Understand Child and Young Person Assignment

Understand Child and Young Person Assignment Words: 1582

Unit 1 Assignment: Understand Child and Young Person Development Assignment overview Introduction This assignment is intended to provide evidence of a candidate’s knowledge and understanding of children and young people’s development birth to 19 years. By completing all tasks within the assignment, the candidate will provide evidence that meets the Learning Outcomes and assessment criteria for Unit 1, Understand Child and Young Person Development.

Tasks There are five tasks to this assignment. A Complete tables; Questions B Complete table; Report C Report D Report E Complete table Assignment coverage Task Task Name Learning outcomes covered A – Complete tables and Questions 1 . Understand the expected pattern of development for children and young people birth – 19 years B B – Complete table, report 2. Understand the factors that influence children and young people’s development and how these affect practice C C – Report 3.

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Understand how to monitor children and young people’s development and interventions that should take place if this is not following the expected pattern D D – Report 4. Understand the importance of early intervention to support CLC needs of hillier and young people E E – Complete table 5. Understand the potential effects of transitions on children and young people’s development. Task A – Complete tables; questions Candidates will complete the FIVE tables on the following pages, showing the sequence and rate of development for children and young people from birth to 19 years.

The table covers each of the following areas of development: Physical development Intellectual and cognitive development Communication development Social, emotional and behavioral development Moral development (1. 1) Candidates will answer the following questions. . What is the difference between ‘sequence’ of development and ‘rate’ of development? The sequence of development is a general expected pattern of development seen over a general population of children where are the rate of development comes down to the individual. 2.

Why is the difference important? The difference is important so that staff can monitor the sequence of development in relation to the rate of development within the individual and put a plan in place in order to better facilitate the individuals growth and (1. 2) Table 1: Physical development Age Range Explain the sequence and rate of development 0-3 months At 0 – 3 months a child will start to move their head and limbs, will start to grasp fingers and if held in an upright position a child will start t move its legs in a stepping motion. -6 months By 6 months old an infant can roll from their backs onto their stomachs and push their head, chest and neck off the floor 6 – 9 months By 9 months Child may now be more mobile 9- 12 months By the time the child is 12 months old they should be able to sit without support , reach out for toys and have the ability to crawl or shuffle. 1 – 2 years At the years between 1 – 2 the child should be able to walk on his/her own without support and have the ability to throw ,push and pull. – 4 years Between these years a child should start to show greatly improved motor skills. A child should be able to jump with both feet leaving the ground have the ability to traverse stairs and also run without falling. 4 – 7 years At the age of four a child should have the ability to put a jigsaw together by five the child is starting to form letters and some may be able to write out their own name. By seven years old the child will have the ability to use a pair of scissors accurately as well as the ability to control pencil in a small area. – 12 years Between the age of seven and twelve children start to enjoy team based games and start to develop a good understanding of conversation a strong sense of what it right and wrong will also be developed as well as changes within the body. 12- arrears Puberty will start and big bodily changes will take place 16-19 years Body almost fully developed Table 2: Intellectual and cognitive development From the point of birth and up to three years of age an infant will have a vast amount of intellectual and cognitive development skills.

They will make you aware they are hungry or distressed through crying and will become calm at a familiar voice 3-6 months By the age of six months a child will be able focus on a small object nearby and reach out and grasp it. 6-9 months A basic understanding of words should start to form At one years old basic instructions such as ‘clap hands’ will be understood as well as a basic understanding of a small number of words. Between the age of one and two a child will be able to make simple sentence’s and will pick up a toy drop it and then collect it from where it had fallen too.

By the age of three a child should be able to paint with a brush will understand the concept of a question such as why and how and have the ability to hold a simple conversation. At the ages between four and five a child will be able to give his or her name, age and birthday some may have the ability to give there address. A child will also have the ability to copy a square and write a range of letters By the age of 12 a child has the ability to produce work to a well throughout standard and will become more creative in play and will also be reading and writing more confidently. -16 years At this stage in a young adolescent’s life they will develop the ability to use their initiative choosing options while at school. Can reason and apply logic to problems 16 – 19 years At this point in development the young adolescent will be thinking about moving onto higher education questioning information will start to become more globally aware Table 3: Communication development Will cry when requires attention for example if hungry or tired Child will start to vocalizes when spoken to start to respond differently to different tones.

Tuneful strings of babbling arms Child will laugh and chuckle while playing will understand ‘no’ and ‘bye bye’ will babble loudly Will know their name and have an understanding of about 20 or so words First words start to be used has a vocabulary of around five to twenty words. Will respond to simple instruction and will attempt to sing nursery rhymes . Will start to use words linked together will make simple two word sentences will know own name and refer to own name and talks to self while playing .

Can count to ten has an every expanding vocabulary will start to imitate adult speech and can be understood by strangers. Will know body parts and animals ill be able to give full name and address will enjoy telling jokes and singing. Will become fluent in conversation and will start to make choices Will have a better understanding of social interaction and will start to use wit and sarcasm 16- 19 years Use of technology and phones to communicate with friends Table 4: Social, emotional and behavioral development At birth a child will respond to sound and touch and will recognize a parents voce .

At three to six months the child will start to interact by babbling At this stage a child will start to show more interest in social interaction the child ay also show signs of fear and distress when removed from their parents or career. At this age the child will be prone to tantrums and have no concept of sharing. Express rage at being told no unhappy at changes in routine emotionally volatile.

At this stage a child is getting used to environments without a parent or career and are starting to interact in groups 4 – 7 years By this age a child will be starting to become more self aware both positive and also negative and will have various fears like “Monsters and ghosts” at this age children are starting to form groups and know the difference between right and ring. At this age children are starting to get a better sense of the world they live in.

Friendship groups become very important and strong signs of independence start to develop. 12- 16 years Mood swings and confrontation become more apparent and the opposite sex start to become more interesting they will also start to think about the future. At this stage in life a child will be able to make choices and give reasons for those decisions they will start to have a strong sense of individuality and express pylons. Table 5: Moral development Close contact between primary career

Will show signs of joy by smiling will start to make baby cooing sounds or babbling 6- 9 months Smiles of delight when playing with primary career No understanding of what it right or wrong but begins to understand the word Star’s to become sensitive to adult approval or disapproval still has no concept of right or wrong but know understands yes and no Starting to understand the difference between right and wrong child is starting to become more controlled in behavior and less aggressive will have a tendency to use terms such as ” I hate you” or ” I will kill you” without understanding the context of what’s being said.

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Understand Child and Young Person Assignment. (2018, Sep 03). Retrieved March 31, 2025, from https://anyassignment.com/samples/understand-child-and-young-person-877/