Water Pollution Assignment

Water Pollution Assignment Words: 595

In the current days we witness different types of pollution all around us. Some of them may not damage our health in a direct manner but could be harmful after long term exposure. Water pollution is one of the biggest problems that faces modern society and is harmful to the health of humans and animals because it affects every living organism in this earth. This essay will talk about industrial pollution, Oil pollution, litter and sewage pollution. One of the main sources of pollution are industrial wastes, these wastes come from factories located by the sea.

Throughout the years these locations have been used for industrial activities due to the strategic location for both transport and waste disposal. An example of subsequent effects of pollution on living organisms in the sea is the mercury poisoning in Animate Bay, Japan. The Chicks cooperation factory in Animate produced accidentally, the method used produced mercury as a byproduct which was released in Amanita bay. This caused the Animate disease to appear, with symptoms such as insanity and paralysis and ultimately causing death within weeks.

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Apart from industrial wastes, another pollutant of the seas is oil, this mainly happens s a result of oil spillage due to sea accidents. Also one of the most devastating environmental disasters is the Exxon Valued oil spill, which took place in the US seas, where an Exxon company shipping company ship by the name of Exxon Valued sank in the water, spilling more than 260,000 barrels in the sea. The area of the ocean covered by the spill was about 28,000 squared kilometers, this affected a lot of the wildlife in the area including salmon, sea otters, seals and seabirds. The damages award was ruled to be $2. 5 billion.

Another water contaminant is illegally dumped pubis’s in the sea, where plastic products which are discarded affect many organisms living in the sea, which get entangled in this litter and are not able to free themselves, often dying slowly and painfully. Turtles mistake plastic bags for Jellyfish and end up swallowing them. Moreover untreated sewage could also pause a great threat to the environment if it is improperly disposed, if disposed on land , it could affect the underground water reservoirs. When channeled to fresh water sources, such as lakes and rivers it triggers the growth of harmful algae in these ecosystems.

As a result this will decreases the oxygen supply available for fish and other plants in the ecosystem, thus causing them to die and decrease in number. Disposal of sewage in seawater is still common in Australia , this problem needs to be addressed as these discharges contain many harmful components, such as cleaning products and human waste. In conclusion water pollution is an extremely vital issue facing modern society, which brings about many damages to the environment as a whole, these could be from various sources, including manufacturing sources, petroleum sources, indecomposable litter and City wastage.

These different sources contribute to water pollution in different manners and to varying extents, nevertheless we should not focus on some and forget the others. In the coming years new technologies and methods to limit pollution would arise it is therefore evident that pollution would be in a decline. Water pollution is an issue that is adversely affecting many countries. Identify some of the key causes of this problem and suggest ways which might help to minimize this environmental problem. Submitted By: Faded Mohammed Altair Class: EPA Red Date: 04/04/12 Assignment: First Draft

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