English Grammar Proficiency of Fourth-Year Students Assignment

English Grammar Proficiency of Fourth-Year Students Assignment Words: 2136

Perez, Cells M. Degree:Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English School:Christian College of Authentications ?? Year:2013 ?? 2014 Adviser Leila Laureateship This study attempted to assess the English Grammar Proficiency of Fourth – Year Students in the public Secondary Schools at West District, Tanana Division, SYS 2013 – 2014. More specifically it sought to answer the following questions: What is the profile of the student respondents in terms of: Age; Gender; Educational attainment of parents; Monthly income of parents; Reading materials at home?

What is the English Grammar proficiency level of Fourth-Year students based on the test given? Is there a significant relationship between the profile and the level of English Grammar Proficiency of the student respondents? How do the following factors lead to poor level of English Grammar of the student respondents as assessed by the teacher and student themselves? Teacher Factor Home Factor What possible implications to the English instruction of the fourth-year students can be derived based on the results of the study?

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Findings The researchers based this summary of findings on the significant information asked for in the statement of the problems. The profile of the student-respondents: In Terms of Age Student-respondents belong to 16 and 1 5 years of age dominated the study having a frequency of 1 30 and 108 respectively and there was only one 1 9 year-old students who participated in the study. In Terms of Gender English grammar proficiency of Fourth-year Students in the Public Secondary Schools at West District, Tanana Division, SYS 2013-2014 was dominated by 136 or 54. 8% male student-respondents. In Terms of Educational Attainment of Parents Through survey questionnaire student-respondents revealed that the greater number of parents of student-respondents were finished high school education having a frequency of 107 or 42. 65% while only three among them finished with master units with percentage of 1. 20%. 1. 4 In Terms of Monthly income of Parents Researchers revealed that there were 140 or 55. 78% out of 251 parents of students-respondents whose level of income belonged to Pl ,OHO to P 17,000 monthly.

There were at least 3 or 1 . 20% of them whose parents earning a monthly income ranging to PAP,OHO to The numerous of parents have the monthly income which can meanly or are not reasonable to address or support the needs Of their children. In Terms Of Reading Materials t Home Study depicts that out of 251 students-respondents , 52 or 20. 72% of them could availed all types of reading materials at homer 31 or 12. 35% had newspapers and dictionary only and 25 or 9. 965 had newspapers only. Four (4) or 1. 9% of them were only provided magazines and dictionary. English Grammar Proficiency level of fourth-year students based on the test given: This study established that in all parts of the English Grammar proficiency considered in this study are all above average of 75%. The following are the observation of English Grammar Proficiency of the fourth year students ender study on the given: The English Grammar Proficiency Level of Fourth- year Students Based on Sentence According to Structure garnering 82. 63% Based on Sentence According to Function got 83. 4 % and based on Subject- Verb Agreement obtained 78. 01 % followed by Sentence pattern gaining 77. 52 Based on Pronouns clings to 81. 35% and 83. 58% for respective parts followed by English Grammar Proficiency based on Adjectives which accumulated a perfect 100% average. Based on verb triggered 84. 30% with 87. 33% Based on preposition. Based on Conjunction opted to 85. 90% followed by Proficiency Level Based n Interjection having scored up to 87. 49% and last but not the least English Grammar Proficiency Level of the Students Based on Article held 89. 6% average. With an overall average of 85. 12% for the whole parts, this establishment could be believed to be a great success. Significant relationship between the profile and the level of English grammar proficiency of the student respondents. Highest among the computed value of chi-square is 3. 18 followed by 2. 18 and 1. 83 which belong to Age vs.. Proficiency, Monthly Income vs.. Proficiency and Reading Materials vs.. Proficiency respectively. Sex vs.. Proficiency and Educational Attainment vs..

Proficiency are among the lowest of them all garnering computed values of chi-square of 0. 168 and 0. 742 respectively. Data clearly reveals that no one among the computed values of chi-square pass over their corresponding tabular values in all aspects of relationships. This phenomenon conveys that the relationships between the profile and the English grammar proficiency of the student- respondents are not significant. This could mean further that no one among the considered factors affect the proficiency of the student-respondents.

The hometown, therefore leads to acceptance of the null hypothesis or the rejection of the initial one. Factors lead to poor level of English grammar of the students respondents as assessed by the teachers and the student themselves: In Terms of Teacher Factor Majority of the students-respondents under study moderately agreed that the learners’ learning depends on the English teachers authority (WHOM 3. 85). The same contention was given in terms of the ratio of the teacher and the number of students in classroom which is not proportion (WHOM = 3. 1) and there are no stricter rules for proper usage of grammar (WHOM=3. 68). With an verbal weighted mean of 3. 57, teachers moderately agree on the factors that lead to poor level of English grammar as assessed by themselves. However, teachers by themselves sought the lack of English teachers (WHOM = 4. 40) was the number one contributory to poor level of English grammar of the student, respondents followed by the belief that learners’ learning depends on the English teachers as authorities.

In terms Home Factor Both Student-respondents and the teachers under study believed that there is lack of support to use the English language in the home environment, and the community (WHOM = 3. 77 and 4. 70 respectively). Students however, were moderately agreed on the contention but it was strongly agree for teachers This perception was followed by the that learners have insufficient or lack of exposure to the language as there is a limited opportunity to use English outside the classrooms. (WHOM = 3. 66 and 4. 0 respectively) with the same verbal interpretation as moderately agree. Lack of innate or cognitive abilities. Perceptual impairment, and learning disability, deficiencies in memory or poor motivation was least among factors that lead the students to poor level of English Grammar for students (WHOM = 2. 91 / Unsatisfactory) but teachers induced that students have a limited of a vocabulary proficiency as well as English reading materials are not always available (WHOM = 3. 00/Moderately Agree). With an overall weighted mean of 3. 0, the two group of respondents moderately agree in terms of Home factors. Possible implications to the English instruction of the fourth-year students can be derived based on the results of the study: Since the students have not reached the maximum level of proficiency in English, it implies that certain difficulties were not properly brought to the attention of the English language teachers so that remedial measures could have been implemented. It further means that the language policy of the school is still to be improved.

The finding also implies the need to provide a catch-on compensatory program wherein fourth-year students should be given adequate opportunities to enhance their knowledge and skills on the said subject area. The English teachers should have a close supervision the instruction of English whether the instruction work towards the goal specially in the English subject. As an action, revision of the English syllabi and initiation of more activities can be done not only in English subject but also in other subjects were English is used as a medium.

Research Hypothesis There is no significant relationship between the profile and the level of English grammar proficiency of fourth-year students in the public secondary schools at West District, Tanana Division. Significance of the Study The researchers constructed this study to benefited the following persons: Fourth-year Students. They will be made aware Of their English grammar proficiency. This will give them definite goal to achieve and furnish them motivation to perform better. English Teachers.

The findings of this study will provide them with sufficient information about the level of proficiency in English grammar of the students. These will help them identify the students’ strengths and weaknesses and will be an eye-opener so that they can improve their instruction and choose the methods and strategies that will effectively enhance proficiency in English grammar among the students, Principal. This study will identify the status of the English grammar proficiency of that Will lead to the teachers’ participation in different training programs to be initiated by the department, Parents.

This study will help to identify the strength and weaknesses of their child and to motivate them to study harder. Future Researchers. The outcome of this study could be used as a reference material for future studies. Research Methodology This study used descriptive method that describes, records, analyses, and interprets the data being collected. Percentage was used in determining the profile of the students in terms of their age, sex, and educational attainment of parents. Percentage was used to determine the percentage of English Grammar Proficiency of fourth-year students.

Chi-Square was used in determining how the students’ proficiency levels in English relate to their profile. Weighted Mean was used to determine the factors that affect the level f English Grammar Proficiency of Forth-year students in the Public Secondary Schools at the West District, Tanana Division, S. Y. 2013-2014. Conclusions That students belong to 16 and 15 years of age dominated the study in terms of age and having 136 or 54. 18% male respondents. So much that greater number of parents were finished high school education and 140 or 55. 78% of them only earned Pl VOODOO to Pl 7,000.

That the English grammar proficiency level of the fourth-year students under study was a great success That the relationships between the profile and the English grammar proficiency of the students respondents are not significant. That the two groups of respondents had the same conviction as to moderate agree as far as Teachers and Home Factors are involved to poor level of English grammar Of the students. That the there is a need to provide a catch-on compensatory program wherein fourth-year students should be given adequate opportunities to enhance their knowledge and skills on the said subject area.

Recommendations Teachers should find ways on how to help and motivate the students communicate better in the outside community and to help them gain self- confidence and in expressing themselves in dealing with others in the society. Teachers should conduct remedial measures to improve the language abilities of the students. School must provide a catch-on compensatory Opportunities to enhance their knowledge and skills in English. Teachers should have a close supervision to the instruction of English that would effectively work towards the goal specially in the English subject.

There must be an action, revision of the English syllabi and initiation of more activities to be done not only in English subject but also in other subjects were English is used as a medium. Acknowledgement The researchers wish to express with sincerity, gratitude and appreciation to hose who contributed their assistance for the success and completion of this research paper. First and foremost, researchers would like to thank God for His continuous strength and blessings. Mrs.. Leila Laurent, their adviser, for the tireless efforts in giving her suggestions, benevolent guidance and assistance in the preparation of this study.

Mr.. Labrador Alexandra, the researchers’ statistician, for the suggestion in terms of research statistics. Ms. Amelia Magenta, Department Head of College of Education, who gave her full assistance by giving his valuable suggestions in this study. Ms. Cycle Villains and Ms. Arians Lanes, for giving their suggestions to improve this research. Librarian of Tanana City Library, Battings State University, Mammal, and Laguna College of Business and Arts, for accommodating researchers to conduct their research for the related literatures and studies Mrs..

Villa T. Bang, the College Librarian of ACT, for providing the writers of some of the important references for this study. Authors of different books, magazines and journals, and for the published and unpublished thesis, for their ideas that serve as researchers guide for this study. Librarian of Tanana City Library, Battings State University, Mammal, and Laguna College of Business and Arts, for accommodating researchers to conduct their research for the related literatures and studies.

Finally, their thanks go to their beloved Parents, whose love is priceless, who supported and stood with them and putting up countless hours, and for the most valuable assistance rendered in the creation of this work. Thank You and Godless! The Researchers G. C. M. C. M. P. Dedication First of all To our Almighty God for giving us the knowledge, Strength and wisdom during the creation of this work. To our loving Parents, or their untiring support and stood behind us, brothers and sisters, our Mentors for their enormous help, to our friends this modest price of work is affectionately dedicated.

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