Human Resource Management, an Academic Theory and Business Practice Assignment

Human Resource Management, an Academic Theory and Business Practice Assignment Words: 1236

Ateneo Professional Schools Library Rockwell Drive, Rockwell Center, Makati City http://apslibrary. ateneo. edu Information Resources Guide on HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 2005 – 2008 Human Resource Management (HRM) – is both an academic theory and a business practice. It is based on the notion that employees are ? rstly human, and secondly should NOT be treated as a basic business resource. HRM is also seen as an understanding of the human aspect of a company and its strategic importance.

HRM is seen a moving on from a simple “personnel” approach (or was supposed to) because it is preventative of potential problems, and secondly it should be a major aspect of the company philosophy, in which all managers and employees are champions of an HRM based policies and philosophy. Source : http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Human_resource_management Other related topics are: Personnel management Civil service???Personnel management Manpower Planning Knowledge Management Leadership Corporate Culture Organizational Change A.

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BOOKS (Located at the General Collection Shelves near the Circulation Section) Hodgetts, Richard M. (2008). Modern human relations at work. 10th ed. HF 5549 H519 2008 Nkomo, Stella M. (2008). Human resource management applications. 6th ed. HF 5549 N56 2008 Mosley, Donald C. (2008). Supervisory management :the art of inspiring, empowering, and developing people. 7TH ED. HF 5549 M667 2008 Bernardin, H. John. (2007). Human resource management: an experiential approach. HF 5549. 2 U5B45 Boudreau, John W. (2007). Beyond HR :the new science of human capital.

HD 53 B64 Edwards, Jack E. Scott, John C. (John Carlson). (2007). Evaluating human resources programs: a 6-phase approach for optimizing performance. HF 5549 E41 Fallon, L. Fleming. (2007). Human resource management in health care : principles and practice. RA 971. 35 F38 Flynn, Walter J. and Mathis, Robert L. (2007). Healthcare human resource management. RA 971. 35 H42 French, Wendell L. (2007). Human resources management. HF 5549 F718 Fundamentals of human resource management. (2007). HF 5549 F86 Hunt, Steven T. , 1965-. (2007). Hiring success: the art and science of staf? g assessment and employee selection. HF 5549. 5 S38H86 Ivancevich, John M. (2007). Human resource management. HF 5549 I88 2007 Managing human resources in health care organizations. RA 971. 35 M26 2007 Mason-Draffen, Carrie,1951-. (2007). 151 quick ideas to deal with dif? cult people. HF 5549. 5 E42M38 Newstrom, John W. (2007). Supervision : managing for results. 9th ed. HF 5549 B49 2007 Snell, Scott. (2007). Human resource management. HF 5549 C465 Yerkes, Leslie,1958- (2007). Fun works :creating places where people love to work. 2nd ed. HF 5549 Y47 2007 Armstrong, Michael. 2006). Handbook of human resource management practice. HF5549A Burke, Ronald J. (2006). The human resources revolution : why putting people ? rst matter. HF5549 H87 Byars, Lloyd L. (2006). Human resource management. HF 5549 B937 Cascio, Wayne F. (2006). Managing human resources: productivity, quality of work, life, pro? ts. HF 5549 C2975 Dessler, Gary. (2006). Framework for human resource management. HF 5549 D43 Edwards, Tony. (2006). International human resource management: globalization national systems and multinational companies. HF 5549. 5 E45E38

The essentials of corporate communications and public relations. (2006). HF 5549. 5 C6E87 The essentials of power, in? uence, and persuasion. (2006). HF 5549 E797 Fisher, Cynthia D. and Schoenfeldt, Lyle F. (2006). Human resource management. HF 5549 F554 Holihan, Mary B. , 1947-. (2006). 365 answers about human resources for the small business owner: what every manager needs to know about workplace law. HF 5549 H523 Human resource development. (2006). HF 5549 W47 Human resource management in public service: paradoxes, processes, and problems. (2006). JF 1601 H86 2006 Martocchio, Joseph J. 2006). Employee bene? ts: a primer for human resource professionals. HD 4928 N62U63 Mello, Jeffrey A. (2006). Strategic human resource 58. 9 M45 management. HD Schuler, Randall S. (2006). Human resource management: international perspectives. HF 5549 S38 Tansky, Judith W. (2006). Human resource strategies for the high growth entrepreneurial ? rm. HF 5549 H8435 The 2006 Pfeiffer annual. Human resource management. (2006). HF 5549 A2P44 Tyson, Shaun. (2006). Essentials of human resource management. HF 5549 T958 Werner, Jon M. (2006). Human resource development.

HF 5549 H33 Blackwell encyclopedia of management. Human resource management. (2005). HD 30. 15 B455 DeCenzo, David A. (2005). Fundamentals of human resource management. HF 5549 D396 DeNisi, Angelo S. (2005). Human resource management. HF 5549 D43 Elliott, Carole. (2005). Critical thinking in human resource development. HF 5549. 15 C75 Gueutal, Hal G. (2005). Brave new world of HR: human resources management in the digital age. HF 5549. 5 D37B73 Losey, Michael R. and Meisinger, Sue. (2005). Future of human resource management: 64 thought leaders explore the critical issues of today and tomorrow.

HF 5549 F88 Ohtaki, Reiji, 1953-. (2005). Mastering business in Asia: human resource management. HF 5549. 2 A75O36 Stredwick, John. (2005). Introduction to human resource management. HF 5549 S77 The essentials of negotiation. (2005). HD 58. 6 E87 Torres-Coronas, Teresa. (2005). E-human resources management: managing knowledge people. HF 5549 E14 Yorks, Lyle. (2005). Strategic human resource development. HF 5549. 5M3Y68 B. MULTIMEDIA (Located at the Electronics Resources Section) Kvanli, Alan H. (2006). Concise managerial statistics. 1 CD-ROM (4 3/4 in. ).

HD 30. 215 K93 Dinisi, Angelo S. (2005). Human resource management. 2nd ed. 1 videocassette. VT 236 ALSO AVAILABLE IN THE LIBRARY 1. Gale Virtual Reference Library takes research to the next level by delivering great reference print titles electronically. Providing 24/7 access conveniently. Below are the current E-book titles in the library. ??? ??? ??? ??? Brand New Brand Thinking , 2002 Brand Royalty , 2004 BrandChild: Insights into the Minds of Today’s Global Kids , 2003 Bridging the Culture Gap , 2004 ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

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