The Struggles of Life and College Require Planning, Effort and Execution. What Did You Do to Accomplish Your Goals Throughout This Course? Assignment

The Struggles of Life and College Require Planning, Effort and Execution. What Did You Do to Accomplish Your Goals Throughout This Course? Assignment Words: 389

Slf-Assessment Library • What Motivates Me? • What Are My Dominant Needs? • What Rewards Do I Value Most? • Am I Engaged? • How Are You Feeling Right Now? • APA Resource • Essay Writing Reflection Paper Instructions Every student studies, learns and recalls information differently. Every student will have a unique experience as they progress through their course of study.

As a result, your last assignment in will be a Reflection paper in which you take time to reflect upon your learning experiences material and connect them to your future . Reflection involves critical thinking to examine the significance of your learning experience through insightful analysis. This assignment requires you to add an outside source of information relevant to your topic of choice and your personal reflection.

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In order to support your personal opinion, select content from professional, published works or you may use a quotation from a famous orator or writer. Any content or quotes require appropriate APA citation. Once you have completed your Reflection Paper, submit by uploading it ll automatically be updated to indicate you have submitted your paper and the paper will be provided to your professor for grading. Below are four questions. Select one and provide your response in a minimum of 500 words.

Remember to include one reference source with proper APA in-text and reference citation. A grading rubric has been placed on the last page as a guide for you when developing your paper. Questions Select ONE of the following questions: What are you most interested in and passionate about? How does that fit with what you are pursuing Business Admin/human resource? Preferred Question:The struggles of life and college require planning, effort and execution. What did you do to accomplish your goals throughout this course?

Discuss two of the most valuable tools that you will use as you continue your academic career of Business Admin/Human Resources: goal and priority management; time management, test taking management, or study strategies. Review the On the Road to Graduation: Characteristics of Success Online Students. What two items have you solidified in your academic life and what two items have you yet to accomplish in your academic career? What steps will you take to ensure that you accomplish these two „missing? items? Note: First Time online student, course consisted of online college prep

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The Struggles of Life and College Require Planning, Effort and Execution. What Did You Do to Accomplish Your Goals Throughout This Course? Assignment. (2021, Oct 18). Retrieved March 9, 2025, from