Teachers Assignment

Teachers Assignment Words: 723

The course is designed to acquaint students with the developments, which led to and are furthering the cause of technology in Banks. Apart from tracing the evolution of Banking Technology, this course will describe today’s as well as tomorrow’s banking technologies. Ultimately, it will enable the student to envision the current and future requirements and architecture of banks and accordingly develop roadman and strategies. It will help students appreciate the fact that technology cannot be viewed in isolation. This will be a useful step in integrating the technology and business goals of banks. 2. Scope of the Course * Describe the evolution of Banking Technology and the impact of reforms process Discuss the opportunities and issues in Centralized Banking * Describe and evaluate the electronic delivery channels, their operations and growth * Envision integration of the various electronic delivery channels * Study the growth of electronic and smart cards, their current status and future possibilities * Learn the intricacies of back-office operations * Discuss Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery and their necessity for Banks * Understand the criticality of Risk Management, particularly in light of Basel * Evolution and growth of Interbrain Payment Systems and their role in future of banking 2.

Objectives To generate an understanding of the critical need for Technology in Banks To inculcate among students a sound knowledge of Banking Technologies and make them “future ready’ To allow students to appreciate the environmental and market dictates which influence technology deployment and enable them to recognize competitive signs early on To enable students to apply the knowledge gained to real-life problems in To ultimately develop a creative pool of dynamic Technology Managers for banks equipped to meet current as well as future challenges 3. How Can Students Contribute to Attaining the Course Objectives? The Course Scope and Objectives can be fruitful only if students contribute to their maximum. All the assignments and tasks given to students as part of the course must be their own individual and original work.

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Other activities for students include: Read all the course material given to them Read material for each session prior to the designated session Complete all the exams, assignments and tasks given to them in time Attend all the classes unless there are exceptional conditions Actively participate in class discussions/debates 3. 1 Attendance Class Attendance is an essential ingredient to success in the course. Classroom discussions and anecdotes are a source of learning, which cannot be attained through books. If absences are unavoidable, authorization for the same must be obtained from the concerned faculty. Unauthorized absences are liable to be penalized (could be in the form of deduction from the points given to Class Participation). 3. Assignments From time to time the faculty may give assignments to students, who are accountable to completing the same in the given time frame. These assignments could range from reading assignments to field/project related ones. Such assignments have to be original and are expected to be completed with integrity and honesty. Copying and lifting material from sources such as Internet and Books without due acknowledgements is expressly prohibited – it amounts to copyright infringement. If such cases are discovered, the said assignments will be rejected outright. 3. 3 Examinations Mid-Term and End-Term examinations will be in descriptive, written form to test the conceptual knowledge and understanding of students and their application in practical situations. 4.

Grading Evaluation in the course is a continuous process and it will include both traditional and innovative testing techniques. Performance in the course shall be evaluated through assignments, exercises, class-participation, presentations, projects, short tests, etc. , in addition to a mid-term examination and an end-term examination. Weightings given to various academic activities: Activity I % Weight I Class attendance/participation/seminars | 5 | Quizzes, Assignments, Projects | 10 | Mid-Term Examination | 25 | End-Term Examination | 60 | Total 1100% I 5. Modules under the Course Module I Sessions I l. Branch operations and Core Banking | 1.

Evolution of Banking Technology 2. Impact of technology on Banking Operations 3. Centralized Banking – concepts, and opportunities 4. Centralized Banking – Challenges, and implementation ; management issues I II. Delivery Channels | 5. Products, Services and Delivery Technologies at the branches 6. ATM – technology and operations 7. Electronic cards – debit and credit 8. Smart cards in banking / e-Money 9. Internet Banking architecture and implementation 10. Internet Banking / Mobile banking business management 11. Phone Banking and Call centers 12. Electronic Delivery Channels Integration I Ill. Back-office operations | 13. Credit Appraisal System 14.

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Teachers Assignment. (2022, Mar 16). Retrieved February 10, 2025, from https://anyassignment.com/samples/teachers-10875/