Subculture Assignment

Subculture Assignment Words: 2340

In defining MIMIC as “the concept under which a company carefully integrates and co-ordinates its many communications channels to deliver a clear, consistent and compelling message about the organization and its products” (p. 16) Consumers all over the world became more demanding and accurate in their choice.

It has sharpened the competition between the companies, making the latter fight severely for their existing and potential customers. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to identify significant problems that might be an obstacle in immunization with young people from Europe to be able to work out successful marketing campaigns.

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The growing importance of European youth market is caused by several reasons: L] Teenagers’ tastes and preferences are different from those Of their Older generations; CLC Young people’s values have been seriously transformed since the past decade; 0 Economic situation in the major European countries favors average income increase of the family, which impacts the income of a teen aged child; D Youngsters become more and more independent as they pursue the goal of getting a part-time job to provide additional needs for themselves.

Thus, it increases their personal purchasing power; Гњ Youth’s perception of the world is different from their previous generations. Therefore, particular communication tools are needed to appeal to their feelings and tastes. Regarding all the reasons stated above, it is necessary to distinguish two sets of factors that might influence marketing programs for young people across Europe these includes objective factors and subjective ones. As for the first group, it comprises size of a family, income level, and social status to some extent.

They are called objective, cause they are usually hard to influence, and are quite clear set. As for the second group, it is much broader. It consists of cultural factors, internal values, beliefs and life-styles. All those factors are going to be discussed more thoroughly in the subsequent paragraphs. In order to understand the process of marketing communication, it is reasonable to apply Charms model of communication. (Charms W. (1954) This is a circular model, which helps to explain how our potential customers get the information a firm transmits to them.

Taking the example of European youth market, the model will take the following format: Message a firm is raying to send: products or services we produce are worth buying,’ they can bestially increase the level of your satisfaction. Encoder: mass-media (Mass-media is the best means of reaching the customers, as it embraces the largest audience and matches different levels of customers’ availability). Interpreter: friends, relatives, reference groups, opinions and declarations of famous or well-respected people in the media, social norms and beliefs that somehow explain or predispose our attitude or perception towards the message.

For example, if the commercial states that soda can be healthy, the ember of a reference group, specifically family doctor, will deny the statement, thus influence Eng targeted audience to interpret the message differently. Decoder: TV, periodicals, radio etc. Those are specific means that bring the information, message and decode it for us. In order for the process of communication to be efficient, it is necessary for marketing specialist to think thoroughly on the each link of this circular chain.

Before discussing communication mix programs for youth market in Europe, it is necessary to identify the components of these programs in order to be able to analyze each of them separately. Thus, a communication program is comprised of four main elements: advertising, sales promotion, personal selling and public relations (PR) (Cetera, 1990). These all components are usually used in a complex Way, which gives a chance to talk about integrated marketing communication mix. All elements of the mix have their own characteristics and specifications.

Therefore, they have a different impact on the consumer. This is why it is so important to evaluate the possible outcome from using specific types of communication programs. Several alternatives should always be thought over. According to many searches and articles (mentioned in the reference list) young people become very sensitive, meaning that they deeply feel any failure and are very much afraid to make a mistake. Moreover, they become more individualistic and aspire to be distinguished among others, to show bright personality rather than conform to set standards.

Such interesting conclusions make marketers think thoroughly how to offer certain information to youngsters, appealing to their deepest senses. For example, considering the desire to be not like others, to be peculiar, it is reasonable to emphasize, ‘free choice, legibility, and individual approach” in the commercials or advertising slogans of clothes stores. As for failure concerns of young people, it is the best to address to them an issue of fearlessness to be themselves, to react to any situations the way they want to, regardless any judgments.

Those are just the examples of possible solutions inculcated in marketing communication programs aimed for young people across Europe. However, the problem is very deep to bid solely on the internal values that are changing. The reasons stated below are analyzed from various articles on young people’s attitudes ND the relevant case study for the assignment. The difficulties that might arise in the process of communication with young people concern the following issues: Cite group of products referred to as FMC (fast moving consumer goods). It is caused by the fact that tastes and preferences of young people are very different.

Therefore, it is rather hard to find a universal approach that would appeal to tastes and values of the majority of young people. For example, today snickers is extremely popular chocolate bar. However, it is quite hard to predict what young people would prefer tomorrow, may be not chocolate but crispier. It will mean that market specialists need to find out what caused these changes in preferences and work out totally new communication program. Leisure services. As a rule, young people don’t quite understand what they want and why. People usually can clearly define own interests only after 25, when their personalities are formed.

Thus, it is rater difficult to formulate a message that would define why young people should choose this or that means or place to spend their free time. For example, most adults go to the movie theatres to relax. Therefore, the main factors that influence their choice of movie theatres are stance and the actual movie. Yet, teenagers adore good-looking interior design, existence of additional services CLC cafe, playing machines etc. 0 It is also hard to persuade young people in stable, substantial value of old famous brands. The nature of young people is unpredictable.

They usually like experimenting and accept everything new, things they never tried before. Thus, their brand loyalty is very low. However, brand loyalty is what each and every firm, actually, pursues. Yet, as it was already mentioned, young people have changeable tastes. That’s why they are willing to switch brands whenever they want. In this situation marketers need to create and develop such a value that would be inherent in the nature of every young boy and girl. Moreover, they need to put much effort in working out communication program that would enforce brand awareness originally planned and thus strengthen brand loyalty of young people.

CLC Consumption patterns can be a serious problem in communicating with young people a well. As the surveys show, you nesters are reluctant to accept anything that constrains them. That’s why they don’t eat exactly healthy food, don’t wear neat clothes, don ‘t read “right” books etc. Yet, every firm while making product/services often expects it to be used as frequently as possible. Device justification can also be quite difficult for young people to communicate to. It is such a sensitive thing that would draw away a lot of potential customers, if they don ;t find the price reasonable.

Even the product that has overwhelming value will not appeal to young people, if the price is too high so that the product becomes non-affordable. Thus, price setting is an important issue to justify, explain and properly present for young people to persuade them to make a purchase, to cake them understand that this product is worth such a price. Thus, it is necessary to notice that such areas as fast moving consumer goods, leisure services, old brands value, price justification and intended consumption patterns can present certain problems in communicating with young people across Europe.

It is reasonable to distinguish two specific geographical areas of interest France and ASK. Comparison of these two quite different markets can give a clear example how marketing communication tools should work for different products. In our case, it is going to be clothes and beverages (soft drinks). According to Hypotheses model of cultural dimensions (Hefted, 1991), there exist five factors that describe nation as a whole. These are power distance index, masculinity index, individualism, uncertainty avoidance tendency and long-term orientation.

All those indices are culturally shaped and designed to give somewhat clear image of how business can operate in the environment of a given country. Applying this model to France and UK, it is important to notice that:  France appears to be the country where money and wealth give substantial power to their owners, upward mobility is rather emitted; trend toward individualism is quite vivid, yet, less clearly shaped than in ELK; gender differentiation exists to some point, however, it’s not very strong France is a highly rule oriented country, where all norms are set and should be followed. #61656; KICK, in turn, possesses many opposite characteristics. Is a country where equal opportunity is experienced quite well, people need persistence and intelligence to achieve what they want; vivid individualism is a hallmark of UK society; rules are not important here, people rely more on intuition and chance; therefore, business is oriented on kick perspective rather than long-term orientation.

However, gender differentiation in UK is above average level, which might be quite concerning. Considering these characteristics, the following strategy and tactics can be pursued in marketing communication mix for clothes and beverages in these two countries: Comparative analysis of marketing communication mix for clothes Common.

Mix Element France UK Advertising Common appeal for both men and women should be used; Should emphasize femininity/masculinity; Sales promotion Coupons and price reduction would be highly effective Individual approach and designer’s device will work quite good PR Articles and pubic events should straighten all the points what benefits young people will get making their choice in favor of this or that brand Articles and public events should inform young people about latest fashion trends; should have unexpected conclusions and no definite solutions or obvious implications on what is good and bad Personal selling Sales personnel should explain all necessary details (how to wear, clean, iron etc. ); there should be definite arguments to support every single word said More appealing are sales personnel’s manners, behavior, and eloquence. Comparative analysis of marketing communication mix for soft drinks Common. Mix Elementary UK Advertising Common appeal for men and women; should underline specific benefits for each Should emphasize individual preferences of men and women (say, convenient can for women, and taste for men) Sales promotion The accent should be again on price reduction (two for the price of one, for instance) Price reduction.

Yet, it is also important that young people choose themselves what kind of drink they would get in addition PR Sponsorship, community support, fundraising will be highly recommended Presentation off product, imputations, media coverage (articles, different kinds of mentioning in press) would be effective Personal selling It is not an effective tool, because it creates an impression of imposing personal point of view on a customer. It is not an effective tool, because it creates an impression of imposing personal point of view on a customer. European youth, as it was already mentioned, hates pressure and constraints. The analysis of marketing communication mix for European youth market would be absolutely incomplete without defining specific factors that influence decision-making of young people. According to Kettle (1996), those factors can be classified as: 1 . Cultural factors: L] Culture / Subculture / Social class. For example, youngsters that belong to upper social class would consider below their dignity to buy cheap clothes. 2.

Social factors: C] Referent groups/ Family and relatives / Roles and statuses. For example, the role of an elder brother is to be an example for the younger one. Thus, the former will buy appropriate clothes, accessories, drinks etc. As to show his younger brother how to behave. 3. Psychological factors: 0 Opinions and views / Motivation / Perception. Very often public judgments an discourage from purchasing certain things. In this case, marketers should predict such a threat forming and proclaiming values of self-esteem and individual choice. 4. Personal factors: C] Type of activity / Economic situation / Life style / Type of personality and perception of own self.

Obviously, there exist a special segment of young people who lead active style of life. For those chosen, communication mix should be somewhat stronger and even aggressive, rather than mild for those who are quite passive in their every day life. In such a way, youth market represents a great potential for any company in the market. Yet, it also challenges market specialists, as it possesses substantial constraints, I. E. Issues that might be difficult to communicate to for young people. Thus, it is extremely important to analyze every element of communication mix, applying research and survey results, as well as cultural difference implications. In the latter case, Hypotheses model Of cultural dimensions can be of great help.

However, it is necessary to always keep in mind that young people nowadays aspire to universal values; youth’s tastes change quickly; young people across Europe have become more independent, individual in heir preferences, and free in their choices.

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