Unit Assignment

Unit  Assignment Words: 2357

The Business Environment (Assignment 1) Tests PL: A Summary of the businesses activities and their major activities Tests is the world’s widest retailers with operations in 14 different countries, Japan, India, United States, and Czech Republic. Employing over 492,000 individuals and serving over millions of customers every week as well as they have a market share of 30%. Tests have diversified into different markets for example retailing books, clothing, electronics, furniture and they also have diversified into the financial sector by selling car insurance, home insurance etc.

Tests were also the first supermarket to invent the loyalty scheme this Is where customers collect points by shopping at the supermarket each point equates to Ip In store when redeemed or up to 3 times their value when used the club card deals, offers on holidays, day trips, when filling up fuel at the petrol station. The UK market shares for Tests have increased by 30. 5% by 2009; these Increases follow a decline In the market share of discounts chains Lid, Laid In the same period collectively of 0. 1%.

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Details where they operate (locally, nationally and/or globally The company operates globally because they have expanded to 14 efferent countries so this means they are making more profit than any other supermarket as well as they operate in America, Turkey, China and many more other countries where Tests PL function. Http://WV. Testimony. Org/index. PH? Option=com_contentГ?ewe=595=193 Which sector of the economy that they are In, with a description of this I. E. Primary, secondary and/or tertiary? The sector of the company is tertiary because they are bringing in goods and service to the business and to consumers.

Transporting goods, via supermarket, advertising Insurance for distribution (retail) and then finally selling them to customers through their supermarket. The purpose of the business (e. G. Do they sell products or provide services; do they exist for profit or not) The purpose of the company is to sell as many products as they can so they make the most profit out of the other supermarkets, they also have to provide a good service because if they don’t then they will lose existing customers and the customers will go to other companies for example Sad, Ginsburg, Morrison etc, so the company will make a significance loss on profit.

The many will also try and become the market leadership so they can have the most shares in the supermarket chain as well as they will need to expand into other countries so they can make more capital. The type of ownership of each of the businesses (e. G. Are they a PL or an LTD; are 1 OFF each these The type of ownership for Tests is a public limited company and it is in the public sector so it means that any member of the public can buy their shares. The advantages of a public limited company are: ; Limited Liability – It is where an investor cannot lose more than the amount invested.

The investor is not personally expansible for the debts and obligations of the company. ;More Capital – By selling shares to employees or customers ;Borrowing and Buying Bulk – This will be cheaper because if you buy in bulk you can get a discount on the items and it will be lower price for the certain items The disadvantages of a Public Limited Company are: ; Loss of control – This means that decisions will take longer and there may be a disagreement ; Restricted Capital Raising Complex Accounts Supermarket Market Share December 2009 +1- from December 2008 -rescuer. 5% 0. 1% Sad 16. 9% 0. 1% Saturdays 16. % 0. 2% Morison;s 12. 3% 0. 5% public sector BBS: A Summary of the businesses activities I. E. What they do The BBC is the largest broadcasting organization in the world. Its mission is to enrich people’s lives with programmer that inform, educate and entertain. There headquarter is located in broadcasting house in the city of Westminster London. It is a public service broadcaster, established by a Royal Charter and funded by the license fee that is paid by I-J households and it is the world’s largest broadcaster in the world. Their main responsibility it so to provide public service broadcasting in the

United Kingdom, Channel Islands and Isle of Man. The BBC provide 8 national TV channels plus a regional programmer 10 national radio stations, 40 local radio stations and an extensive website. The BBC broadcast to the world radio, TV, online and they also provide the news to the public as well as they do the news in 32 languages. It is funded by the government grant, not from the license fee. The Bib’s expenditure for operating is E. 26 billion in 2009/10 compared to E. 9 billion for British sky broadcasting and El . 9 billion for ‘TV. Finally in 2007 the operating expenditure for Gap media was IEEE million.

Details where they operate (locally, nationally and/or globally BBC operate nationally as they broadcast there TV shows a description of this I. E. Primary, secondary and/or tertiary? The BBC is in the tertiary sector as they are providing a good or service to the customers worldwide so they can satisfy customer needs. The purpose of the business (e. G. Do they sell products or provide services; do they exist for profit or not) The purpose of the BBC is to entertain the customers with there programmer and to provide a service as well as this is a profit business as ever year the customers of the household have to pay

IEEE. 50 for a color license and EYE. O for a black and white license. The type of ownership of each of the businesses (e. G. Are they a PL or an LTD; are they in the public/private/voluntary sector and the advantages and disadvantages of each these The type of ownership for the BBC is that it is owned by the government and it is in the public sector corporation, it is also funded by license fees. The advantages of the BBC is that they don’t have the complexity of setting up a business and have to raise capital as well as income is guaranteed from annual license payers.

A disadvantage f the BBC is at times the government authority, grants may get cut, as in the current economic situation the economy is in recession and prices on products are higher due to increase in VAT. Http://www. BBC. Co. UK/unaltered/exec/financial/overview/balance. SHTML A business needs to take account of the interests of all its stakeholders’ groupings they are parties who have an interest in the actions taken by the business and they might benefit or lose by the outcome.

Customers – The customers are the most important in a business because without customers the company won’t be making a profit and the many will go into liquidation. Customers want from a business high quality products with good professional customer service because if customer service is good then the customers will return constantly and if bad they will go to other supermarkets or get there product from somewhere else.

The customers will also prefer to have a good price on items because if cheap they will go and buy the product if not they will go somewhere else and the company will make a loss as well as the customers will recognizes the companies brand image if they see it straight away this will show the company have done a lot of advertising. In addition customers will expect the business to have constant improvement because the company are bringing out up to date products and will be better than the previous product that they have manufactured.

Employees – Employees are important in the company because without employees the company will not be running and it will close down straight away. Employees would prefer to have good pay and holidays after couple of months if this happens then the employees will be happy as well they will work harder and they will be more motivated so this means that the company will become more successful.

Employees will like to be respected and would like to have addition to this employees would like to have a pension scheme when they retire and would like to have holiday discounts so they don’t have to pay too much to go on holiday and they would like to have shares in the company so they can have dividends, they will get dividends on a monthly basis. Suppliers – Company suppliers in the company are vital because they would prefer to have a contract with the company and would like a contract for a certain amount of time for example 6 months.

Suppliers would also like to have fair trade so they get fair wages and get none back preferred status like steady orders so they don’t have too many orders and growth link investment. This means you will get a return over a specific time on how much you put into the company and the company will tell other companies how good your service is. Owners – Owners in the company are often known as the most important in the business this is from a capitalist point of view these are principles known as ‘risk takers’.

The owners expect growth of the business as a reward for risk taking investing into the company as well as growth in the business will show more refits and more shares sold to owners or employees in the business. Sole traders and Partnerships can also become shareholders as they can buy shares in a public limited company and have disposable income. Trade Unions- Trade unions are people who represent the interest of groups of employees; they can negotiate on wages and the condition of the workplace environment.

Trade unions try to improve wages of employees as they could be getting less than national minimum wage and they also try to improve working conditions so the employee can’t work over a certain amount of hours as well as they maintain Jobs for there members by making sure hey can’t get fired for nothing this also means they have Job security. Employer Association – These are employers who are equivalent to the trade union they represent the interests of other employers in a specific industries, the association of I-J automobile manufacturers.

Local & National Communities – The actions of the businesses can have a dramatic effect on communities such as the BP oil spill in Gulf of Mexico they had to pay billions for the oil spill. The other effect on the community was union carbide in Opal and the shell in Nigeria. Governments – The overspent expects businesses to be successful and to have a growth of local and national economies will contribute to the responsibility looking after the welfare of society.

If businesses are success they can grow and will lead to more Jobs and paying taxes to the government BBC Stakeholders The Bib’s most important stakeholders are the government, because they are the ones who provide the money to the BBC and are the owners. Without the government’s funding they would not exist, or if they did they would have to have advertisements in their programming, they would also like the BBC to put on a good umber of great shows so that they can get more money in through TV licensing.

In addition to this the government want the BBC to control its costs and expenses. Another important stakeholder for BBC is the customers as without them paying their TV license fees the BBC would have no funds for the making of programs or to broadcast. The customers could also complain about the programs that are being showed, and the BBC might change the programs that are being shown because of this criticism that they might get.

The customers want the BBC to put on programmer feel like they have got their moneys worth as they are paying for the channels. Del – Evaluating the influences of different stakeholders exert on one of your organizations The influences for customers for Tests supermarket is that without customers the company won’t make a profit and they won’t be able to expand into different countries and make more capital as well as without customers businesses will go into liquidation.

Employees have influence on Tests because without employees then the customers can’t get served and can’t buy the products as well as customers can buy shares of the company and get dividends. The other influence is that employees can offer good customer service so customers will return and they will be satisfied. Another influence for the company is suppliers because they are supplying the company with goods and the company could sell the goods for profit as well as they influence by getting the goods on time and getting wages after they supply the supermarket.

Owners influence Tests because they are the risk takers in the company and they invest into the company to get a profit. They also influence the company by buying shares. Trade unions influence Tests because without those employees will be getting fired for nothing and they also influence of wages as employees need to get fair salary, they also influence the company by helping working conditions and how many hours they should work.

In addition to this employers association influence Tests because they are employers of the company giving opinions on how the company should be operating and the local and national community influence the business by ordering via internet on what product they want so the company can make more profit. Finally the government influence Tests because they invest into the company and they expect it to be successful so they can tax the company and create more Jobs for the community so they can get more tax.

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