Work effectively in the community sector Assignment

Work effectively in the community sector Assignment Words: 2508

Work effectively in the community sector: Assignment 2 Task A – The Community Services Industry (CSS) 1 . Name a Community Service organization that you wish to research : Rural Nursing Service 2. State the sector that this organization belongs to. Nursing and Aged Care 3. The Target Group: A. The Elderly: used to describe a person who is beyond middle age and approaching old age. They may also be referred to as senior citizens. Disabled: Impaired, as in physical functioning. Physically impaired people considered as a group.

Sick: Suffering from or affected with a disease or disorder. Families: A group of blood relatives, especially parents and their children. Careers: A person, usually a relative, parent, spouse, partner, child, or friend who provides regular and substantial voluntary care to someone who is disabled, severely ill, frail or has a mental health problem, often in place of paid care workers. B. The needs of this sector are: Community Care aims to help the older person and/or disabled person who has complex requirements to continue to be able to live at home.

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If requirements increase they can be given extra or intensive help which daily chores such as thing, meals, transport, laundry and shopping. Home maintenance to help keep the house and/or property in good order. This may require the upgrade of extra hand rails, ramps and aids to allow for the older person and/or disabled person to be able to move around better. Household chores can be a big task when you are an older person and lord disabled. They can also be a quite daunting for families and careers as they may already have a lot to do already without extra chores to do as well.

Transport when you are an older person and/or disabled person is not always easily achieved. Depending on where they live whether public transport is available and have the requirements for the older person and/or disabled person to be able to use it. Cognitive tasks “the process of thought. ” Taken from (http:// www. Defenestration. Com/cognitive+process) Many cognitive tasks are linked directly to short and long term memory. Others are developed physically, as though a process of motion.

Humans learn and build understanding though hearing, speaking, and doing. Sometimes cognitive tasks cannot be done easily by the older person and/or disabled person and they may need someone to do them for them. C. The changing needs of this target group: A number of recent studies have considered the likely effect of population ageing on the future demand for aged care services and government expenditure. Over the next 40 years, the Australian population is projected to both grow and age. Ark effectively in the community sector By transitions likely to be only partly offset by reductions in severe and profound age-specific disability rates. The number of people aged 65 and over is expected to increase from 13. 4% of the total population in June 2007 to 25. 3% by 2047. An even bigger increase s expected for those aged over 85 years, who tend to be the main users of aged care services. This group is expected to increase from 1. 7 to 5. 6% of the total population over the period.

Demand will also be influenced by the growing diversity among older Australians in terms of their care needs reflecting the changing pattern of disease associated with increased longevity, including an increase in the prevalence of co- morbidity’s, cultural and linguistic backgrounds reflecting Australia’s post-war immigration patterns, preferences and expectations including an increasing reference for independent living arrangements supported by community-based aged care services.

While the future demand for aged care seems set to become evidently more varied, the extent to which aged care providers are able to respond will be an important factor of the care mix that finally develops and the contribution they make to the wellbeing of older Australians. Taken from www. PC. Gob. AU/_data/ assets/PDF_file/0010/83386/05-chapter. PDF FUTURE DEMAND FOR AGED CARE SERVICES C. Identify examples of how your selected organization meets the current needs of the target group. Community care: My selected organization provides in home care.

If there is a need to increase what care is provided they can be given extra or intensive help with daily chores such as bathing, meals, transport, laundry and shopping. Home maintenance: My selected organization does a safety check and can recommend what rails, ramps, equipment is needed to help the elderly/disabled person around the home safely. They can also recommend transposable to install the changes. Household chores: My selected organization offers domestic assistance to help the aged/disabled, careers and families meet their needs of cleanliness and should duties.

Transport: My selected organization offers transport for shopping, bill payments, medicine needs, doctor’s appointments etc. They have company cars that allow transport needs to be meet. Cognitive Tasks: My selected organization offers assistance with these by doing simple exercises that can help stimulate the function in the brain to react to simple movements to complete simple tasks. They also promote independence with support. (Taken from Brochure on Rural Nursing Services). 4. What are the roles and functions of your selected organization?

They offer seven days a week care and have morning and evening shifts. They offer three levels of care staff registered nurses, enrolled nurses and Assistants in Nursing. Some roles and functions they offer are: Case management, referral and assessment Personal care Wound Care Medication compliance and administration Clinical monitoring Continence assistance In home respite Domestic [shopping Assistance Light meal preparation Escort to appointments Wellbeing Checks Bowel care Specific client requests if staff suitability can be arranged Provide staff for agency placements.

Some of these roles and functions require referral from a Doctor, specialist, Veterans Home Care, Aged care assessment team, department of Veterans affairs, commonwealth care respite, attendant care programmer, Evans community Options, and from self/family in certain circumstances. (Taken from Brochure on Rural Nursing Services). 5. Access and Equity: a. Describe what principles access and equity cover. A commitment to access and equity must be demonstrated by a non-discriminatory approach to all people using the service as well as their family and friends, the general public and co-workers.

This commitment must also be proactive in ensuring that service provision is laterally appropriate and is being accessed by all groups in the local area. B. Identify examples of how your selected organization demonstrates access and equity. Assist the client to understand their situation from different perspectives and assist clients to know their rights awareness of the resources and options available to clients. Identify appropriate local services and how to access them promotion and assistance to clients to make informed decisions about their lives and treatment required. Assistance in developing clients skills in dealing with problems independently help for clients to gain confidence through learning new skills, understanding the system and knowing their rights. 6. Improving Work Practices: a. Describe ways that an organization can improve work practices. Have regular staff meetings to check progress of outcomes against workplace goals. Workers and organization complying with legislation.

Monitoring the workplace for potential hazards Application for safety practices Regular monitoring and evaluation of work practices Encourage innovation in work practices Seeking and addressing feedback from clients. Workers reporting and implementing suggested improvements Checking equipment Developing and implementing child safe, child friendly resources, environment and work tools to support staff and volunteers working with people under 18 years of age. B. Identify examples of how your selected organization strives to improve work practices.

They have regular staff meetings to discuss outcomes, workplace goals, including upcoming courses or information sessions. As the work is performed mostly at the client’s homes there is policy of ensuring safety and identifying hazards and a reporting system in place to communicate this to other staff and higher supervisors. They send out questionnaires to clients to address feedback as well as knowledge to client they are able to call the office with any concerns, complaints. Workers are asked on regular intervals about how things are and if there are any concerns.

Because it is good to evaluate yourself and think about possible changes in work performance. This creates an effective worker and helps you to stay enthusiastic about your work. Once you feel that you know everything you may become stale in your practices and your own professional development. 8 Under the following headings, provide examples of ways that you could get feedback and monitor your own work performance. A. Formal methods: supervisor, can observe while performing certain tasks and omelet a performance appraisal form.

Then give feedback as to where your strengths and weaknesses are b. Informal methods: supervisor or colleague can oversee what tasks that you complete and provide feedback as to where your strengths or weaknesses are egg. Using a blood pressure monitor, have you got the correct positioning, whether you are reading the gauge correctly. 9 Under the following headings, provide examples of various work practices from the Community Services Industry that you could reflect on. A. Knowledge: Approaches to work in the industry and a range of activities which support this

Holistic and client-centered care Client needs and rights including duty of care Principles of access and equity Current issues facing clients and the sector Basic knowledge responsibilities in relation to child protection Awareness of own biases and beliefs Basic understanding of legal and ethical framework in the community services industry Limitations of work role and responsibilities Legislation, regulations and codes or practice applicable to specific community services functions Types of community services organizations and functions Terms and conditions of employment Workplace communication channels and procedures

Principles of effective communication Work health and safety (WISH) issues and requirements Taken from (training. Gob. AU/Transcendentalist’s/CHECK/CHESS B_RI . PDF) b.

Skills: Demonstrate interpersonal communication with clients and other stakeholders Accurately interpret organization information to ensure an effective understanding of various roles and responsibilities and organization processes and procedures Access, interpret and comply with a range of relevant legislative and procedural requirements Develop effective and personal relationships through the application f organization social, ethical and operational standards and use of appropriate interpersonal styles and techniques. Work on an individual basis and within a team Taken from (training. Ova. awTrainingComponentFiles/CHECK/CHESS B_RI . PDF) c. Attitudes: Discussing and negotiating problems and tasks with other team members Sharing knowledge and skills Identifying and reporting any risks or hazards Using business equipment according to instructions Personal dress, presentation and hygiene Demeanor in the workplace and attitude displayed to customers and other team members Taken from (training. Gob. U/Transcendentalist’s/CHECK/ CHESS B_RI . PDF) 10 From your responses to question 9: Identify and discuss an area where you would like professional development. My professional development is actually getting my certificate in aged care to meet the needs of my organization I work for and to help me better understand my clients and their needs. 11 From your responses to question 10: Find a professional development opportunity which addresses this area that you would like professional development in. A. Name the professional organization that offers the professional development opportunity. B. Title of the workshop/course or development that is offered. C. Costs of the training. D. Details of the workshop including the dates, location, hours, delivery method.

Certificate Ill in Aged Care Open Colleges Course number: EYE Course duration: Max 18 months Qualification: Certificate Ill Delivery mode: Online with Work Placement Nationally recognized: Yes Assessments Activities, Case Studies, Interviews, Logbook, Quizzes, Short-Answer Questions, Simulated Skill Development Activities, Workplace Portfolio National Code: Awarded By: Integrated Care & Management Training Pity Ltd price: $ 2072. 00 Task C: The workplace As CSS workers, we all bring to the workplace values and attitudes from our past. 2 For each of the following headings, provide an example from your experience’s and describe how this may influence your values and attitudes in working with people in the CSS (Word count 100-150 words total for all parts to question 12). A. Working relationships I have had some good working relationships where communication has been open and trust was there. My recent Job though one of my work colleagues was very sly and talked about people behind there back and steal other workers commission. This loud affect my work as I may find trust harder to give to new workmates. B.

Dress code or professional conduct I have been in a store before where dress codes or professional conduct was not the best. This has made myself more aware of how I personally look and present myself and I try to set a high standard for myself, as I believe that is what I would expect, so believe that is what should give to others. C. Cultural beliefs I have no religion and cultural beliefs, so I know I need to be aware not to Judge others on what theirs are. D. Grief and loss. Sometimes we all can get caught in a whirly wind of emotions when it comes to grief ND loss and sometimes say or do things that we do not mean when this occurs.

I think I need to be aware of this as the community services sector there can be grief and loss of high magnitude. Conflict arises from differences. It occurs whenever people disagree over their values, motivations, perceptions, ideas or desires. 13 Describe five (5) strategies to resolve conflict and provide an example of each 1. Discussion: by talking about the problem, two sides may be able to get their needs met or find there wasn’t such a difference between the sides as first thought. 2. Problem Solving: using a series of steps, parties can explore the causes of the conflict and seek a solution in a structured way. . Mediation: a neutral third party assists those concerned to reach an agreement. 4. Negotiation: A back and forth problem solving approach, often using a third party, which can be used to prevent open conflict. 5. Conflict Management: Not resolution, but making arrangements so unresolved conflict does not flare up destructively. Win/ win: working together finding a mutual acceptable solution. Both parties need to agree and support each other and the solution. Both sides taken into account. Both people win. Win/Lose: a solution is forced upon the other by the winning party.

Competitors. Emphasis on overpowering the other and minimizing their needs. One person wins and one person loses. Lose/Lose: avoiding conflict it is too difficult to deal with. Assumption of no solution. Problems get ignored and not dealt with. Relationship breakdown with no solution. Neither parties needs are meet. Neither person wins. Lose/Win: losing person gives in and focuses on the other person’s needs. Ignorance of personal needs and wishes and pretend things are fine. Smooth winner. Compromise: each person gets something but not what they wanted.

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