Noise Pollution on Students Assignment

Noise Pollution on Students Assignment Words: 2837

The word “noise” is derived from the Latin word “nausea” meaning seasickness. Noise can be defined as an unwanted or undesired sound. Decibel is the standard unit for measurement of sound. Usually 80 db is the level at which sound becomes physically painful. With overly populated schools and the increase of average classroom sizes, many students suffer from noise pollutants that can be found inside and nearby from their schools.

Larger classrooms inherently breed more noisy atmospheres, and the Issue of noise pollution can negatively impact a dent’s academic experience. However, classroom size is not the only factor that contributes to noise pollution in the learning environment. Schools that is close to highways, airports, hospitals or railroads, experience a lot of external noise that cannot be controlled. Here in metro manila many schools suffer from this problem, many schools lack the ability to accommodate all the students so the rooms are overly crowded and w/ this students have the hard time in the learning their lessons.

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Because noise does not result to any obvious and immediate danger to health as polluted water and air, public awareness of noise and commitment to noise prevention and reduction has been small. Hypothetically an ideal educational setting accordingly should be conducive, and free from any disturbances. But through the ongoing increase of our population ; the ongoing developments of the country, the setting for educational place is changing and is rapidly affecting the students.

In Concordia College for example the nuisance that the train, makes it difficult for the students to focus on the discussions, for the sound of the train is bugling ; very much disturbing. A train produces already a 100 db which can be the cause of a radial hearing loss. In the school, listening is the most important ability of the students because most of the time, the teachers use the concept of lecturing and in which the communication between the students and the teacher is emphasized. If for any reason this ability may be affected, the students will definitely have a hard time coping up with the discussions and lectures.

It is important to have some understanding of the contributing factors that determine the success (or failure) of the school environment. Humans merely share the earth. We can only protect the land, not own it. ”

Noise pollution is a disturbance to the human environment that is escalating at such a high rate that it will become a major threat to the quality of human lives. Noises in all areas, especially in urban areas, have been increasing rapidly. And the outcome varies on how we act on this kind of situation. Even animals were affected in this kind of problems, certain reports and findings had been gathered. Human-induced noise pollution is one of many factors contributing to the depletion of wildlife populations. Laboratory studies and limited field research have uncovered these problems and the results keep us blinded.

Some animals that are adversely affected with problem behavioral effects, which vary greatly between species and noise characteristics, resulting in, for example, abandonment Of territory and lost reproduction. But human clamor doesn’t just affect animals. Because many animals also eliminate plants or eat or disperse their seed, , certain studies were conducted and researcher found out that because plants cannot move they just rely on birds and other animals, those animals that were affected by noise pollutants derive the effect to plants and these results to plants to pollinate slowly or even die. V.

OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The following objectives were formulated by the researchers: 1. TO inform learners & readers the importance of listening skills in the school. Also, to give added information regarding the impact of noise pollution in the learning activities of the students. . To share with others best practice of positive cooperation to inspire changes that enhances the quality, livability and capability of everyone. 3. To inform readers and students the harmful effects that they encounter each day in school. This study may help inform & may bring knowledge to everyone in order to lessen its effects & causes.

VI. Scope AND LIMITATION The scope of this study underlies the academic progress of each students/ learners most probably those in the public high schools. And on the other hand this study delimits itself in other educational institutions such s formal and informal education that includes mechanical practices, because as we all know there are several learning areas that usually have sound involvement. Evil. REVIEW OF RELATED “Noise pollution” LITERATURE Essay by eligible, Junior High, 9th grade, B+, December 2006 Traveling home from work provides no relief from the noisiness of the office.

The ordinary sounds of blaring taxi horns and rumbling buses are occasionally punctuated by the ear-piercing screech of car brakes. “Taking a shortcut through the park will bring the weary worker face to face with chanting elisions cults, freelance musicians, screaming children, and barking dogs. None of these sounds can compare with the large radios many park visitors carry. Each radio blasts out something different, from heavy- metal rock to baseball, at decibel levels so strong that they make eardrums throb in pain.

If there are birds singing or wind in the trees, the harries commuter will never hear them. “Student travels to Grand Canyon to research noise poll suction issues” By: Nikkei Mitchell Once in the Grand Canyon, Lynch said, the other students and a guide made their way down the river, stopping to sleep on the beach under the tars. Each student was equipped with clothes, a sleeping bag tarp and a small air mattress, he said. Their main project was to do first-hand research about the sounds in nature and how those sounds are affected by noise pollution from helicopter tours and other man-made distractions.

The Grand Canyon is facing problems with the helicopter tours and the wildlife in the canyon is affected by the noise, Lynch said. In addition to the research in the canyon, students shared personal stories about what it is like to live with a hearing impairment and the stereotypes that come with it. Several Skips meetings were held to prepare the group for the trip as well as work on the educational curriculum that taught the students how to become ambassadors and create campaigns to raise awareness before and after the trip.

After participating in the trip, Lynch hopes to help to create a Hear the World organization on Gnu’s campus and college campuses across the country, he said. Laura Portal, the program director at Leading the Way, worked with Global Explorers to coordinate the trip. She also participated in the trip as the expedition leader. The Grand Canyon Was chosen because of the noise pollution issues and because it eave the students an opportunity to look at issues in specific places, she said. A $1,700 program fee was charged to students in the group, as well as the cost for airfare to fly in and out of Phoenix.

The program fee covered food expenses, a travel guide and educational curriculum. Full scholarships were given to many of the participants, according to Portal. “Noise Pollution in the Classroom” By Kathy Able Karen Juliann doesn’t need a team of scientific researchers to tell her that her daughter’s school has a noise problem. In fact, she doesn’t even need to venture into the classroom. If you stand outside my daughter’s elementary school, you see the planes fly directly over the building,” says this Rhode Island mom.

Her sixth, grader’s school, the John Brown Francis Elementary, stands near the rapidly growing T. F. Green Airport in Warwick. On stormy or foggy days, school staffers observe, the jets fly even lower. In a survey taken several years ago, every one of the school’s teachers said they were forced to stop lessons because of noise from planes, as often as ten times a day. Do the disruptions affect the learning process? Many parents and teachers believe they do. Research dating back more than 20 years confirms Sultana’s impressions.

A landmark 1975 study by Arlene Bronzing, Ph. D. , found that students at a New York City school whose classrooms faced elevated train tracks suffered significant reading delays, when measured against students not exposed to the same exterior noise. Six years later, after the school installed soundproofing and rubber resilient pads were placed on the train tracks, a follow-up study revealed that children’s’ reading deficits had been eliminated. “Noise Pollution and Hearing Protection” posted by RAT Cunningham on June 9, 2009

Many of my relatives in the Philippines, as well as a lot of other people, are binging (hard of hearing) due to being exposed to continuous noise pollution without wearing any kind of hearing protection. My wife is included in that mix. Do you know how frustrating it is to have to repeat yourself in a language which isn’t your first language? I can’t be sure whether the other person didn’t hear what I said or that I said it wrong. The people that live away from the city (further away than I do) don’t suffer from hearing loss caused by noise pollution. I can tell the difference when I’m talking to omen who comes to the city on rare occasions.

I just wish my relatives would listen to me when tell them to avoid the noise. Wonder if they’d wear earplugs even if I went out of my way to get them some. Some people are just too papayas (hard-headed) to do what’s necessary no matter what I tell them. “When Noise is Too Much: Noise pollution and what you can do about it’ By JANE OMNIPOTENCE In some highly urbanize cities like New York and Paris, measures have been adopted regarding this problem. But since noise pollution is an intangible dilemma, unlike other societal problems like garbage, the enforcement is questionable.

In the Philippines, the National Pollution Control Commission used to regulate noise. When the commission became non-operational, the Environmental Management Bureau of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (EMBED-EDEN) took its functions. Section 5 of the Philippine Environment Code (PDP 1 152) promulgated in 1977 states that with regard to community noise standards, “appropriate standards for community noise levels shall be established considering, among others, location, zoning and land use classification. One can file a pollution case before the EDEN regarding annoying noise. However, this kind of conflict usually ends with negotiations among the parties involved instead of actually filing criminal charges and going to court. “The Effect of Noise on Wildlife: A Literature Review’ Author: Autumn Lyn Raddled Noise pollution, as it affects humans, has been a recognized problem for decades, but the effect of noise on wildlife has only recently been considered a potential threat to animal health and long-term survival.

Research into the effects of noise on wildlife, which has been growing rapidly since the 1 sass, often presents conflicting results because of the variety f factors and variables that can effect and/or interfere with the determination of the actual effects that human-produced noise is having on any given creature. Both land and marine wildlife have been studied, especially in regards to noise in the National Parks System and the onslaught of human- made cacophony in the oceans from military, commercial and scientific endeavors.

Most researchers agree that noise can effect an animal’s physiology and behavior, and if it becomes a chronic stress, noise can be injurious to an animal’s energy budget, reproductive success and long-term survival. Armed with this understanding it should follow that humans would attempt to minimize the threat to wildlife by reducing the amount of noise that they are exposed to in natural areas; but this has not been the situation.

Natural areas continue to be degraded by human-made noise, wildlife continues to suffer from these disturbances, and to date the majority of the debate revolves around the egocentric demands of people to either produce more noise in nature (through motorized recreation, scientific research, military exercises etc. ) or experience natural areas in the absence of anthropogenic Jose. Neither side has adequately addressed the issue from the obstetric view of wildlife and the known, or as yet undiscovered, damage that our increasingly noisy human-altered environment is inflicting upon them. Noise Pollution: The Sound behind Heart Effects” M. Nathaniel Mead More than 15 million Americans currently have some form of coronary heart disease (COD), which involves a narrowing of the small blood vessels that supply blood and oxygen to the heart. Risk factors for COD include diabetes, high blood pressure, altered blood lipids, obesity, smoking, menopause, and inactivity. To this list we can now add noise, thanks to a recent study and assessment of the evidence by the WHO Noise Environmental Burden on Disease working group.

The findings, first presented at the Interpose 2007 conference in August 2007, will be published in December. Were new data indicate that noise pollution is causing more deaths from heart disease than was previously thought,” says working group member Deep Brasher, a professor of ideology at university College in London perhaps hundreds of thousands around the world. “Until now, the burden of disease related to the general population’s exposure to environmental noise as rarely been estimated in unconditional settings at the international level. ” “A Literature Survey of Noise Pollution. CATHOLIC UNIVAC OF AMERICA WASHINGTON D C INSIST OF OCEAN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Personal Author(s): Shih,H. H. Physically, noise is a complex sound that has little or no periodicity. However, the essential characteristic of noise is its undesirability. Thus, noise can be defined as any annoying or unwanted sound. In recent years, the rapid increase of noise level in our environment has become a national public health hazard. Noise affects man’s state of mental, physical, and social ell-being. The problem forms a special type of air pollution. Noise study is a rather new subject among other branches of science.

The transition from art to near-science started from before the World War II. The work is an attempt to arrive at an understanding of the general situation on the problem of noise. The survey consists of four major parts: the present status of noise pollution, its sources, its effects, and the control. Many urgent research needs are also identified. Finally, lists of terminology and bibliography relating to noise pollution problems are provided. (Author) Noise Pollution: A Modern Plague” By: Lisa Goings, RUN; Louis Haggler, MD Noise is defined as unwanted sound.

Environmental noise consists of all the unwanted sounds in our communities except that which originates in the workplace. Environmental noise pollution, a form of air pollution, is a threat to health and well-being. It is more severe and widespread than ever before, and it will continue to increase in magnitude and severity because of population growth, arbitration, and the associated growth in the use of increasingly powerful, varied, and highly mobile sources of noise. It will also intention to grow because of sustained growth in highway, rail, and air traffic, which remain major sources of environmental noise.

The potential health effects of noise pollution are numerous, pervasive, persistent, and medically and socially significant. Noise produces direct and cumulative adverse effects that impair health and that degrade residential, social, working, and learning environments with corresponding real (economic) and intangible (well-being) losses. It interferes with sleep, concentration, communication, and recreation. The aim of enlightened governmental controls should be to rooter citizens from the adverse effects of airborne pollution, including those produced by noise.

People have the right to choose the nature of their acoustical environment; it should not be imposed by others. “Case Study on Noise Level in Moser City’ By: Nave G. M 1, Avian Kumar B. MM Sound comes from the vibrations in molecules, and is always traveling through a substance, whether it is a solid, liquid, or gas. Sound cannot travel through a vacuum because there are no molecules for the sound to travel through. Noise pollution (or environmental noise) is displeasing human-, animal- or machine-created sound that disrupts the activity or balance of human or animal life.

A common form of noise pollution is from transportation, principally motor vehicles. Noise health effects are both health and behavioral in nature. The unwanted sound is called noise. This unwanted sound can damage physiological and psychological health. Noise pollution can cause annoyance and aggression, hypertension, high stress levels, hearing loss, sleep disturbances. In the present study, attempts are made to study the noise level range at different roads of the Moser city. Traffic behavior and characteristics at various roads near schools, hospitals, railway tracks, offices, courts, etc. Sing “Sound Level Mete’. Then, the maximum value of noise level in decibels is estimated.

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