A Study on the Solicited Reactions of Level Iv Students on Pre-Board Examination as an Academic Requirements of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program of Central Colleges of the Philippines College of Nursing Assignment

A Study on the Solicited Reactions of Level Iv Students on Pre-Board Examination as an Academic Requirements of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program of Central Colleges of the Philippines College of Nursing Assignment Words: 6368

CHAPTER I Introduction Nursing has been an in demand profession abroad most especially to the western countries like Canada, U. S. A, U. K, and Spain,. These countries were experiencing a rapid growth of population resulted in demanding for a health care provider to render health care services for their respected citizens. These countries then, were recruiting for a health care provider from the different part of the world. On the other hand, Filipino Nurses were known for its caring quality of health care services. Therefore, Filipino Nurses are said to be a priority for the foreign countries in recruiting for a health care provider.

In line with these facts, many Filipino Citizens have decided to up take nursing as their career in order to grab the opportunity. Since then, different schools, colleges, universities and other institution are offering a course for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Competition then, among these institutions were set to where in respective schools brought in their mission and vision. Nursing education subscribes to belief that National identity, cultural consciousness, moral integrity and spiritual are vital components in the development of a Nurse.

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A broad liberal education and a multi- disciplinary approach seek to enhance this belief. Nursing education therefore aims to prepare a critical thinking, demonstrates professional competencies and shall continue to assume responsibility for personal and professional development. Therefore, in starting for a new program for Nursing is very critical. Most especially for the schools that is new in this kind of business. Unlike the other Universities, they have already proven their standards of teaching in offering a quality nursing education. Beginner schools then are required to produce effective strategies, to start for a Nursing Program.

This is for these beginners to have an edge among the other schools. In response with this, these schools which are new in this field have poured their effort in producing a legal rule to be follow by the students to be able to come up with a positive outcome. They are also required to fulfill the entire requirement provided by the government institution of the Philippines like CHED. This institution are used to monitor the education within the countries, next is the PAASCU, which is responsible to declare accreditation to the particular school for its standard.

In its 50th founding year, the Central Colleges of the Philippines opened its College of Nursing. CCP has added to its list of degree courses, a Bachelor of Science in nursing program. This is a four-year degree course, which is described as the art and science of caring for people, whether sick or well. Nursing is both a profession and a lifetime calling. In June 2004, the school welcomed the first batch of nursing freshmen and sophomore students. For the first batch of the National Board examinee, CCP have proven its performance in the field. The 1st batch has received an average of 88 %.

This may implies that CCP is a functioning nursing school up to the latest National Board examination. Last June, CCP have acquired an average of 93% passing rate. According to the Dean of the college of nursing, the excellent performance of the students is due to the effort of the students in studying and through the standard of the College. Some of this standard is the row score of 75 in every subject. This indicates that the students need to pass the major examination with grades no lower than 75 % to be able to pass the subject and graduate from the program.

This motivates the students to have more time on their school works, which obviously reflects a good effect. In line with this, the Central Colleges of the Philippines, College of nursing have formulated their unique mission and vision towards nursing education. As indicated, the Central Colleges of the Philippines, College of Nursing is envisioned to develop the intellect, skills, psych of the students essential to produce knowledgeable, and skilled, caring, humane and competent Nurses at path, if not exceeded, global practitioners.

In regards with the vision of the Central Colleges of the Philippines, College of Nursing, the administration of the said college is monitored by an authorized government agencies. Then, the school has decided to add this intriguing Pre- Board Examination as academic requirements. Last year, numbers of students have failed to take the National Nursing Board Examination due to their failure of completion with the academic requirement of the College of Nursing which is, to pass the Pre- Board Examination. This results to a higher percentage of passing in the Local Board Examination despite of the small number of examinees.

On 2009, The Central Colleges of the Philippines, college of Nursing will be having their 3rd batch of graduates. Graduating students were then being prepared for the incoming Pre- Board Examination. In relation with this intriguing Pre- Board Examination, this study will be concentrating on the reactions of the Graduating students. Statement of the Problem To solicit the reactions and insights from the graduating students of the Central Colleges of the Philippines, College of Nursing on Pre Board Examination as an academic requirement in Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program.

Major; a. What are the reactions of the graduating students about the pre- board examination as an academic requirement? b. What is the relationship of the results of the pre-board examination and the results of Local Board Examinations for Nursing? Minor; a. What are the Profile of the respondents according to age and gender? b. What is Pre Board Examinations? Hypotheses Pre-board examination is not an evaluative tool for the graduating students to have an excellent performance in the National board examination.

And the students may have a perception on the pre-board as a threat to their freedom to graduate and to take the National board examination. Scope and Delimitation This study will be focusing on the reactions of the graduating students on the Pre-board examination as academic requirements. Yet, in respect with the complexity of the chosen topic to the concern people composed in the Central Colleges of the Philippines. This study will not deal or will not discuss any ongoing anomalies on Pre- Board. Significance of the study

The study aims to provide information about the reactions of the graduating students about the pre ??? board examination. It will facilitate the faculty members of the Central Colleges of the Philippines to have a view of the reactions and concerns of their students. Conceptual Paradigm Conceptual Framework The goal of the model was to provide a holistic overview of the physiological, psychological, socio-cultural, and developmental aspects of human beings. She proposed the three system model. Personal System, Intra-Personal System and Social System. Theoretical Framework Definition of Terms

CHED ??? Commission on Higher Education. A government commission in the Philippines. This is a government agency responsible to monitor the tertiary level of education. This government agency have set a standards for the tertiary level which is to be followed by the colleges, universities for the sake of high quality education. Conceptual Framework ??? A group of related ideas, statement or concepts Data/ Datum ??? It is the fact or figures from which the conclusion maybe drawn Nursing ??? Caring for the sick people or the profession or task of looking after people who are sick or injured.

Outcome ??? The consequences or visible result PRC ??? Professional Regulation Commission ??? it is a three man commission attach to the office of the President of the Republic of the Philippines. Its mandate is to regulate and supervise the practice of the professionals who constitute the highly skilled manpower of the country. As the agency in-charge of the professional sector, the PRC plays a strategic role in developing the corps of professionals for industry, commerce, governance, and the economy. CCP ??? Central Colleges of the Philippines. This school is the locale of this study. Where nursing program is newly offered.

CHAPTER II Review of Related Literature Nursing nowadays is very in demand however it depends on the present situations we are facing right now. Taking up nursing is such a demanding one because of the complexity of the program. In this course students will be experiencing a real life hands on. This requires a fully trained student to do proper nursing intervention to the patient. Therefore, this profession should be taken seriously by the students. Despite of this fact, there are still a large number of high school students preferring to have nursing as their future profession.

This may be so because of envisioning having to work abroad. But be alarmed that according to some sources “Nursing is not anymore a sure ticket to work abroad”. Stated on the news inside the world wide web “If you are a Pinoy high school student who are still thinking of taking up Nursing as your college course, think again. The recent reports of oversupply in the nursing profession and dwindling job opportunities here and abroad should make you cringe to think about how can you recover the expensive cost of nursing profession and ending up unemployed.

Think about your parents and their expectations. Think about your own future. Do you really want to be a nurse someday to help sick people? Or do you want to take up nursing just to work abroad and earn more money? The key is to take up nursing right now for the right reasons thereby embedding in you and your families the right expectations. If your families are pressuring you to become a nurse just for money, tell them it’s not the right time. As it stands right now, most students take up Nursing without much heart into it.

Others really want to become accountants, engineers, lawyers and other profession but was forced to take up Nursing thinking of becoming rich and making it successful abroad like their predecessors have testified in advertisements from nursing schools. And remember, the essence of taking up Nursing and becoming a Nurse is to help and care for sick people. If you don’t have that in your heart and you are only after for the money and to work abroad, then you may just be disappointed later. After deciding for their chosen career, most especially for those who have decided to take the Nursing profession, they should be preparing.

These students should expect from the unexpected to happen during the course of the profession. In some school, they have decided to elevate their standards of teaching, as a response to a low passing rate of Nurses during the National Board examination. To react to such action, the schools who are offering Nursing program should maintain the quality Nursing education. With a report from Sol Aragones, ABS-CBN News. A record 88,750 nursing graduates are scheduled to take the Nursing Board Examinations on November 29 and 30, the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) said Wednesday.

The PRC said this month’s examinees are the largest in history. However, the PRC said despite the increasing number of examinees, the passing rate for the Nursing boards continues to go down . The PRC said this could be attributed to the increasing number of nursing schools, as well as the lowering of admission standards of some nursing schools. “Open-door policy ng mga paaralan. Hindi siya puwedeng ‘admit all’ eh. There should be qualifications na tama para kung ano at sino ang pwedeng pumasok sa mga propesyon. Hindi lahat puwede mag-nurse,” PRC Board of Nursing member Dr. Marco Sto.

Tomas said. Even some nursing board review centers are noticing the decline in the quality of nursing graduates, saying many graduates are poor in critical analysis. “Critical thinking. Sa isang binigay na sitwasyon, ano yung dapat mong gawin na unique doon sa sitwasyon na ‘yon. ‘Yun ang nakikita kong kahinaan ng mga estudyante,” Carl Balita, a review center owner, said. Nursing review centers also say that if less than half of all examinees pass the local nursing boards, there are even fewer Filipino nursing graduates who pass foreign nursing boards, particularly US nursing examinations.

Currently, 39 percent of Filipino nursing graduates pass US nursing examinations – or less than four passers for every ten examinees. Because of this, the PRC said nursing students should not be merely taught the concepts of the profession, but also be honed in the practical applications of these concepts. CHAPTER III Research Design This study is an evaluative and analytical type of research. The study will be evaluating the different reactions of the graduating students on the pre-board examination as academic requirements. Analysis involves the identification of the different view of the respondents regarding the main topic.

This study will be having a survey about the reaction of the students according to their individualized view about the subject. Therefore, these data’s will be critically evaluated. Scores will be critically analyzed by the researchers to filter the important information. To obtain score, survey will be drawn from the 4th year students as indicated on the title. 50 respondents were chosen to participate on the study. The following research instruments were used in this study; Interview /survey Through this kind of research instrument, questionnaires were distributed to the chosen respondents.

The respondents indicate their personal perception about their concern about the pre-board examination. Questionnaire This was given to the target respondents in the school to obtain information on the respondents view about the pre-board examination as academic requirements. Observation The investigator may assume several roles in observing situation; a visiting attentive listeners, an eager learner, a participant observer or a non ??? participants one. Documentary This helps the study to be more realistic. This indicates that such problem usually happens in reality.

The information from the journals, articles, periodicals, and internet are the primary source of information. This will serve as a view by the mass people about the topics so that there will be no bias. Data gathering procedure After the approval from the Dean, our group personally goes to the setting of the study and started the collection of data. Proper approaches to the respondents were made. This includes, the Explanation of the purpose of the study to the respondents. Giving the appropriate instruction to have a reliable outcome. The gathered data are subjected to the statistical treatment.

This will be summarized and display in a systematic way. To identify the most reactions of the student, rating were used to evaluate the data. Statistical treatment This research used statistical tools to evaluate, identify the most numbered reaction and perceptions about the pre- board examination. Included here, are the perception of the students regarding the matter through a standardized hypotheses. CHAPTER IV Result and Discussion This chapter presents the data collected in the survey according to the analysis and interpretation specified in the method section.

Table I Respondents Profile Based on Gender GenderFrequencyRelated Frequency Male1632% Female3468% Total50100% Graph I Respondents Profile Based on Gender Analysis: Graph I shows the percentage of respondents profile based on gender. Where Female is at the highest point with 68%, and followed by male with 32% Implication: This implies that female is the most numbered students enrolled in the Central Colleges of the Philippines Nursing Program. Table II Respondents Profile Based on Age AgeFrequencyRelated Frequency 19 years old1224% 20 years old2550% 21 years old1122% 2 years old and above24% Total50100% Graph II Respondents Profile Based on Age Analysis: Graph II shows the distribution of respondents profile based on age. The group age of 20 is at the highest point with 50%, followed by the age group of 19 with 24%, age group of 21 and at the lowest point is the age group of 22 and above with 4%. Implication: These data reveal that most of the nursing students of the Central Colleges of the Philippines belong to the age group of 20 years of age. , and the age group of 22 years and above has the least number of students.

Table III Related Frequency on Response of the Graduating Nursing Students that Pre-board Examination has Effect on Them RankingFrequencyRelated Frequency Excellent612% Very Satisfactory1734% Satisfactory2652% Fair00% Poor12% Total50100% Graph III Related Frequency on Response of the Graduating Nursing Students that Pre-board Examination has Effect on Them Analysis: Based on the graph And table above, satisfactory reaction is at the highest point with 52%, followed by very satisfactory with 34%, excellent with 12%, poor with 2% and at the lowest point is Fair 0%.

Implication: These data reflect the reaction of the graduating students about the effect of the past pre-board on students which is said to be at satisfactory level. And some of of the students has an idea of a poor effect of the pre-board on students. Table IV Related Frequency on Effect of the Past Pre-board to the Coming Local Board Examination RankingFrequencyRelated Frequency Excellent1020% Very Satisfactory2754% Satisfactory1224% Fair12% Poor00% Total50100% Graph IV Related Frequency on Effect of the Past Pre-board to the Coming Local Board Examination

Analysis: Graph IV shows very satisfactory is at the highest point with 54%. Second is Satisfactory with 24%. Followed by excellent 20%, Fair with 2% and Poor with 0% Implication: The data above reveals the reactions of the graduating student about the effect of the pre-board to the coming local board examination which is said to be very satisfactory. While least of the students said Fair. Table V Related Frequency on Students Performance after the Implementation of Pre-board as an Academic Requirement RankingFrequencyRelated Frequency Excellent714% Very Satisfactory2142% Satisfactory2244% Fair00% Poor00% Total50100% Graph V

Related Frequency on Students Performance after the Implementation of Pre-board as an Academic Requirements Analysis: Graph V shows that Satisfactory is at the highest point with 44%, next is very satisfactory with 42%, followed Excellent with 14%. Implication: The data implies that most of the students agreed with the implementation of pre board examination as an academic requirement which reveals a very satisfactory action. Table VI Related Frequency on Faculty Performance after the Implementation of Pre-board as an Academic Requirement RankingFrequencyRelated Frequency Excellent510% Very Satisfactory2754% Satisfactory1734% Fair12%

Poor00% Total50100% Graph VI Related Frequency on Faculty Performance after the Implementation of Pre-board as an Academic Requirements Analysis: Shows very satisfactory is at the highest point with 54%, followed satisfactory with 34%, excellent with 10%, fair 2% and at the last point is poor with 0% Implication: This reflects the reactions of the students about the performance of the faculty after the implementation of Pre-board examination where most of the students said that it is a very satisfactory performance. Table VII Related Frequency on the Pre-board Examination Responses of Student Nurse graduated on the Positive Effect

RankingFrequencyRelated Frequency Excellent612% Very Satisfactory2448% Satisfactory1836% Fair24% Poor00% Total50100% Graph VII Related Frequency on the Pre-board Examination Responses of Student Nurse graduated on the Positive Effect Analysis: Graph VII presents the data of very satisfactory at as the highest point with 48%, followed satisfactory with 36%, excellent with 12%, fair with 4% and poor with 0% Implication: Most of the graduating students’ perceptions about the product of Central Colleges of the Philippines who undergo pre-board process are reflected as very satisfactory Table VIII

Related Frequency on Positive View of Students on Pre-board Examination as an Academic Subject RankingFrequencyRelated Frequency Excellent612% Very Satisfactory2346% Satisfactory1836% Fair36% Poor00% Total50100% Graph VIII Related Frequency on Positive View of Students on Pre-board Examination as an Academic Subject Analysis: Graph VIII a show that very satisfactory is at the highest point with 46%, followed satisfactory with 36%, excellent 12 %, fair with 6% and the last is poor with 0% Implication: Most of the students have the perception of very satisfactory with the pre-board examination as an academic requirement.

Table IX Related Frequency on Positive View of Students on Pre-board as Motivation in Preparation for the National Board Examination RankingFrequencyRelated Frequency Excellent1632% Very Satisfactory2142% Satisfactory1224% Fair12% Poor00 Total50100% Graph IX Related Frequency on Positive View of Students on Pre-board as Motivation in Preparation for the National Board Examination Analysis: Data shows that 42% very satisfactory is the highest point of view regarding Pre board as motivation in preparation for the National Board Examination followed by 32% excellent, 24% satisfactory, 2% fair and 0% for poor.

Implication: Most of our respondents with a percentage of 42% believe that pre board as motivation in preparation for the National Board Examination. Table X Related Frequency on Positive View of Students on the Possible Effectiveness of Pre-board Examination RankingFrequencyRelated Frequency Excellent816% Very Satisfactory3060% Satisfactory1020% Fair24% Poor00% Total50100% Graph X Related Frequency on Positive View of Students on the Possible Effectiveness of Pre-board Examination

Analysis: Data shows that almost 60% very satisfactory s the highest score among the rest followed by 20% satisfactory, 16% excellent, 4% fair and 0% poor. Implication: Almost half of our respondents with 60% very satisfactory believe on the possible effectiveness of Pre board Examination. Table XI Related Frequency on Student Presumption about the Result of the Incoming Pre-board RankingFrequencyRelated Frequency Excellent612% Very Satisfactory1734% Satisfactory2346% Fair48% Poor00% Total50100% Graph XI Related Frequency on Student Presumption about the Result of the Incoming Pre-board

Analysis: Graph XII shows that 46% satisfactory is the highest possible answer in this question followed by 34% Very satisfactory, 12% fair, 8% fair, 0% poor. Implication: Most of our respondents have react on very satisfactory basis about on Student Presumption about the result of the incoming Pre-Board. Table XII Related Frequency on the Student Presumption about the Result of the Incoming Local Board after the Pre-board RankingFrequencyRelated Frequency Excellent1122% Very Satisfactory1938% Satisfactory1734% Fair36% Poor00% Total50100% Graph XII

Related Frequency on the Student Presumption about the Result of the Incoming Local Board after the Pre-board Analysis: Graph shows that almost 38% under very satisfactory choices followed by 34% satisfactory, 22% excellent, 6% fair, and 0% basis on poor. Implication: Most of our respondents stated that 38% very satisfactory on the presumption about the result of the incoming Local Board after the Pre-board Table XIII Related Frequency on Positive View of Students on Presumptive Effect of Pre-board on Students RankingFrequencyRelated Frequency Excellent918%

Very Satisfactory1938% Satisfactory2142% Fair12% Poor00% Total50100% Graph XIII Related Frequency on Positive View of Students on Presumptive Effect of Pre-board on Students Analysis: This graph shows that 42% satisfactory is the highest possible score regarding this question followed by 38% very satisfactory, 18% excellent, 2% fair and O% poor. Implication: 42% of our respondents under satisfactory relates on the presumptive effect of Pre board on students. Table XIV Related Frequency on Positive View of Students on Presumptive Effect of Pre-board on Students Study Habit

RankingFrequencyRelated Frequency Excellent1224% Very Satisfactory1530% Satisfactory2040% Fair24% Poor12% Total50100% Graph XIV Related Frequency on Presumptive Effect of Pre-board on Students Study Habit Analysis: Graph XV states that 40% satisfactory is the highest among the rest followed by 30% very satisfactory, 24% excellent, 4% fair and lowest is 2% poor. Implication: Most of our respondents react on satisfactory basis score of 40% rate regarding the Presumptive effects of Pre board on students study habit. Table XV

Related Frequency on Positive View of Students on Presumptive Effect of Pre-board on Students Personal Life RankingFrequencyRelated Frequency Excellent510% Very Satisfactory1836% Satisfactory2142% Fair612% Poor00% Total50100% Graph XV Related Frequency on Positive View of Students on Presumptive Effect of Pre-board on Students Personal Life Analysis: This graph shows that 42% satisfactory is the highest score followed by 36% very satisfactory, 12% fair, 10% excellent and 0% poor. Implication: Satisfactory 42% of the score answered by the respondents regarding on the presumptive effects of pre-board on students Personal life.

Table XVI Related Frequency on Positive View of Students on Presumptive Outcome of the Pre-board Examination RankingFrequencyRelated Frequency Excellent918% Very Satisfactory1632% Satisfactory2448% Fair12% Poor00% Total50100% Graph XVI Related Frequency on Positive View of Students on Presumptive Outcome of the Pre-board Examination Analysis: The above data reveal satisfactory is at the highest point with 48% followed by very satisfactory with 32%, excellent with 18%, fair with 2% and at the last point is Poor with 0% Implication: The data reflects the Nursing

Students at Central Colleges of the Philippines has the perception on the presumptive outcome of the pre-board examination as satisfactory, while only few has the agreed that it is fair. Table XVII Related Frequency on Positive View of Students on Presumptive Effect of Pre-board on the Local Board Examination RankingFrequencyRelated Frequency Excellent1020% Very Satisfactory2244% Satisfactory1734% Fair12% Poor00% Total50100% Graph XVII Related Frequency on Positive View of Students on Presumptive Effect of Pre-board on the Local Board Examination

Analysis: The data shown above reveal very satisfactory is at the highest level with 44%, followed by satisfactory with 34%, excellent with 20%, fair with 2% and last is poor with 0% Implication: Most of the nursing students have judged the presumptive effect of the pre-board on local board examination as very satisfactory. While only few of these student agreed that the effect would be fair. Table XVIII Related Frequency on Positive View of Students on Pre-Board as an Aid to Success RankingFrequencyRelated Frequency Excellent1224% Very Satisfactory1734% Satisfactory1938% Fair24% Poor00% Total50100% Graph XVIII

Related Frequency on Positive View of Students on Pre-Board as an Aid to Success Analysis: The date above show that satisfactory is at the highest level with 38%. Next is very satisfactory with 34%, excellent with 24%, fair with 4% and last is poor with 0% Implication: Most of the Nursing students agreed that pre-board as an aid to success is at a satisfactory level. While least have said that it is a poor motivation Table XIX Related Frequency on Positive View of Students on Pre-Board as an Academic Requirement RankingFrequencyRelated Frequency Excellent1020% Very Satisfactory1326% Satisfactory2244% Fair48%

Poor12% Total50100% Graph XIX Related Frequency on Positive View of Students on Pre-Board as an Academic Requirement Analysis: Shown above are the related frequency where satisfactory is the highest with 44%, very satisfactory is next with 26%, excellent with 20%, fair with 8% and poor with 2% Implication: Most of the nursing students at the central colleges of the Philippines said that pre-board examination as an academic subject is satisfactory. While the are some students who did not agreed with this type of motivation which is rated poor T-Test on pre-board examination effect on the local board examination

Pre board examination have a very satisfactory effect on the local board examination which implies that pre-board examination is an evaluative tool for the graduating student to have an excellent performance in the local board examination. (Refer to table and graph XIX) T-test Formula: T = X2 ???X1/ ? s/n Standard Deviation:19. 33 X2 = 10 X1 = (VERY SATISFACTORY) 22 n = 50 Equation: T = 10 ??? 22/ ? 19/50 = 12/ 0. 61 = 19 (accepted) CHAPTER V Summary and Conclusion This chapter summarizes the interpretation of data and presents conclusions with respect to the research problem.

A group of graduating students composed of 16 males and 34 females were surveyed, with an age ranges 19-24 years old. Extracted from these students are the reactions and perceptions about the pre-board examination as an academic requirement. Most of the respondents personal views are almost positive although some of them did not agreed with the implementation of pre-board examination. The following are the reasons pointed by the respondents. a. The student will not take the local board examination b. Student will leave the country after he/she completed the program and will not take the local board examination. . Local board questions are versatile which maybe very different from the questions given on the pre-board examination. d. Pre-board examination hinders the student privilege to graduate after their sacrifices. Followed by these reactions is the description of pre-board examination according to the students. Pre-board examination is a mode of motivation for the graduating students, in the preparation of the local board examination. Pre-board examination motivate the students directly affect the students life because they will be obliged to extract an extra effort, time for their study.

After the gathering of data, almost all of the graduating students have a positive outlook of this mode of motivation. Some said pre-board examination is an evaluative tool in relation to complete the nursing program. This will validate the student’s capability to take the local board examination. Some students have a perception of pre-board as a mile stone for nursing students. The students also emphasized that whatever result that the pre-board examination will have, it will not directly affect the result of the local board examination.

Considering the efforts and sacrifices of the student alone would help the students to have a positive outcome in the local board examination yet, since pre-board examination is a mandatory requirement to be able to finish the nursing program in the Central Colleges of the Philippines, they were very thankful that pre-board examination is implemented. Pre-board examination alarms these students to have a hard work in studying. This pressure will help the student to develop all the needed knowledge, skills and attitude in the preparation of being a nurse which will face the reality of life related to health which focuses on human responses.

The pre-board examination is very important for the students because this will help the students to exhale in the local board examination. One of the risks in preparing for the local board examination is the “pressure”. The student should be physically, emotionally, intellectually prepared before taking up the local board examination. Through the help of the pre-board examination, the student will have the opportunity to experience the feeling of answering the standardized questions which will be given on the actual board examination. This will lessen the anxiety felt by the student.

Preparation of for an examination which will authorize you with a license is similar with the preparation of a patient before a surgery. All the requirements and standards should be closely observed to be able to have less complication after the surgery which represents the local board examination. Any deficiencies before the surgery will take the patient to a great risk which is similar to the students. This is maybe just some of the benefits of pre-board examination and a lot more benefits will be seen along as you enroll yourself to the program.

Aside from the positive reactions, the respondents also sighted some deficiencies that the school should offer to their students like the proper setting for nursing education. Like proper exposure to the medical technology which they will encounter in the future. Community exposure is very limited that is the reason why only a limited knowledge was acquired. Central Colleges of the Philippines is at its peak in the aspect of knowledge because the educational system was very challenging but skill and attitude towards the profession is also vital in nursing profession.

According to a student, Central Colleges of the Philippines College of Nursing is not active with the extra curriculum. Unlike the other colleges which were found to be very active in participating the school program. And for them to be inspired studying, fame will be an edge for the student to love their school. There must be a program that could help in marketing the name of the school at the same time there will be “touch of a nurse”. As the whole result of this research, the graduating students is currently preparing for the incoming pre-board examination and oral revalida.

And these have been an aid for these students to have a positive attitude towards the problem and soon be successful professionals. And therefore Pre-board examination is an evaluative tool for the graduating students to have an excellent performance in the National board examination. CHAPTER VI Recommendation Based on the study conducted on a research, the following additional program is recommended and suggested. Film Viewing Film viewing is the best way of visualization of the reality. Through this method, the students will be able to witness how and what it is to be a future health care provider.

Care giver played by Ms. Sharon Cuneta only reflects the sacrifices of the Filipino health care provider abroad. This film shows the trans-cultural aspect of nursing. This will contribute to the students by having an idea of the pressures of the outside world of nursing. Part of this program is the series of ER, HOUSE which is available on DVD format. This series shows some stories of the breath taking events happening inside the hospital setting. Through this, the Students will be having the opportunity to be familiar with the other nursing and medical procedure shown in the movie.

Together with these benefits is that the student will be motivated to understand and speak English more effective. This method can be a comprehensive way of learning. There are no more reasons for the teachers to hardly visualize some scenario, procedure to the students because through this “film viewing” the students are oriented. Herbal Plant- Planting Knowledge alone is insufficient, application and execution of the knowledge is also needed. Herbal plants are usually taught during Community health nursing and society, science and technology subject.

This is an alternative medicine which ideally should be available in community settings. Yet, this is not yet available for the students to see it personally at CCP-CON. Therefore this program should be readily available because this program contributes the students to be familiar with the different herbal plants and for them to value these traditional medicines. Planting is also recommended to promote a healthy environment within the school. In having this environment inside the CCP-CON motivates the students to effectively understand the use of these herbal plants.

And availability of these plants would be very helpful for community health nursing and also for personal application of the knowledge. PHILIPPINE NATIONAL RED CROSS Philippine National Red Cross is volunteer organizations which have served the citizen for almost 80 years. Being part of this organization is a best way in acquiring for the character of humanism. Philippine National Red Cross offers different program fit to the field of Nursing. Like Community Health Service, Basic Life Support Training, Basic Leadership Training etc. These are seminars which are needed to enhance the skills, knowledge and attitude of a student.

This provides the opportunity for the students to exhale their skills in rendering holistic care to the community. And facilitate the student’s personality. This organization would be very helpful for the future career of being a nurse because by joining this organization, students will be socially active in participating an outreach program. This aids the students to be more effective in the field. PNRC also provides competition among different schools. Therefore CCP-CON should also participate to build a name at PNRC to be recognized nationally. Being part of this humanistic call of duty is a Virtue.

Therefore, CCP-CON should motivate their students to be active even with the extracurricular activities. Medical mission Medical mission is an outreach program. These activities should be done outside the school. At a depressed area or barangay. Where there is a need for a voluntary medical mission or a feeding program etc. Nursing is a voluntary act of rendering a health care service to the citizens who are in need. As a future nurse to be, student nurse should be equipped with the experience of being a volunteer. Most of the students are taking up nursing because of the amount of salary they will be having.

Without realizing that, nursing is a “call of duty”. That this profession is for others to be benefited. What is a can of sardines if this will bring out the smiles? The students should understand how much a smile of a child is worth. A little voice of Joyce of an elder, count in promoting holistic care. Through this program CCP-CON could be recognized by the other institution. Imagine, a simply action could have an unexpected product. Let’s start a healthy Nursing Program. And when there is Joy brings smile, yet smile brought joy. APPENDICES APPENDIX A Sample Questionnaire Survey Questionnaire Part I

Direction: Please complete the blank provided for or put check (/) on the appropriate item/s found below Personal Data: Name: _____________________________________Date: _____________ Age: _______________Regular: ? Irregular: ? Transferee: ? Gender: ____________ Year and Section: ___________________ Part II A Study on the Pre-Board Examination for Level IV Students; An Academic Requirement of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program of Central Colleges of the Philippines, College of Nursing Direction: Enumerated below are the different questions regarding the Pre board examination as an academic requirement?

Place check (/) mark on the appropriate box that correspond to your choice A. Dissemination of Information/ Campaign on Pre-Board Question5 Excellent4 Very Satisfactory3 Satisfactory2 Fair1 Poor 1. Effects of the past pre-board to students? 2. Effects of pre-board to the incoming board examination? 3. Students performance after the implementing of pre-board as an academic requirement? 4. Faculty performance after the implementing of pre-board as an academic requirements? 5. Product of CCP who undergo pre-board process ( alumni ) B. Manner of Implementation: Question5 Excellent4

Very Satisfactory3 Satisfactory2 Fair1 Poor 1. Rate pre-board as an academic requirements? 2. Rate Pre Board as motivation in preparation for the National Board Exam? 3. Rate the possible effectiveness of this idea? 4. What will be your presumption about the result of the incoming Pre-Board? 5. What will be your presumptions about the result of the incoming Local Board after the Pre-Board? C. Utilization: Questions:5 Excellent4 Very Satisfactory 3 Satisfactory2 Fair1 Poor 1. The Presumptive effect of pre-board on students? 2. The presumptive effect of pre-board on students study habits? . The presumptive effect of students personal life? 4. The presumptive outcome of pre-board examination? 5. The presumptive effect of pre-board on the local board 6. Pre-board as an aid to success 7. Pre-board as academic requirements REACTIONS: 1. What is your personal reaction about the Pre Board examination as an academic requirement? (please state your whole concern) and use the following question below as a guide. a. Do you think pre-board would benefit to your success? b. Do you accept the strategy? c. Do pre-boards alarms you? d. Do you prepare yourself for the examination? . Do this pressure you? f. Do you prefer to continue? g. Are you prepared for the possible consequences? APPENDIX B Formula in computing the frequency and percentage distribution of respondents COMPUTATION The following formula is applied to this study: P= r/ n x 100 Where in: P = Percentage Rate r = No. of Respondents n = TotalNumber of Respondents APPENDIX C The respondents graduating Students of The Central Colleges of the Philippines Fourth Year Graduating Nursing Students of the Central Colleges of the Philippines During the Survey January 8, 2009 APPENDIX D Publishment

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A Study on the Solicited Reactions of Level Iv Students on Pre-Board Examination as an Academic Requirements of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program of Central Colleges of the Philippines College of Nursing Assignment. (2021, May 21). Retrieved October 18, 2024, from https://anyassignment.com/science/a-study-on-the-solicited-reactions-of-level-iv-students-on-pre-board-examination-as-an-academic-requirements-of-the-bachelor-of-science-in-nursing-program-of-central-colleges-of-the-philippines-colleg-40036/