Technology Plan Assignment

Technology Plan Assignment Words: 3903

In my classroom the technology plan is to keep up with the latest devices to heighten students’ knowledge. Technology is here to make life and learning easier and more convenient for everyone. It is Important for students to know and learn how to use such devices for It will go beyond school Into their careers. People use technology all the time now, and before we know It will overcome us, so It Is essential to understand technology and its purpose.

In my classroom we will be going through each device to e which ones will work and which one’s wont. Here is my vision for my classroom about technology being used. My mission statement is to make a difference in every child’s life. Use the resources I have and get new resources if all others fail. Some students learn better doing things visually, so computers or projection can be of use. I need to keep up with the newest technologies so I am the one teaching the students not the students teaching me. “The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains.

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The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires (Ward). I want to make a difference in everyone’s lives, so I need to know different ways of teaching, which includes using different technologies as well as being creative with them. Having students excited to go to school and learn is the greatest. My vision statement Is to know each student. Have good communication with the parents as well as the students themselves. Think emails between parents are the way to go which makes it more convenient and easier to get in touch with them.

Always taking training classes or trying to improve my skills as a teacher can help me improve a dent’s life. The present study revealed that use of digital devices was effective in enhancing motivation, the conduct of meaningful course-related interactions, active exploration of online information, and participation rates (Lam, Tong). Just being there for students mean a lot and encourages them they can do anything they put their mind too Is what they need to hear. Hen a student learns something for first time, for example, understanding how to use a program on the computer, means so much to them, it is a good feeling to know you were the one that taught them. That is hat teaching is all about, making a difference in students’ lives and expanding their knowledge. As a future Progressive educator, I believe in building on students’ curiosities. As stated per Cooper (2010) “The progressive education philosophy embraces the Idea that knowledge Is gained Vela Individual experience” (p. 15). Helping students develop a better understanding of given subjects by tapping in to their interests and cultural belief systems. I believe that given the right environment, such as; allowing each student to have their own individuality, developing trust amongst the students you teach, allowing each student to have their own creativity with the topics or assignments given, and having a more interactive class setting with technology. With this type of environment students can be taught using a more technology.

Students need more than relayed facts, they need interactive word examples, projects, computers and hands-on activities to help promote successful learning. For example, giving students information from both past and present help the students learn conflict resolution and to find better ways of dealing with the many challenges they are faced each day. We can do this by using computers to help find information. Coercing students to overcome obstacles themselves pushes them to dig deep for one’s own knowledge and expertise.

At the beginning of the school year I plan on having all the students pick a country they would like to see and learn more about so all the students can have a pen pal. I think this is a great way to communicate, through letters and email. It is a good way for students to work on their hand writing skills, and a good way to practice writing letters. This would be a class project which would happen probably once a month, have all students write teeters to their pen pals. Alternating each month from writing letters to emailing them maximizes the skills for the students.

I would have my students keep in contact with me and how the letters are going and their progress, what they have learned. When it was time to turn in the letters or emails, I would read them over on my own time before sending them off to make sure no important information is being transferred to one another and if it was school appropriate. Students interested in what is going on elsewhere will benefit more having a pen pal. Those students are gaining knowledge when they read about other countries. For example, “In math, they learned about time zones, temperatures, and sun rise and sunset differences.

Social studies involved examination of topics such as culture, religion, and language, and the children practiced map skills in locating places mentioned in the letters. In science, the children examined differences in weather, and they studied the kinds of animals that live in climates such as the desert in Arizona (Barked, Watson, and Park). ” There’s nothing to lose we Just need to get out there and learn as much as we can. A classroom teacher can participate in the global community by pals which is fee place for teachers to connect and learn. To ensure a safe online publishing environment, pals Schoolbag features password protection, so teachers can prescribe student posts and control that accesses the content (Buzz). ” Pals is a way so teachers can learn from each other, and find new ideas and ways to teach. This is a great place to Join so teachers cannot Just read about new things for classrooms but to see how it works. It’s for teachers to think outside the box and to expand their knowledge and to throw their ideas around. I will keep parents updated with their child’s grades through email.

I will keep arenas informed of any missing assignments that the students need to turn in. Teachers use email to communicate to other teachers and parents. Having a stable connection with the students’ parents is crucial. Emails are the faster way to give parents an update of how their child’s day went or to send their grade real quick. Instead of writing a note and having them put it in their backpacks and having it get lost or not making it to its full destination. In my classroom we will have a prep talk about the dangers the internet has and the importance of not typing your personal information on the internet.

The internet ore time online, where they are susceptible to manipulation or intimidation if they do not stay on task (Defiance). ” Walking around the room while the students are on the computer is a way of monitoring them, so there is less distraction/roaming on the internet. Using a computer is more convenient to search the internet for answers to questions than reading a textbook from the library to get answers. This is why it is important to learn how to use the computer, so it can make life/learning much more fun and easy.

Being able to communicate to other countries is a good way to get ideas and to see what works/what doesn’t. The first part is to start a connection between countries than the possibilities are endless. For my classroom I plan on using an overhead to do lesson plans. It is so easy and convenient to write on the overhead and to erase it once you’re done. Even students enjoy coming up and working out a problem on it. Students like that feeling of power and they can show off their skills in front of people. Writing on the overhead is another way to boost your self-esteem and to work on confidence.

Using an overhead in my classroom will bring the students together and help students be more hands on. Using an overhead is good, because teachers can share the transparencies. “Keep in mind flashcards or poster materials suffer wear and tear, especially with kids, while overhead transparencies will always be preserved (Busy Teacher). ” Also, some students are visual learners, which would help those students that need to see how to solve the problem rather than read it. Another technology device I will use in my classroom will be the computer.

Students can use Microsoft word and power point, to do research papers and slide shows. I like this idea from Vicky Romano who says “Students also an use a word processing program to record What I Learned This Week. ‘ Each student types one or two sentences throughout the week; then on Friday, the teacher prints the entire document and sends it home. ” Microsoft word teaches students how to type and learn grammar. Doing a log every day is good not only for typing skills but for thinking skills. Power points are used for class presentations to learn about a subject and/or topic.

Students have total control on how to design their power point anyway they would like, from plain to fancy. Having options on how to do an assignment helps keep students intrigued and perk their interest. Computers are used for teachers as well; to communicate with other staff and parents. Parents can have easy access to their child’s progress with Just a click away. Parents can check on their child as often as they want and keep in touch with their teachers to make sure they are doing their homework and/or what they need to work on more. This is a great way to get parents more involved with their child’s learning.

In my classroom we will also be using calculators. First the students have to learn the whole process/ steps of the problem before they can operate a calculator. I will teach the class how o work a calculator and to only use it when necessary. I will check by walking around to see if the students are using the calculators the right way. “The most frequently stated advantage of using graphing calculators was it helped students visualize patterns of graphing, presented alternative ways to look at solutions of given problems, and saved time while working with large numbers (USGS). This way the student fully understands the problem and how to get to the solution. We are here to learn, and to increase our knowledge. Easy for students. Technology practically gives students the answers, which mean dents don’t try as hard. Bayle (1998) argues that information technology “may actually be making us stupid” (p. 618). He argues that the computer takes more of the thinking process out of students. Another con of using technology in classrooms is it makes it easier for students to cheat and plagiarism. Now a days, students can Google almost anything on the internet and copy and paste work from another person.

I don’t think students realize the seriousness of stealing someone else’s work and the consequences of doing that. I will stress on how important it is to not plagiarism and each students the right way of researching and finding resources for their papers. The difference between wired and wireless classrooms are one has no cords and the other does have cords. I would have a wired classroom, because I like to plug the cords in a computer or TV to make sure it works properly. If I had wireless computers in my classroom and it stopped working I wouldn’t know how to fix it as I would if it did have cords to plug in. Mobile wireless technology can be used to perform tasks, such as taking pictures or writing notes, wherever users go (Kim, Holmes, and Aims). ” The pro for using wireless technology is you don’t have to be attached to a computer lab or desk. Being able to move around from classroom to classroom with devices help expand the resources that are available. It is messes free, no tangle of cords or having enough plug INS. Therefore, my classroom will have the basic technology being used, because it will be easier to understand and simple for the students to understand. Teachers are the most important factor in a student’s success not technology.

Technology is Just an easier way to get to the solution or make it easier to access resources to complete an assignment. My students will be knowledgeable of these technologies, so my classroom will have a variety of different ways of learning. Technology can assess student learning by using the computer. Students use technology to run tests, record data, graph, and design their own experiments. By doing these things teachers can see the student’s progress and what they have learned. Thanks to technology we now have various ways to take tests. You can take tests on paper and on the computer.

I think having a self-paced test would relieve a lot of second guessing and Just guessing towards the end of the test when you know time is running out and you Just ant to go as fast as you can without really reading the question. Which is never good, but I see it happen often. “Technology can help establish effective learning environments by bringing real-world problems into the classroom; allowing learners to participate in complex learning; providing feedback on how to improve reasoning skills; building communities of instructors, administrators, and students; and expanding opportunities for the instructor’s learning (Carmen). I do not think teachers should only use technology to assess student learning, because the teacher needs to know their student. The teacher needs to know what works for each student and what does not. So we can modify our lessons to target our students’ problem areas and bring them back up. I would walk around my classroom, assessing my students and give them feedback. This helps them know I am paying attention to what they are doing and about their progress. Technology only reads what is given to them, not the student’s personality or how hard they are trying on an assignment. ND documents being saved can be lost. Also getting all the teachers on the same track with technology takes a lot of time and effort. The future holds more technology which means “more likely, students will ask questions and engage in meaningful dialogues with other learners. A teacher may or may not be present to guide the learning process (Hanson). ” Some assessments that don’t need technology are homework exercises, writing papers, making oral presentations and responding to oral questions. Summarize assessments are tests after a chapter in the textbook or an exam for the STALL’S.

They are to see what you have learned and what you haven’t learned. These assessments go over your prior knowledge. Homework is a formative assessment. Being hands on helps keep the student involved. Doing things over and over again helps ingrain the knowledge in their heads. Having goals for students, so they know what to achieve is an assessment. We use both summarize and formative assessments to know where a student stands and what more needs to be done. Formative is showing how to learn something; summarize is testing you to see if you actually remember what you have been taught.

They go hand in hand in trying for student success. “Teachers are often able to predict pupils’ results on external summarize tests because their own tests imitate them. But at the same time, teachers know too little about their pupils’ individual learning needs (Garb). ” Data analyses affect a teachers way of teaching, because it shows what each student needs, have met, or what can be done to meet those needs. This is like a big picture of how the student is doing. Depending on how the progress of the student, a teacher may change up their strategies to increase student performance.

There are other ways to collect this data, for instance students attendance, behavior, and performance. Also, there are administrative data and perceptual data from surveys and focus groups too. We can use power points/graphs to go over students’ progress. The more information we have the better the outcome of the students’ progress in school is. Being on top of things, making sure teachers are using all there resources in accomplishing these goals for the students. We want students to succeed, so collecting this data is crucial and helps makes teacher decisions. It is all about how the information is being taught.

It takes a great teacher to know different multiple ways of teaching to get through to all their students. Making it easier for students to understand and learn the information. There are programs out there that help teachers teach multiple ways and getting the same effect/goal. Demark reading program, the STAR program are Just a few. The “standard, multiple-choice formats continue to dominate large-scale, computer-based, high-stakes testing, resulting in an overbalance on simple, highly structured problems that tap fact retrieval and the use of algorithmic solution procedures (Pipelining). In my classroom I would go over internet safety, which is the right way to use the computer. Going over the safety rules every time we go on the computers is a must, so it can be ingrained in the dent’s minds. Knowledge that is repeated has a higher success rate of retaining the information. “Using the OR teaching method, which includes replacing everyday vocabulary with scientific terms, repeating newly learned terms to remember them, and reloading or repeating the vocabulary each day (Weinberg)” help students remember what they are being taught. Have a sheet that goes over the rules of the and parents to sign.

This is so parents are up to date with what is going on and what is expected of the student. Having them sign is a way to make sure they both know the rules. Another thing I would do to ensure the students safety on the computer is by walking around the room, looking at all the computer screens to see the student’s progress on the assignment. The district schools have a filter that blocks most of the unnecessary pop ups and websites. This is a great help for teachers, because there are only one teacher and 30 students to look after. Teachers are more at ease when they know the school blocks unwanted websites.

Everything has a copyright on it, which means it is by someone else. “Digitization and the Internet have radically complicated the challenges of copyright enforcement. In the digital age, anyone can make and distribute copies instantaneously anywhere in the world at very little cost (Haskell). ” To teach students not to steal someone else’s work you need to cite where you got your information or picture from. The best way to handle this in a classroom so everyone understands about how copyright works is have all the students draw a picture of anything that pops up in their mind.

I go and pick student Co’s drawing and claim it as my own, which is stealing from the original owner. When we are on the internet it is easier to take credit of someone else’s words/pictures, so it is important o cite your resources. I would also tell the students the penalty when they do take someone else’s work as their own. There are huge consequences that come with that. I will tell my students to always make sure they write their names on all their papers and projects so no one else can take it. They can’t get credit on anything unless your name is on it.

Students will catch on fast. Walking around the classroom more to monitor students on computers help keep students on track and create less cheating. Plus cheating is not acceptable. The penalty for cheating is the same, you are taking omen else’s work as your own, and therefore you get an F for that assignment. I guess it depends on what grade level we are talking about, elementary students I would give them two strikes than they get an F, middle school/high school students, automatically get an F if caught cheating/not citing your work.

I don’t think it should be put on Just one person to be responsible if a student does something horrible or is a victim on the computer. But I think if parents have a computer at home they should help teach their kid the correct safe way to use the internet. It should only be used for homework if it requires it. Otherwise I don’t think students need to be on the internet. In my classroom I will go over the rules of being on the internet. Students need routine, so going over the rules every time I have an assignment that needs the internet we will go over them. Practice makes perfect.

I am glad that schools block many websites so students can not have access to them. It helps teachers when monitoring, it’s like a peace of mind for teachers to know they are blocked. Keeping a close eye on the students and making sure they are on the right website helps them stay on track. There should be like two strikes than they lose their internet privileges s well. “Teacher educators need to avoid defensive teaching, which can benignly endanger students and teachers by Jeopardizing ethical codes and moral obligations and suppressing students’ voices. Quality teaching results in quality learning (Salesman). Using the internet is a huge thing, and it is so easy to do the wrong thing. By keeping the routine of going over the rules and what exactly we want from internet or chatting among friends. There are chat sites and messengers that students like to go on which are not a good thing while at school. We are here to learn not talk with friends. It opens the door to many other things that aren’t good, like bullying. To keep our students safe, we need to stay away from the internet as much as possible and if an assignment requires using the internet, follow the steps provided.

Maybe play a Jeopardy game about technology safety. Make it fun to learn about and it will stick. Overall, the importance of understanding all the devices of technology that can be used in a school setting is ideal. It is my mission to help students learn and the right appropriate way to do that. I will personally work to find what works for every student not Just the majority of students. My technology plan also will go over rules, and if students don’t follow the rules they lose privileges. Listening to the teacher is huge and a must, we are here to help the students.

It is our responsibility to enforce that and teach you how to gain more knowledge the best way we know how.

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Technology Plan Assignment. (2019, Sep 15). Retrieved February 23, 2025, from