Human Rights and Assignment

Human Rights and Assignment Words: 474

For written assignments, markers will comment constructively on your work. However, feedback on compulsory assignments will be sent to all students registered for this module in a follow-up tutorial letter, and not only to those students who submitted the assignments. The tutorial letter number will be 201, 202, etc. As soon as you have received the feedback, please check your answers. The assignments and the feedback on these assignments constitute an important part of your learning and should help you to be better prepared for the next assignment and the examination.

Please note: Although students may work together when preparing assignments, can student must write Ana sodium Nils or her own individual assignment. In other words, you must submit your own ideas in your own words, sometimes interspersing relevant short quotations that are properly referenced. It is unacceptable for students to submit identical assignments on the basis that they worked together. That is copying (a form of plagiarism) and none of hose assignments will be marked. Furthermore, you may be penalized or subjected to disciplinary proceedings by the university.

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Explanation and Reading: You do not need your study guide or prescribed book to answer assignment 1 . You will find it useful to read tutorial letter before attempting this assignment. The following ten multiple-choice questions are designed to make you aware of the reading and writing skills you need for this subject. Some of the skills we test you on relate to your ability to extract information from texts. This ability is the gateway to intelligent reading. We also make you aware of the need to organize your writing.

In essay-type assignments, you must organize your points; you must have a clear, logical argument; you must be able to paraphrase and quote; and you must be able to summaries. Assignment 1 has to be completed on a mark reading sheet. You will find instructions on how to fill in a mark reading sheet in the booklet my Studies @ Unions that was issued to you when you registered. Please make sure that you filled the unique number in correctly to ensure that the mark reading sheet does not go astray. Plagiarism N.B.! Plagiarism is a serious offense and that is why it is extremely important to provide references in your assignment.

Marks will be deducted from your assignment if you do not reference or if you copy information from any source without providing a reference. The following percentages will be deducted: first year students – up to 10% second and Third year students – up to honors – up to 100% before you attempt any of the assignments listed below, please read carefully Tutorial Letter ODDBALL/301 , which contains important hints on answering assignment questions, on how to refer to sources and how to compile a bibliography.

How to cite this assignment

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Human Rights and Assignment. (2022, Mar 17). Retrieved October 18, 2024, from