisers and appraises, from different levels and functions in the organization. The implementation team is responsible for accomplishing the two major requirements for a successful system. First, developing appropriate appraisal forms, policies and procedures. Second assuring a successful deployment.

Four, Design the form first. The appraisal form is a lightning rod that will attract everyone’s attention. Design the form early and get lots of feedback on it. Don’t believe anybody who tells you that the form isn’t important. They’re wrong. Equally important, make sure it assesses both behaviors and results. There is an ideal model for the employee performance appraisal form. And getting the form right is essential to effective employee performance management. Since, the appraisal form is the lightning rod that not only attracts everyone’s attention, but also focuses organizational energy on the issues of highest priority.

An ideal form has five key components that cover 1. ) Organizational competencies, 2. ) Job competencies, 3. )Key responsibilities, 4. ) Goals and major projects and 5. ) Individual achievements and accomplishments. The first two components of the form are, Organizational & Job Competencies, The first two sections of the employee performance appraisal form focus on the “how” of the job, and the way the individual goes about accomplishing his results, the behavioral elements of the job. Top management should identify the competencies expected from every member of the organization, regardless of the individual’s job or level in the company.

The other behavioral element of an employee performance appraisal assessed in a perfect form is job-specific competencies. The third component is, key job responsibilities, and represents the major aspects of an individual’s job – the importance of the position that ideally would be listed in a well-written job description. Just provide space in this part of the employee performance appraisal form for the manager and employee to identify in simple form the most important responsibilities or of the job. For example, Assess patients, assures customer satisfaction, train operators, develop marketing plans, sell shoes, etc.

Then, Goals and major projects represent the other half of those elements that cover the results aspect of a job. Goals are big deals. They go well beyond the key job responsibilities listed in the position description. Goals are visionary and long-term. They transform the nature of the position itself. “Keeping the network up and running,” for example, is a well-stated key job responsibility? Many people in an organization also take on special projects or assignments over the course of a year in addition to their specific job description duties.

Too often their contributions are not brought up in their annual appraisal. The goals and major projects part of the form is also the place for the assessment and recognition of these contributions. Which we have spoken about in class and we all have agreed that this is something the majority have dealt with. To sum up the form, Achievements & Accomplishments the final addition to the ideal employee performance appraisal form is the one that research suggests is the most important: A brief summation of the individual’s most important achievements and accomplishments.

Ever since the original GE studies in the early 1950s, researchers confirm that growth and development result more from building on a person’s unique strengths than from attempts to shore up deficiencies. To continue the appraisal process, the fifth step would be to, Build your mission, vision, values, and core competencies into the form. Performance appraisal is a means, not an end. The real objective of any performance management system is to make sure that the company’s strategic plan and vision and values are communicated and achieved.

Core competencies expected of all organization members should be included, described and assessed. Six, assure on-going communication. Circulate drafts and invite users to make recommendations. Keep the development process visible through announcements and regular updates. Use surveys, float trial balloons, request suggestions and remember the cardinal principle – “People support what they help create. ” This is true about anything I am involved in creating. Seven, train all appraisers.

Performance appraisal requires a multitude of skill-behavioral observation and discrimination, goal-setting, developing people, confronting unacceptable performance, persuading, problem-solving, planning, etc. Unless appraiser training is universal and comprehensive, the program won’t produce much. Most importantly of this part is courage. Make sure you encourage the employees. Eight, the program’s purposes and procedures must be explained in advance – and explained enthusiastically – to everyone who will be affected by it.

Specific skills training should be provided if the new performance management procedure requires self-appraisal, multi-rater feed-back, upward appraisal, or individual development planning. Nine – Use the results. If the results of the performance appraisal are not visibly used in making promotion, salary, development, transfer, training and termination decisions, people will realize that it’s merely an exercise. Finally, Monitor and revise the program. Audit the quality of appraisals, the extent to which the system is being used, and the extent to which the original objectives have been met.

Provide feedback to management, appraisers and appraises. Train new appraisers as they are appointed to supervisory positions. Actively seek and incorporate suggestions for improvement. In summary, a company’s performance appraisal process is VERY important. There’s your perfect form: two sections that deal with organizational and job-specific competencies, two more that concentrate on key job responsibilities and goals, and a final summary of the most important things the individual did to further the organization’s mission, vision and values.

When you’ve got those elements in your form, you’ve developed a perfect employee performance appraisal system. References http://pgdba. blogspot. com/2007/08/characteristics-of-effective. html htthttp://www. questia. com/googleScholar. qst;jsessionid=MgdfpszkQQBl07mrgC3lKJ2GVTwLlSXHv4C75hBK07PWZrn3Jf1s! 547733517! 427202863? docId=5001710520p://www. fao. org/docrep/w7505e/w7505e06. htm http://www. ehow. com/list_6157246_characteristics-performance-appraisal-systems. html Bolander ; Snell. (2010). Managing Human Resources (15 ed. ). Canada: South-Western Cengage Learning GE studies in the early 1950s

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