Plan Your Pace Assignment

Plan Your Pace Assignment Words: 504

The reason why I chose this pace was because it’s reasonable and an easy to stick on schedule with. 3. I will work on this course at home because we live too far from the school to be going there everyday. 4. I work better during a normal school day.. Mostly because so I can set myself on a sleeping schedule. Rather than waiting to do my work on the weekends. 5. Self-discipline is actually really hard for me. That’s why I chose the tradition pace.

I always seem to skip my work and go check my Tumbler. But now that I have this chart to go by, I can go by a schedule. Rather than doing my work whenever I feel like it. 6. I used the chat but wasn’t sure if I should scan it to show what my grades and pace looked like? 7. To complete my courses in 15-18 weeks I made a list on paper that was a bit complex. But since I’m typing it I’m trying to make it as simple as possible. Monday- 8-am I would be starting my English and doing the assigned assignments. AMA I would be doing Earth and Science. Morning break (Get breakfast, walk the dog, etc) health class 1-3 pm I would study my English studies. 3-4 pm I’ll take a break. 4-pm Math studies 5-6 pm World history 10-12 am I would take my 12-1 pm I would start my * After pm I would be totally done with my studies* Tuesday- * After pm I would be totally done with my studies* Wednesday- 1-3 pm I would study my English studies. (l usually have therapy from 1-3 so I’ll try to figure something out about my English studies) break. 3-4 pm I’ll take a

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Tater BPML I would De totally done Witt my studies” I nursery- * After pm I would be totally done with my studies* Friday- * After pm I would be totally done with my studies* Saturday- *Break day* Unless lessons weren’t completed.. Sunday- *Break day* Unless lessons weren’t completed.. 8,9,10. Some big tips I found useful was Managing time. I always had a hard time managing my time with school work, but when I got myself a day planner I found it to be way useful. It has the times of when I start and end my classes and also what time

I am supposed to wake up! Another one I found useful was sleep time! I always have a hard time going to bed on time. So I learned that when I wake up early in the morning when I am supposed to, it makes it easier to fall asleep at night. Rather than sleeping in till noon or one in the afternoon. My last one I found useful was saying “no” to getting online to check my Tumbler. I totally disabled my account so then I wont be so tempted to sign in and blob. When I could be doing school work.

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Plan Your Pace Assignment. (2022, Mar 17). Retrieved October 22, 2024, from