Civics and Economics Finalassignment Assignment

Civics and Economics Finalassignment Assignment Words: 905

Final Exam Review Questions 1) A bill becomes a law by getting passed by both sides of congress and then getting approved by the president. 2)Civil- usually involve private disputes between persons or organizations Criminal- involve an action that is considered to be harmful to society as a whole 3) The three branches of government are: executive, Judicial, and legislative branch. 4)You become a citizen of the US by taking the oath of allegiance, passing the citizenship test, having good moral character, and read and write basic English. ) The 7 principles of the constitution are: popular sovereignty, publicans, federalism, separation of powers, checks and balances, limited government, and individual rights. 6) The executive branch is the law enforcing branch. It includes the power to command the armed forces and to make treaties with other nations, usually headed by the president. 7) The legislative branch is the law making branch. It includes the two houses, Senate and House of Representative which work together to create laws. 8) The Judicial branch is the law interpreting branch.

They have the power to decide what cases they may hear. 9) The New Jersey plan wanted equal representation for all states while the Virginia plan wanted representation based on population. The Great Compromised satisfied both large and small states by developing two houses: the Senate has equal representation while the House of Reps is based on population. 10) Reserved power is power kept by the states. They include regulating trade within state borders, establishing rules within school, and marriage and divorce. 11)Expressed/enumerated powers are powers kept by the Congress.

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They include foreign trade, coining money, and declare ar. 12) Concurrent powers are powers that both the Congress and states have. They include establish courts, force laws, and collect taxes. 13) Taxes are important because it’s the public funding for government headed programs. 14) Property taxes are imposed by most local government. Sales tax is state taxes, and income tax is federal taxes. 15) The four types of reproduction are: natural resources, labor, capital, and entrepreneurs. 16) There are many types of economies in the world.

Command economy is when the government makes most of the decisions. In a free arrest, the government has very little control. Mixed economy is where there is some type of government regulation, but people still make most of the decisions. 17) Free enterprise and capitalism is very important because it prevents our country from becoming a dictatorship. 18) Prices are determined through the supply and demand. The more demand, the higher the costs, but the higher the supply, the lower the costs. 19) The three different ways are: proprietorships, partnership, and corporation. 0) 21) Opportunity cost- the cost of the next best alternative use of time and money hen choosing to do one thing rather than another. Trade Off- The alternative you Civics and Economics Final Review By bibliography the company invests in their workers and education to improve the company in the long term. It’s important because it brings higher profits while helping both parties. 23) I. Defines the legislative branch, powers, members, and workings it. Defines the executive branch, powers, duties, and means of removal iii. Sets up Judicial branch and defines treason ‘v. Jugulate states’ powers and interaction with national government v. Sets up the amendment process v’. Sets the status of the Constitution as the supreme law of land vii. Addresses ratification and declares the states that it affects 24) The principle of the NC constitution that’s not in the US constitution is religion. 25) Political parties are important because it allows you to have someone in government who has the same beliefs as you. 26) The constitution can be changed through amendments. 27) Interest groups are groups of people who share a point of view about an issue and unite about their beliefs.

They persuade the public through propaganda and there forms of persuasion. 28) Economic interdependence is a reliance on others as they rely on you to provide goods and services to be consumed. It’s important because both sides can benefit. 29) The Bill of Rights is a document listing the rights of citizens. They were added to the Constitution to prevent from an all powerful government. 30) a. Jury duty Duties voting Responsibilities b. Sign up for the draft participate in government c. Attend school d. Pay taxes e.

Obeying the law caring for the environment be aware of government voicing concerns 1) The NC General Assembly and Congress are similar because they are both consisting of elected officials who make and enforce rules. They’re different because Congress has more power. 32) Consent of the governed means that the citizens have a say in whether or not something is right. The Declaration of Independence is important because it listed the grievances suffered under King George, and reminds of what the country should not become. 33) The Articles of Confederation didn’t work because states had more power, and the government couldn’t enforce laws.

Four weaknesses: congress had no power, can’t coin money, couldn’t make laws, and no central military. 34) The Articles of Confederation was made that way because there wasn’t equal representation, and the people were afraid of a strong central government. 35) The federalists wanted a central government and power, but the anti-federalists were afraid of a dictatorship. The anti-federalists wanted to incorporate a Bill of Rights in the Constitution while the federalists didn’t. Liberals want a big government while conservatives want as little government involve

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