Poverty Assignment

Poverty Assignment Words: 649

Poverty is described as a state of being extremely poor, and lacking the ability to provide for oneself. This state of destitution has impacted America’s bourgeoisie class as it makes for an inadequate economy as a whole, affecting all of America’s social classes. Our social class has traditionally governed our occupational options, making the opportunities for people living in poverty limited with the odds against them. As most people born into poverty do not achieve a greater social status of wealth, power and prestige, this suggests that income inequality in America is only getting worse.

According to the film ‘Inequality for all’ the capitalist class, which makes up less than 1% of America’s population or Just over 400 people, have more money than half of the the U. S. ‘s working to middle class. This suggests social stratification, is a growing problem and this trend of the rich growing richer and the poor growing poorer is being compared to events in history before in such situations as the great depression. In the great depression most of the economy was controlled by a select few, as we see today in the proletariat class.

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The government provides many public programs to those In poverty, one of which is called Welfare. Welfare was created to assist people who had little to no income In the sass’s, although the goal is to keep people afloat financially, many Americans became very unhappy as people began abusing welfare and making the qualifications work in their favor. People who qualify for welfare receive benefits such as federal food stamps, TANK (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families), medical, and a supplemental security Income.

These benefits are mostly presented to single parents (mostly women) with children. These Impoverished people have no prestige, lack standard amounts of wealth, and rely on federal and state programs to make It y. Which differs enormously from the capitalist class which excels In all three, and has no need to search for government help. Wealth I believe Is something you must work for, never Is the playing ground ever even. If we made It so we all had an equal start there would be no motivation or drive to get better, and Improve.

This I believe Is where America Is flawed. ” Life deals the cards, but you play them”, this quote I think embraces what America stood for originally, which was opportunity. We all have opportunity, but some people have more than others, but In the end Its all subjected to ones drive to be successful and ability to stand up for yourself and what you need. With that I believe In a more functionalist rather than conflict theorist.

Poverty By leeway The government provides many public programs to those in poverty, one of which is called Welfare. Welfare was created to assist people who had little to no income in as federal food stamps, TANK (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families), Medicaid, and a supplemental security income. These benefits are mostly presented to single parents (mostly women) with children. These impoverished people have no prestige, lack standard amounts of wealth, and rely on federal and state programs to make it y.

Which differs enormously from the capitalist class which excels in all three, and Wealth I believe is something you must work for, never is the playing ground ever even. If we made it so we all had an equal start there would be no motivation or drive to get better, and improve. This I believe is where America is flawed. ” Life deals the cards, but you play them”, this quote I think embraces what America stood for more than others, but in the end its all subjected to ones drive to be successful and ability to stand up for yourself and what you need.

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