The Practice of Human Resource Management Assignment

The Practice of Human Resource Management Assignment Words: 1914

The aim of this briefing paper is to provide details on how I am going to approach the essay. The main purpose of this paper is to critically examine the challenges and choices of human resource managers now face in regard to ‘Developing high performance working’. This paper will include the background to the briefing paper; it will also provide details on my knowledge about the subject I chose. Additionally, it will include my focuses, arguments that I might construct, the specific information I will be using. Finally, I will have to mention the resources I obtained the information from. Background to the briefing paper.

The importance of this briefing paper is to provide my seminar tutor on how I am going to approach the actual individual paper. The title I chose for my individual paper is ‘Developing high performance working’. In this briefing paper, one of the areas will be covered is the main body, which contains several sub sections each with its own subtitle, I will be using questions 3-10 as sub-titles for the body of the briefing paper. Finally the summary, which I am expected to summarise the main areas covered in the briefing paper, I may provide main recommendations.

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After summarising, I will be including an action plan and then the references. 3. What the assignment is asking me to do. The assignment is asking me to construct an individual paper to provide details regarding the ranges that the organisation is facing today. There are about six areas you can discuss about; I am only required to choose one area to focus on and to argue. In the individual paper, it is essential to write about two thousand words and critically examine the challenges and choices to human resources managers now face in regard to the area I chose.

Once I have completed the individual paper, I am required to write a personal reflection paper with five hundred words, evaluating my performance in completing the assessments. This will be based on the feedback will be received from my seminar tutor on my briefing paper, given in the eleventh week seminar, as well as peer review of the draft of my individual paper received in the twelfth week seminar. The individual paper has to be submitted on the beginning of the fourteenth week, as well as the personal reflection paper. 4. What I know about the subject already.

According to (Bloisi, 2007:253), bloisi defines performance management as the “process by which managers ensure that their employees’ outputs match the organisation’s goals”. Within an organisation, every employee’s performance has to be exceptional and outstanding. In order to make an employee perform well, human resource managers has to provide staff with continuous development training sessions, for both new and exiting workers. Human resource managers need to understand what are the skills, expertise and abilities that the organisation need.

Human resource managers have to be precise when they are selecting the employees. Everything has to be under control within an organisation, employees have to be under control and have to know their responsibility. Managers have to be regularly in contact with every employee under their control, so they have a basic idea on what their employees are doing. 5. What I think my focus might be? There are so many focuses or themes that I might construct on my individual paper on ‘Developing high performance working’.

One of them is functions of performance management; this will include strategic, administrative and the developmental. According to (Baron and Armstrong, 1998 cited in Bloisi, 2007:254), they “emphasise and integrated nature of performance management”. The second one is the administrative function; several organisations nowadays use performance management to evaluate employees about their salaries, retentions, redundancies and individual performance. Lastly, the developmental function should enable managers to identify where employees are not performing well and how they can improve it.

Additionally, I will be explaining the performance appraisal and how does it process. According to (Bloisi, 2007:259), performance appraisal is the “process of measuring and evaluating employees’ performance. It can be a useful tool for employee development”. Dealing with poor performance is another topic that I will include in my individual paper; managers have to identify employees with poor performance, so they can take an action on them. Lastly, I will include performance management and how managers can administrate performance within the organisation. 6. What arguments I think I might want to make.

In the individual paper, I will be constructing arguments on the focuses or themes I chose for my subject, as mentioned above. In ‘Dealing with poor performance’, I will be arguing about how managers should have a constant supervision on their employees, dealing with cause of conflict in their relationship with other employees, unacceptable attendance, sickness and/or punctuality. Also I will be constructing arguments around ‘performance appraisal’ in where employees have a lack of commitment to an organisation and how managers can develop the employees’ commitment and loyalty to the organisation.

Furthermore to the raise of bureaucracy structure and what are the ways that can reduce it within the organisation. Additionally, I will be arguing about performance management and its different meanings to different people, also about performance management functions; the strategic, administrative and developmental. As (De Nisi, 2000) argues that “performance management is a range of activities engaged in by an organisation to enhance and improve organisational effectiveness”. 7. What specific information I need to construct my arguments.

Simply just to let the reader know what my point of view is and where I am coming from. In an argument, I should first identify the specific position the author takes on a particular issue. Second, identify the way in which the author provides support for the position. The information that I will use to construct my arguments has to be very clear and straight forward. In ‘Developing high performance working’, as (Hartog, 2004) states that “managing organisational and employee performance is seen as critical for the development and survival of organisations”.

Performance management is approaching to mean set of integrated processes in which managers put effort with workers to develop and set expectations, measure and review results, and reward performance. In my final paper, I have to provide the reader with advantages and disadvantages of the argument(s), examples about the argument and evidences and what does it mean. 8. Which Journals and books I will use to find that information. In support of the actual essay I will be using different verity of resources from books to journals, websites, newspapers and case studies.

The first book I am going to use is ‘Human resource management’ by (Bloisi, 2007), which in this book, I am capable of finding some of the information which is related to my focuses. Another book which I found interesting and practical is ‘A Handbook of HRM Practice’ by (Armstrong, 2006), which covers mainly the focuses I chose, in regard of performance management and its functions, dealing with poor performance and performance appraisal. Other than that, I will be using the “CIPD” website as a resource to support my arguments.

Also I will be using case studies to get little information about developing high performance working in a current organisation, the case studies can be found in the book ‘An Introduction to management’ by (Boddy, 2008). 9. The structure of the final paper. The structure of my individual paper will be starting with an introduction which shows guidance of the paper, provides brief information about the subject I am writing about, and what argument I might want to make. The introduction of the paper should be not more than ten percent of the actual word count.

After finishing the introduction, I will be writing about the main body of the essay. In the body of the essay, all the preparation up to this point comes to fruition. The topic I have chosen must now be explained, described, or argued. Each main idea that I wrote down in this briefing paper, will become one of the body paragraphs. Finally, I will be finishing with the conclusion which shows the summarisation of the main areas covered in the individual paper. I will be providing the references I quoted in between the text which it has to be in the Harvard’s referencing system. 10.

The preliminary introduction of the final paper. Managing and developing performance has been a huge issue nowadays in our fast moving and fast changing world. According to (Bloisi, 2007:253) performance management is the “process by which managers ensure that their employees’ outputs match the organisation’s goals. Therefore performance management is vital if an organisation is to gain competitive advantage”. This paper contains issues of poor performance working, and how managers should have a constant supervision on their employees and to identify the ways of developing performance of the employees.

This paper will include aspects of performance appraisal where few workers of the organisation have a lack of commitment and how managers can identify the ways of developing the employee’s commitment and loyalty to the organisation. Also increscent of bureaucracy structure and what are the methods of reducing it. Also this paper contains performance management and its different meanings to different people including the performance management functions and the difference between each function to another. 11. Summary of the briefing paper.

The main purpose of the briefing paper was to construct a plan and to provide my seminar tutor on how I am going to approach the individual paper. Throughout the paper, I included the main aim and the importance of the briefing paper. I also included my chosen title for my individual paper, the focuses I will cover in my individual paper and what argument I might want to make. After that, I provided what resources I am going to use. Finally, I finished with the structure and the preliminary introduction of the final paper. 12. ACTION PLAN, in table format, for the whole assessment of the module: Tasks |Target Date |When completed |Comments | |Research |15th of October, 2008 |21st of October, 2008 |Done some research in the library| | | | |and the internet. | |Choosing a topic and working on |21st of October, 2008 |25th of October, 2008 |The topic I chose in that period | |it. | |of time was “Developing high | | | | |performance working”. | |Making Key points and detailed |26th of October, 2008 |31st of October, 2008 |I have planned myself by doing | |brainstorm drafts of each part of| | |mind mapping before doing any | |briefing paper. | |question. | |First Draft of the briefing paper|1st of November, 2008 |6th of November, 2008 | This is where I started doing my| | | | |briefing paper. |Looking for relevant books + |7th of November, 2008 |8th of November, 2008 |Researching in the library the | |references | | |books I need for this kind of a | | | | |subject. Plus writing down the | | | | |references. |Proof reading |8th of November, 2008 |10th of November, 2008 |Proof read the assignment before | | | | |handing it in. | |Making Content and Action plan |11th of November, 2008 |13th of November, 2008 |Making contents sheet and the | | | | |action plan. |Final draft |14th of November, 2008 |16th of November, 2008 |Final version of the briefing | | | | |paper completed. | References Armstrong, M. (2006) A Handbook of Human Resource Management practice, 10th ed. , London, Kogan page limited. Bloisi, W. (2007) Introduction to Human Resource Management, Maidenhead, McGraw-Hill. pp. 253, 254, 257.

CIPD (2004) ‘Performance management’, factsheet. London: Charted Institute of personnel Development. Den Hartog, D. N. , Boselie, P. And Paauwe, J. (2004) ‘Performance management: a model and research agenda’, Applied Psychology: An International Review 53(4), pp. 556-569. De Nisi, A. S. (2000) ‘Performance appraisal and performance management: a multi-level analysis’, in K. J. Klein and S. Kozlowski (eds) Multilevel Theory, Research and Methods in organizations. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, pp. 121-156

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