Business Research Methods Assignment

Business Research Methods Assignment Words: 371

Demonstrate the ability to define and carry out data collection. D) Analyze quantitative and qualitative data. E) Carry out an independent research project. Course Contents (weekly basis) Week No. 1 Contents Introduction. Research and its types, theory and business research, knowledge production, research and practice, scientific method, stages in business research, related key concepts, working with Démodé (online discussion portal) Planning research project.

Thinking about research area, selecting research topic, problem tenement, research questions, writing research proposal, Quantitative project initiation: Assignment No. 1 Reviewing the literature. Steps in literature review, searching the existing literature, add reasoning to literature, referencing your work, referencing styles, working with PAP 6th referencing style, working with EndNote referencing software, Assignment No. 2 Quantitative research.

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Reasons to conduct quantitative research, Steps in quantitative research, concepts and their measurements, Assignment No. 3 Sampling. Introduction, probability sampling, non- arability sampling, sample size, limits to generalization, sampling bias, sampling errors, Assignment No. 4 Collecting data. Data collections methods, measurement scales, limitations & applications of data collection methods, working with Qualities data collection software. Assignment No. 5 Quantitative data analysis.

Variables, types of variables, Universal, abbreviate and multivariate analyses, cause and effect analysis, correlations, regressions equations and related analyses. Working with SPAS. Data entry, working with missing data, frequency and cross tabulation, factor analysis, conducting different analyses with SPAS, Assignment No. 6 2 3 456 7 8 Course Instructor: Ran Rasher Raman Structure equation modeling. Concepts and applications, confirmatory factor analysis, working with AMOS Software Issues with quantitative analysis.

Issues with SPAS and AMOS working (project related queries and discussion). Finalizing the quantitative project. How to write results, discussion, findings & recommendations. Assignment No. 7 (quantitative project due) Quantitative project presentations Qualitative research. Introduction, overview to key concepts, Qualitative project initiation: Assignment No. Approaches to qualitative research. Ethnography and participant observation, interviewing and focus groups, document analysis, Assignment No. Analyzing Qualitative Data. Coding, pattern analysis, working with NOVO qualitative software. Assignment No. 10 Mixed Method Approach. Overview of mixed method approach + qualitative project due Recommended Books 1 . Business Research Methods by Alan Barman & Emma Bell (second edition), Oxford University Press 2. Business Research Methods by William G. Sigmund (available edition) 3. Research Methods for Business: A Skill Building Approach by Mum Cesarean (available edition)

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