The American Dream Assignment

The American Dream Assignment Words: 654

The American Dream has been Interpreted In a multitude of ways. According to Dictionary. Com, the American Dream is defined as, “the ideals of freedom, equality, and opportunity traditionally held to be available to every American”. For many, like the older generations, this is true. However, there are a large group that expect more from their American Dream. For those people, wealth Is most Important to them. They believe that they can buy freedom, equality, and happiness when, in reality, these concepts are not tangible and cannot be bought.

This is Justified by the eighteenth century French writer, J. Hector SST. John De Crossover’s, thought that what made the “new American” different was the chance to obtain “the rewards of [one’s] industry’ derived from “the progress of [one’s] labor”. Meaning, the only reason Americans work hard is to be rewarded with money so they can obtain happiness. I believe that the more Americans try to satisfy their dreams with money, the more depressed they will become due to the fact that they realize money will not satisfy them.

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The majority of the group attempting to buy their happiness Is the wealthy. This vicious cycle is causing an “increasing gap between the wealthy and those who are not”, Gob. Mitt Rooney stated as his highest concern in New Hampshire Tuesday. New research reveals that Americans perceive Inequality as growing and the American dream as slipping away, but most still think that If you work hard, you can make it to the top. When asked “Do you think that the American Dream has become impossible for most people to achieve? , Americans are split with 41% saying the American dream is impossible for most to achieve and 38% saying it is still possible. The other 21 percent were not sure. Yet even with this perception of growing Inequality, Americans are not ready to give up hope yet about individuals’ potential for success. 63% of Americans agree with the statement “Anyone with talent who is willing to work hard and put the effort In can have a successful career and rise to the top, regardless of their background”.

Only 23% agree with the contrary statement, “Success In America today Is mostly served for those from privileged backgrounds who know the right people; talented people from poor backgrounds don’t have a chance. ” I believe this is a defeatist attitude and if you believe this statement then that is probably what will happen to you. If however you have a more positive attitude and agree with the first statement. Then that is probably what will happen to you. Finally, president Barack Obama argues for the importance of guaranteeing the survival of the American Dream for everyone, no matter the differences in race, education, and class.

I agree because differences should not matter when you are pursuing your dreams and doing what you love. That, I believe, is the American Dream. Jason Evans Essay Assignment 1 August 17, 2013 By Javanese The American Dream has been interpreted in a multitude of ways. According to from their American Dream. For those people, wealth is most important to them. They “new American” different was the chance to obtain “the rewards of [one’s] industry” them. The majority of the group attempting to buy their happiness is the wealthy.

New research reveals that Americans perceive inequality as growing and the American dream as slipping away, but most still think that if you work hard, you can Yet even with this perception of growing inequality, Americans are not ready to in can have a successful career and rise to the top, regardless of their background”. Only 23% agree with the contrary statement, “Success in America today is mostly people from poor backgrounds don’t have a chance. ” I believe this is a defeatist you. If however you have a more positive attitude and agree with the first statement.

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