This Is to Certify That the Term Project Carried Out Is Bonafide Work of Gojiya Kana H. (Ec-146) of B.E. Semester Vi in the Branch of Electronics and Communication During the Academic Year 2009-2010. Assignment

This Is to Certify That the Term Project Carried Out Is Bonafide Work of Gojiya Kana H. (Ec-146) of B.E. Semester Vi in the Branch of Electronics and Communication During the Academic Year 2009-2010. Assignment Words: 315

Dharamsinh Desai University College Road, NADIAD-387001 (Gujarat) [pic] Certificate This is to certify that the term project carried out is bonafide work of Desai Raj P. (EC-145) of B. E. Semester VI in the branch of Electronics And Communication during the academic year 2009-2010. Staff-in ChargeHead of Department Date:Date: Dharamsinh Desai University College Road, NADIAD-387001 (Gujarat) [pic] Certificate This is to certify that the term project carried out is bonafide work of Gojiya Kana H. (EC-146) of B. E.

Semester VI in the branch of Electronics And Communication during the academic year 2009-2010. Staff-in ChargeHead of Department Date:Date: CANDIDATE’S DECLARATION We hereby declare that the work presented in this project titled “SPEED SENSOR” is submitted towards completion of term project in sixth Semester of B. E. (EC) at the Dharamsinh Desai Institute of Technology, Nadiad. It is an authentic record of our original work pursued under the guidance of Prof. Vasim A. Vohra. Gojiya Kana H. Desai Raj P. Date: ………… ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

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First and foremost, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to our project guide, Prof. Vasim A. Vohra. We were privileged to experience a sustained enthusiastic and involved interest from his side. This fueled our enthusiasm even further and encouraged us to boldly step into what was a totally dark and unexplored expanse before us. Last but not the least we would like to thank our seniors who were ready with a positive comment all the time, whether it was an off-hand comment to encourage us or a constructive piece of criticism.

Last but not the least we would like to thank our ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT for providing such an important section in the academic curriculum Gojiya Kana H. Desai Raj P. (Faculty of Technology) DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION SPEED-SENSOR Guided by: Prepared by: Vasim A. Vohra Desai Raj P. (EC-145) Gojiya Kana H. (EC-146)

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This Is to Certify That the Term Project Carried Out Is Bonafide Work of Gojiya Kana H. (Ec-146) of B.E. Semester Vi in the Branch of Electronics and Communication During the Academic Year 2009-2010. Assignment. (2021, Mar 24). Retrieved March 29, 2025, from