Materials and Methods A mixed culture of two unknown bacteria was provided by the instructor. The methods used for identification of the two unknown bacteria were in the laboratory manual by Dry. Floyd and Dry. Kennedy (1) unless otherwise noted.…
Reaction paper Assignment
Think of a word that best describes Philosophy as a whole. I choose LOVE. But first let us define the word love. What is love? For the philosophers, love generate a host of tissues: means It Is word unattached to…
Microbiology Lab Report Assignment
They are as follows: lactose fermentation on eosin methyl blue (EMBED), ITS (Triple Sugar Iron agar), Phenol red sucrose, the SIMI test, HAS by SIMI, Movie (indolent, motility, vogues-prosperous, ND citrate), Areas (urea broth), Updates (Phenylalanine Dominate), Lysine Destroyable, and…
Reaction Paper Assignment
Hospital which is located at the San Jose Road. Where we did our requirement to do a manual processing to produce a radiographic film that Is a visible Image. Before we accomplished our task, we started to pick or choose…
Environmental Microbiology Lab Report Assignment
Materials Distilled water Test tube 6 Unopened packages of 1 sterile cotton swab 2 sterile nutrient agar Petri dishes 1 sterile blood agar Petri dish Incubator Refrigerator Bunsen burner Gas connection Plastic tubing Inoculating loop 12 sterile glass slides Wax…
Reaction Paper Assignment
Bill Condo’s “Kinsey” tells the story off research scientist who is intent on learning about human sexual behavior. Professor Kinsey, otherwise known as Pork, starts off as a biologist, but soon ventures Into the world of human sexuality. As he…
Unknown Lab Report for Microbiology Assignment
There are many reasons for identifying an unknown bacterium. The reasons range from medical purposes, such as determining if the unknown could cause ailments in living things or knowing what microorganisms are needed to make antibiotics to other purposes such…
One-eyed Mother Reaction paper Assignment
A very touching, affecting, and inspiring story that we watch, about a one-eyed mother with her daughter that has disrespect, unloved, and disgrace with her. Her daughter feels that her mother is an embarrassment for her which totally shows how…
How to Write a Lab Report in Microbiology Assignment
This should only BEA few sentences long. Example: “There are many reasons for knowing the identity of microorganisms. The reasons range from the knowing the causative agent of a disease in a patient, so as to know how it can…
Mind games a reaction Assignment
Motion Perception into Our World that is Always in Action by: Allayed C. Marital Discussing about your brain and how it reacts to motion in order to make decisions is the main idea tackled in the “Brain Games: Motion Commotion”…