Main Cause of Crime and Poverty in India Assignment

Main Cause of Crime and Poverty in India Assignment Words: 250

QUESTIONNAIRE 1) What do you think is the main cause of poverty in India? Unemployment Poor parenting skill Lack of free government institutions Urbanization 2) What do you think is the main cause of crime in India among the poor? Poor education support The absence of social control Urbanisation Any other- please specify 3) Do you think crime is more prevalent among the lower social standings or among the higher class? Higher class Lower class 4) Do you think crime is more prevalent among the educated or the uneducated?

Educated Uneducated 5) What are the reasons for crime among the educated class? Peer pressure Aggression Low self control Poor supervision by parents 6) “If social media is responsible for the incidences of crime”. Which of these social media may be a cause of crime? Choose any two from the following responsible for it according to you. Newspapers Television Cinema Internet Social networking sites employment Give free education opportunities Make the law stricter Eradicate quota system for education and Jobs

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Free vocational training for youth till 12th std 8) Do you think the government is working towards decreasing the number of crimes taking place in India? Yes No Maybe 9) If yes, what two steps do you think the government should take to decrease the number of crimes in India? 10) Do you think the government is working towards eradicating poverty in India? Yes 11) If yes, what two steps do you think the government should take to eradicate poverty in India? Thank you for your co-operation.

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Main Cause of Crime and Poverty in India Assignment. (2021, Oct 06). Retrieved February 10, 2025, from