The kite runner Assignment

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Different assessment criteria are provided for the written papers at SSL and at HAL. The part 1 written assignment has the same criteria at SSL and at HAL. The external components contribute 70% to the final assessment at SSL and at Note: All responses, written and oral, must be in the language A of the examination. Written examination papers At SSL and at HAL there are two examination papers that are set and assessed externally. They are designed to allow students to demonstrate their competencies in relation to the language A: literature assessment objectives ND to specific parts of the syllabus.

Paper 1 is linked to the skill of literary analysis and paper 2 is linked to the works studied in part 3: literary genres. At HAL, paper 1 also requires students to demonstrate their competency in writing a literary commentary. In both examination papers students are expected to support their answers with specific references to literary texts-”in paper 1 with references to the unseen passage, and in paper 2 with references to the works studied in part 3. Retelling of the plot or content of a work or extract is not expected in any component of the assessment.

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Written assignment At SSL and at HAL students are required to complete an assignment of 1 , 200-1 ,500 words, with a reflective statement of 300-400 words, based on a work studied in part 1 of the course and assessed externally. Reflection on an interactive oral is part of the assignment and some of the writing is completed during supervised class time. If the word limit is exceeded, the assessment of the reflective statement will be based on the first 400 words and the assessment of the essay on the first 1 , 500 words.

Guidance and authenticity The written assignment submitted for external assessment at SSL and at HAL gust be the student’s own work. However, it is not the intention that students should decide upon a title or topic and be left to work on the task without any further support from the teacher. It is the responsibility of the teacher to ensure that students are familiar with: the requirements of the type of work to be assessed the assessment criteria (students should understand that the work submitted for assessment must address these criteria effectively).

Students should be encouraged to initiate discussions with the teacher in order to obtain advice and information during the initial planning of the written assignment. Students must not be penalized for seeking guidance. However, if a student could not have completed the work without substantial support from the teacher, this should be reported at submission as instructed in the Handbook of procedures for the Diploma Programmer. It is the responsibility of teachers to ensure that all students understand the basic meaning and significance of concepts that relate to academic honesty, especially authenticity and intellectual property.

Teachers must ensure that all student work for assessment is prepared according to the requirements ND must explain clearly to students that the work must be entirely their own. As part of the learning process, teachers can give advice to students on a first draft of the task. This advice should be in terms of the way in which the work could be improved, but this first draft must not be annotated or edited by the teacher. After making general comments on the first draft, teachers should not provide any further assistance.

All work submitted to the B for moderation or assessment must be authenticated by a teacher, and must not include any known instances of suspected or confirmed malpractice. Each student must verifier,’ that the work is his or her authentic work and constitutes the final version of this work. Once a student has officially submitted the final version of the work to a teacher (or the Diploma Programmer coordinator) for assessment it cannot be retracted. Authenticity may be checked by discussion with the student on the content of the work, and scrutiny of one or more of the following.

The student’s supervised writing from which the topic has been generated The first draft Of the written work The references cited The style of writing compared with work known to be that of the student The acquirement for supervising teachers and students to authenticate the work applies to the work of all students. If either the student or the supervising teacher is unable to authenticate the work, the student will not be eligible for a mark in that component and no grade will be awarded.

For further details refer to the B publication Academic honesty and the relevant articles in the General regulations: Diploma Programmer. External assessment details-”SSL Paper 1: Guided literary analysis Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes Weighting: 20% Paper 1 contains two previously unseen passages and students are instructed o write a guided literary analysis on one of these passages. A guided literary analysis in this context refers to an interpretation of the passage supported by two guiding questions.

One passage will be poetry; the other passage will be taken from works such as: a novel or short stow an essay a biography a journalistic piece of writing of literary merit a play. The passages for analysis may be either a complete piece of writing or an extract from a longer piece, and wherever possible they will not have been written by authors listed on the PLAN nor be taken from works likely to have been studied in class. Two guiding questions are provided-”one on understanding and interpretation, and the other on style. Students are required to address both questions in their answer.

However, it is anticipated that students may also explore other relevant aspects beyond the guiding questions in order to achieve the higher marks. Attention should be paid to accuracy of expression and coherence of ideas. The paper is assessed according to the assessment criteria published in this guide. The maximum mark for paper 1 is 20. Paper 2: Essay Weighting: 25% Paper 2 contains three essay questions for each literary genre represented on he PLAN of the language A being examined. Students answer one essay question only.

The essay is written under examination conditions, without access to the studied texts. Each question directs students to explore the ways in which content is delivered through the conventions of the selected genre. Students are required to compare and contrast the similarities and differences between at least two of the works studied in part 3 of the course. The comparison of the works is assessed under criterion B: response to the question (see “External assessment criteria-”SC” and “External assessment criteria-”HAL”). Guide. The maximum mark for paper 2 is 25.

Weighting 25% The written assignment is based on a work in translation studied in part 1 of the course. Students produce an analytical essay with reflective statement, undertaken during the course and externally assessed. The goal of the process detailed below is to assist students in producing individual, well- informed essays. Work submitted Literary essay 1 , 200-1 ,DO words (assessed) Relevant reflective statement 300-400 words (assessed) Goal To produce an analytical, literary essay on a topic generated by the student and developed from one of the pieces of supervised writing

A combined mark out of 25 to be awarded for the reflective statement and the literary essay, based on five assessment criteria (A-E) Process Fob r-stage process consisting of both oral and written tasks-”see below for more details on each stage Administration Copies of all reflective statements and supervised writing to be kept on file Stage 1: The interactive oral The interactive oral is a focused class discussion in which all students and the teacher participate. Each student should be responsible for initiating some part of the discussion in at least one of the interactive orals for one work.

Students may participate as a group or individually, and teachers may organize the discussion in a variety of different ways. The discussions should address the following cultural and contextual considerations. In what ways do time and place matter to this work? What was easy to understand and what was difficult in relation to social and cultural context and issues? What connections did you find between issues in the work and your own culture(s) and experience? What aspects of technique are interesting in the work?

Formal requirements At least one oral must be completed in relation to each work studied in part The suggested minimum time for discussion of each work is 30 minutes. Stage 2: The reflective statement The reflective statement is a short writing exercise and should be completed as soon as possible following the interactive oral. Each student is asked to provide a reflection on each of the interactive orals. The reflective statement on the same work as the student’s final assignment is submitted for assessment.

The reflective Statement must be based on the following question. How was your understanding of cultural and contextual considerations of the work developed through the interactive oral? Formal requirements Length 300-400 words. If the limit is exceeded, assessment will be based on the first 400 words. Submission The reflective statement about the work used in the student’s final assignment (essay) is submitted together with the assignment. The reflective statement is awarded a mark out of 3 using assessment criterion A.

All reflective statements must be kept on file at the school. Stage 3: Developing the topic-”supervised writing Supervised writing is intended as a springboard to elicit ideas from the student. From these ideas the student develops a topic and the final essay. The ultimate goal of this stage of the process is to help students to produce good essays with appropriate topics. To this end students are required to respond to each of the works studied in a written exercise undertaken during class time.

For each work studied (two at SSL, three at HAL) one piece of writing produced during class time is required. The recommended time for each piece of writing is 40-50 minutes and the writing must be in continuous prose. At the end of the lesson the writing must be handed to the teacher and an unedited copy kept on file until the end of the examination session. Teachers need to provide three or four prompts for each work studied. There must be no opportunity for students to prepare beforehand, so it is essential that students are not given the prompts prior to the lesson.

The aim of the prompts is to encourage independent critical writing and to stimulate thinking about an assignment topic. The prompts may be selected from the list below, from those given in the teacher support material, or teachers may devise their own. The students will choose one of their pieces of supervised writing and develop that into the essay required for submission. There must be an apparent connection between the supervised writing and the final essay, but students are encouraged to provide their own title and to develop the chosen prompt in an independent direction.

Below are examples of prompts for the supervised writing, showing how that prompt could be applied to a specific work and developed into a suitable essay title. Prompt Which minor character plays the most significant role? A Doll’s House by Henries Ibsen Essay title Mrs.. Lined as role model in A Doll’s House Do you think there are some characters in the work whose chief role is to convey cultural values? Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel Garcia M;require The Vicarious brothers as champions of honor Identify a symbol, motif or strand of imagery (or more than one if you prefer).

What role does it play in the work? DRP Shiva by Boris Pasternak The contrasting roles of ice and snow in DRP Shiva Note: Further examples can be found in the teacher support material for the language A: literature course. Neigh There is no specified length. The original piece of supervised writing is not submitted. Us perverse writing is not awarded a mark but may be used to authenticate the individuality of a student’s work. The task is “open book” and students should have access to the literary works being used for the writing.

Annotations are acceptable, but students should not have access to secondary material. All pieces of supervised writing must be kept on file at the school. Stage 4: Production of the essay Each student is required to produce an essay of 1,200-1 ,500 words in length on a literary aspect of one work. The essay is developed from one of the pieces of supervised writing completed in class, with the guidance of the teacher. The role of the teacher Provide guidance on the development of the essay topic. Discuss the connections between the supervised writing and the essay.

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