Services Marketing and Customer Relationship Assignment

Services Marketing and Customer Relationship Assignment Words: 232

Spring 2010 (Jan-Jun) Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 4 MK0006 – Services Marketing and Customer Relationship Management – 2 Credits (Book ID: xxxxxxx) Assignment Set- 1 (30 Marks) Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions. Q. 1 a. What do you mean by physical evidence in services? Give examples. (5 marks) b. Write a note on service development. (5 marks) Q. 2 a. Briefly explain the terms “customer expectation” and “customer perception”. (6 marks) b. What are the different bases for segmentation? 4 marks) Q. 3 Recall the different services offered in a bank. Evaluate the different characteristics of services that you found excellent, average and poor in the particular bank. How do you think the bank can improve its services? (10 marks) Spring 2010 (Jan-Jun) Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 4 MK0006 – Services Marketing and Customer Relationship Management – 2 Credits (Book ID: xxxxxxx) Assignment Set- 2 (30 Marks) Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions. Q. 1 a.

Discuss strategy formulation and implementation in services. (4 marks) b. Explain the scope of CRM. (6 marks) Q. 2 a. What do you mean by CRM? What are the emerging trends in CRM? (5 marks) b. Write a note on service quality with an illustration. (5 marks) Q. 3 Determine a service marketing mix for an established airline. Assume that the airline operates in more than 30 different countries and its customers are mostly regular ones. How can it distinguish its services from other competing airlines, so as to attract newer passengers? (10 marks)

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