Periyar Pollution Assignment

Periyar Pollution Assignment Words: 1100

The peppier river is the longest river in the state of kraal in India. The length of peppier is 300 km. Alt is also known as “The life line of kraal”. The sources of the peppier is in the savaging hills of Western Ghats range in Tamil Nadia. Annum flow of river is 1 1607 cubic meters. During its journey to the Arabian Sea at Cochin river is enriched with water of minor tributaries like Mouthpart, Preternatural, China, Cornerstone, Stationary and Dammars at different junctures. It plays a major role in power generation ,domestic water etc.

The dike dam on the peppier generates a significant proportion Of kraal’s Electrical power. The river serves as the major water source for five drought- prone districts in the state of Tamil Nadia, including Then, Modular and Aromatherapy. INDUSTRIES Angrily to Koch come under the most industrialized zone of the Peppier river basin. There are over 50 large and medium industries and over 2500 small scale industries in this region. The southern branch of Northumberland which cater to the needs of these industries is estimated to have a lean water low of 8200 scum/sec which the monsoon flow is calculated as 150-250 scum/ sec.

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The industries located in Deader-Error area consumes about 1 89343 scum per day water from the day and discharge about 75% as used water along with large quantity of effluents and pollutants. The major types of these industries are fertilizers, pesticides, chemicals and allied industries, petroleum refining and heavy metal processing, radioactive mineral processing, rubber processing units, animal bone processing units, battery manufacturers, mercury products, acid manufacturers, pigment and latex reducers etc.

The industrial belt of Floor in Kraal is one of the world’s ‘top toxic hot spots’, according to international environment group Greenback. Peppier River is home to more than 247 chemical industries, including the only EDT-producing facility in India. POLLUTION ASPECTS Industries in the lore industrial zone discharge waste into the river. Highest concentration of toxic substance is found at condominium Thou. Lots stream is contaminated with 1 1 1 toxic substance out of which 39 are extremely toxic. Len 1999 Greenback declared Lore as 35th toxic hot spot in the world.

Peppier River is home to more than 247 chemical industries, including the only EDT- producing facility in India. The major water quality problem associated with rivers of kraal is bacteriological pollution-Gypsum a radio active substance is being dumped in large quantities in Lore. Gas emissions let in to the air include acid mists. Lore contain 100 organic compounds including EDT,Indonesian,isomers like hexachlorocylcohexane, a persistent pesticide. Recent studies prove the temperature in peppier river is increasing .

The presence of and iron in the water is alarming. One can asset EDT in tender coconut water and in mallard duck eggs. The soil,water bodies and the wetlands in and around lore have been contaminated with heavy metals like: and Persistent Organic pollutants like EDT. MAJOR POLLUTERS The largest industrial cluster, the Diagonally Industrial Estate is causing a severe danger. Newly established Marcher pose a great threat Floor area. There are about 250 industries including the prominent ones like FACT, HILL,RIEL.

Greenback holds the Hindustan Insecticides Ltd (HILL) that has been manufacturing pesticides at its Lore plant responsible for making the industrial village a toxic hotshot. Chemical pollutants are the chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides, such as EDT, Aladdin, and dealing . The polycarbonate phenols (Pubs), are used in a variety Of industrial processes. In the manufacture, many kinds of materials such metals as mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic, and beryllium have been used which cause a severe threat to environment. IMPACT 1 . Extensive damage of payday fields and other farm lands in the area. . Large scale destruction of aquatic life. 3. An island in the Peppier river, unchecked pollution from HILL has resulted in sissies like cancer, congenital birth defects, bronchitis, asthma, allergic dermatitis and stomach ulcers in the local population. People who ingest polluted water can become ill and with prolonged exposure,may develop cancers or bear children with birth defects. 4. Hearing loss,stress,high blood pressure,sleep loss distraction and lost productivity. 5. It said children face 2. 63 times higher risk of malformation due to congenital and chromosomal aberrations. 6.

Chances of death due to an accident are 2. 7 times higher. Chances that children may die due to birth defects have increased 3. Times. 7. Death due to bronchitis at Lore is up by 3. 4 times. Death due to asthma is up by 2. 2 times, the study stated. COUNTER MEASURES Gram Penchant had cancelled the license of Marcher company in 1998. An fact, the Indian Rare Earths Plant on Lore, a Central Government of India Undertaking under the administrative control of the Department of Atomic Energy (DAD), Is storing radioactive waste. An estimated 20,000 tones of thorium is stored In six buildings on the riverbank of the Peppier.

The first of these buildings is only two meters away from the river and once used as a rage, it was converted into a storage place without safety measures. SUGGESTIONS Certain laws should be strengtheners by the government against the disposal of industrial waste into the rivers. The government and voluntary organizations should take initiatives in creating power awareness among the society regarding the ill effects of river pollution. The panchromatic institutions should also take the ability of ensuring cleanliness and good quality of the water resources including rivers.

All the families in the urban and rural areas have to be provided with sanitary toilets that would avoid the mommies wastes to enter rivers Upton a certain level. Community level domestic wastes management systems have to be developed and implemented-Collaboration with international environmental agencies will help the government to create a better policy to protect the rivers. Media should take up the issue of river pollution and should sensitizes the people through the most appropriate manner. Different water shed management technique familiarized among the public and voluntary organization.

CONCLUSION The problems associated with water pollution have the capabilities to disrupt fie on our planet to a great extent. Governing party has passed laws to try to combat Water pollution thus challenging the fact that Water pollution is,indeed,a serious issue. But the government alone cannot solve the entire problem. Alt is ultimately up to us,to be informed,responsible and involved when it comes to the problems we face with our water. Longitudinal pollution has been continues to be major factor causing the degradation of the environment around us,affecting the water we use, the air we breathe and the soil we live on.

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