Gngngbg Assignment

Gngngbg Assignment Words: 460

Ability to understand strategic dimension of business and provide recommendations to various economic issues. PEP Ability to demonstrate social, cultural, global and environmental awareness. PEP 8. Assessment Scheme Learning Outcome Teaching and Learning Activities Assessment Method LOL Lectures, Classroom Discussion Assignment 1 (10%) Assignment 2 (15%) Class Participation (5%) Mid-Term Exam (20%) Final Exam (50%) ALL Lectures, Case Study Analysis, Group Presentation ALL 9. Teaching and Learning Activities Lectures: Interactive lectures on major concepts and issues are conducted in the form of Powering slides.

Students will be encouraged to participate during lectures and to share their points of view on the concepts and issues. Classroom Discussion: Some questions will be provided to stimulate individual student or a group of students to express their views and participate in discussion Case Study Analysis: Students are divided into groups (group size may vary depending on class size, but roughly between 4 and 6 people). The students will be given an article from magazines, newspapers or Journals or a topic on Malaysian Economy for critical analysis and they have to submit a written report in 1 week after the presentation.

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Group Presentation: roughly between 4 and 6 people) and are required to conduct a presentation. Each group makes a 10 minutes oral presentation for Assignment 1 and 20 minutes oral presentation for Assignment 2 Exams: In-class exams will be conducted *Class Participation: Class participation is essential for student assessment. Students are encouraged to actively participate in all classroom discussion in order to become a successful professional in the future. Taking great initiative, being positive and outspoken are crucial at work nowadays. *Peer Evaluation for Group Work:

Basically, each individual group member will receive the same score for his/her work. However, the final individual group member’s score will be adjusted based on self and peer evaluation. Each student will have to submit the evaluation form at the end of the trimester. 10. Assessment Criteria 1. Assignment 1 (10%): Each group will be given an article either from magazines, newspapers or Journals and is required to identify, explain and analyses the issue. A representative from each group needs to present the output in the class and to answer any questions raised, if any. A written report must be submitted in 1 week after the presentation.

Your report should not be longer than 4 pages of text (12 point font, 1 inch margins and 1. 5 spaced). Please print two-sided and prepare a report in a question-and- answer format. The case study is designed to assess students’ learning and presentation skills. The following Grading Criteria are applied to Written Report: Items Excellent (2) Good (1. 5) Average (1) poor (0. 5) Fail (0) Total (2) Identify 12 Explain Analysis The following Grading Criteria are applied to Presentation: Items Delivery 2. Assignment 2 (1 5%): Each group will be given a topic and is required to identify, explain and critically analyses the issue.

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