Time Management Assignment

Time Management Assignment Words: 396

Juggling everyday life and attending online classes can prove to be nearly impossible. Learning skills for time management is critical for the online student. Daily distractions of a full time job, family, and children can make getting an online degree frustrating. A need for flexibility is one factor fueling the growth in online education-?online enrollment hit an all-time high in 201 0 with more than 6. 1 million students-?but a lack of direct oversight can make it easy for them to fall behind.

Cheesy, 2012) using some simple time management skills can give the student the ability to complete tasks without feeling overwhelmed. Recently, have joined the ranks of adult online students, and have adopted many new time management skills. The transition has been exciting and eye opening. It is a completely different experience then the typical college classes am used to. I have to be very disciplined with my schedule because I find it is very easy to get distracted when trying to study at home. Before deciding to return to college I sat down and took a good look at my life and asked myself

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TIME MANAGEMENT 3 a few questions. Would I be able to fit classes into my daily routine without burning myself out? Would I be able to devote enough time for studying? Could handle classes in addition to my job and family activities? After some research and self-assessment, I realized with some structured time management and discipline could easily succeed in getting an online degree. The techniques of time management are simple if you are willing to be dedicated to sticking to a few simple rules. Organize, prioritize, and no procrastinating are the first steps in my time management.

Practicing self- discipline and sticking to a routine make organizing tasks simple. In the beginning of each week I look at the tasks for the week ahead, prioritize and make to-do lists for each day. By breaking down the tasks, and organizing each one it makes accomplishing them less overwhelming. I have found that making time for myself is important also. If get frustrated with an assignment I take a break to regroup my thoughts and then try again. Cutting down distractions and making a designated study area is another way manage my time. My desk includes my computer, books, notes, and supplies.

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Time Management Assignment. (2022, Feb 14). Retrieved February 16, 2025, from https://anyassignment.com/samples/time-management-13-9979/