Noise Pollution Details in Kolkata Assignment

Noise Pollution Details in Kolkata Assignment Words: 649

The use of loudspeakers is regulated in terms of the Rules under the Environment Protection Act (1986) as well as the orders of the Supreme Court and the Calcutta High Court. The Police is empowered to enforce these rules and the orders. While the legal restrictions are mostly known by and large, special vigilance becomes necessary during festivals such as the Durra Pupas, Kali Pupas & Dalai.

To have a clear idea about he increase of ambient noise level in residential areas in the city of Calcutta and other district town during the festivals, the West Bengal Pollution Control Board (WEBB) undertook a noise monitoring survey during those days in the year 2005 as in previous years. Noise Pollution Survey procedure: Firecrackers generate instantaneous impulsive noise, which when measured in free field condition in impulsive mode, gives peak sound pressure level. It is quite obvious that a number of crackers when bursting serially can easily form a band of continuous noise in the presence of reflecting surfaces.

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The reverberation of sound wave due to repeated reflection in the surfaces prolongs the time interval of prevailing sound intensity. The continuous band of noise, thus formed, definitely affects the ambient level in close proximity. The monitoring was conducted at the twenty select locations in Kola and Howard cities:eleven earlier locations such as Salt Lake, Lake Town, Cankering, Bellingham, Behalf, Minot park, Barbara, Cadaver, Rabin Saran, Talker and Howard Maida, and nine new locations such as Howard-Katmandu, Howard-mantilla, Baronage, Encourager,

Figuration’s, Kasbah-Poseur, bullying place, Outlying-Golf Club Road and New Aliped B Block, on a normal working day, between 6. 00 p. M. And 10. 00 p. M. The microphone of the Sound Level Meter fitted with windscreen was placed 1 -mm above the ground and at least mm from the facade of the building at each location. Data recorded at each location were used to compute the one-hour equivalent continuous noise level Leg. On the same locations, the above procedure was repeated on the Kali pupas day (01. 11. 05) as well as Dalai day (02. 1 1. 05).

Results of noise pollution survey: The noise survey results in 2005 (Table-I) reveal slightly increase in the ambient noise level in various residential areas in the city of Kola and Howard on the Kali pupas day in comparison to any normal day. The main cause of increase in ambient noise level on festival days is bursting of crackers, whereas in normal days, the main contributions to the ambient noise level of any residential area are from trade activities, the transport system and various domestic activities. The main observations are summarized below: I.

The increase of the noise level at the select locations on the Kali pupas day compared to a normal day in 2005 varies from -3% to 9%.

These may be due to increased awareness among the public about the Board’s direction and existence of Board’s toll free no 1 600 345 3390, and less violation of nose pollution norms. 2. During the Kali Pupas day, the maximum numbers of complaints were received from the West Bengal Police areas, while on the Dalai day, the maximum number of complaints were received from the Kola Police area. Awareness campaign and specific measures: The WEBB has given a wide publicity to the Supreme Courts direction on the fireworks through Electronic and Print Media.

In addition, request made to the Cellular operators for sending an awareness message Say NO to CRACKERS. Celebrate Adaptable with lamps, candles and fireworks. ‘ to their customers. The WEBB has arranged to display 4000 festoons in Kola, Howard and Salt Lake at various crowed places as well as near schools. The posters on noise pollution were distributed to the Nags for public awareness. The State Board also issued request letters to 9500 Clubs all over West Bengal including 3000 Clubs in Kola city, on different pollution control norms during festive season.

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