Software Architecture Department Assignment

Software Architecture Department Assignment Words: 6290

Proposal to Zilack Board of Directors Team 3 J. M. -Team leader T. W. -Network Manager V. T. & W. C. – Software manager O. B. – Web manager R. R. – Information Security Manager 11/13/2009 Introduction Zilack Corporation is a medium-sized manufacturing company with 250 employees. It directly markets one product: the Zilack coffee cup with a patented ball bearing sliding mechanism. James Jr. and a group of 15 other executives run the company. Zilack Corporation has just received a large sum of money from a venture capitalist.

The venture capitalist and James Jr. are predicting 100% growth. To achieve that growth, productivity will need to increase by a similar amount. Therefore, the IT Systems functional area must be updated to assist Zilack’s business model to predict, plan, and implement future growth and profits. This is a unique opportunity. James Jr. has taken over from his father, James Sr. , CEO of Zilack for 37 years. The problem lies in Zilack’s current IT functional area, which has been separate from the other Zilack functional areas.

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Zilack’s business model and IT systems are outdated and in need of new ideas and new employees to implement then. The 100%t growth projection has James Jr. concerned with these questions: 1. What will my updated IT Systems functional area look like? 2. How should IT be integrated with other functional areas so Zilack can meet its business objectives? 3. How can we adhere to our Code of Ethics with such fast growth? 4. What new ideas can we implement in the four IT departments? 5. What are the issues facing the company and the employees? 6.

What will be the job titles, descriptions, and skills of our new IT employees? This proposal describes ideas for Zilack’s updated IT Systems Functional Area to align with Zilack’s business model. Specifically managers from Zilack’s IT Departments are providing ideas to address James Jr. ‘s concerns. Information Security Department Manager Executive Summary The Information Security Department’s goal is to keep all security programs up to date and keep all cost to a minimum. Provide classes to employees who are not experienced with these updates.

The classes would be clear and simple to everyone. The number one concern would be keeping hackers, viruses and any other problems away from the network. Network Architecture Department Manager Executive Summary Network Architecture defines common, industry-wide, open-standards-based, interoperable network infrastructures providing reliable and ubiquitous communication for Zilack’s distributed information processing environment. It defines various technologies required to enable connections among its department and business sector.

Network Architecture describes a network infrastructure that supports converged services, as well as accommodating traditional data, voice, and video services, providing the framework and foundation to enable budget unit business processes, new business opportunities, and new methods for delivering service The infrastructure is designed to ensure that standard IT architectures and systems are in place to implement common functions by integrating new functionality within existing systems. The enterprise web architecture enables one server to support numerous Zilack’s applications in development, testing and production environments.

Program specific systems are integrated via infrastructure tools, such as middleware, messaging and integration broker technologies. (Freeman, 2006) While the applications are developed by the independent project teams, the Zilack’s team has developed or instituted technical standards, a common set of infrastructure processes, and specific technologies that can be leveraged and reused across the Department. The security infrastructure, for example, provides for a shared-services solution that secures access to program information and manages user identity across the enterprise.

The value of having a well-defined network architecture diagram and principles will provide structured and flexible foundation for developing the Zilack’s Network in the future. Software Architecture Department Manager Executive Summary Mission The Software Architecture department’s mission is to “understand business issues well enough to be able to define IT solutions that help solve business problems, help reach business goals and are structured in compliance with the structure of the business. ” (Sundblad ; Sundblad, 2009). Customer Base Our customers are all the different departments within the business.

We will be interconnected with all departments, including IT. We will be working closely with the other IT departments to ensure the IT strategies are in alignment with the business’ strategies. Service and Strategy The business goal for the next year is to double the sales. In order for the business to obtain this goal, we need to start with understanding the overall processes of the business as well as the strategic goals and objectives. If we can understand strategically where we are headed, then we can develop solutions that are aligned with this plan. Next, we need to work with each department.

We need to document their current processes and look for ways to improve and eliminate waste. After processes are documented and improved, we can move into documenting a department’s specifications and determining the best solutions. We will develop solutions for each department, test them and then come back and validate the solutions to ensure they meet their needs. Our final step will be to ensure the appropriate infrastructure is in place to support the solutions. Management and Staffing Structure The department will consist of eight roles. The Software Architecture Manager will oversee the work of the entire department.

The Business Process Architect and Chief Architect will work very closely with upper management to understand the process of the business and the strategic goals and objectives. Each department will have a Business Architect and an Application Architect who will work closely with them. They will document processes, determine areas for improvement, figure out requirements, design specifications, determine solutions and then validate the specification and solutions with their department. The Application Architect will develop, test and implement the solutions.

They will work closely with the Technical-Infrastructure Architect to ensure the business has the appropriate infrastructure to support the solutions that are chosen. The Data Architect will maintain and develop databases and the Quality Manager will ensure appropriate testing is completed on all software. In order for sales to double over the next year, we need to ensure business needs and activities are supported, process improvement is occurring, business solutions are in alignment with the strategic goals and objectives and the infrastructure exists to support the solutions implemented.

Finance The Software Architecture Manager will review the skill set of the current employees in the department to ensure they have the ability to align the business to double sales over the next year. If the skill set does not exist, then the recruitment process will begin to bring in individuals who can assist. Role| Quantity| Salary| Software Architecture Manager| 1| $156,000| Business Process Architect| 1| $95,000| Chief Architect| 1| $90,000| Business Architect| 1-Production and Operations – Sales and Marketing1- Inventory1- Accounting and Finance1-Human Resources1- for Load Leveling| $100,000$100,000$100,000$100,000$100,000$100,000| Application Architect| 1-Production and Operations 1- Sales and Marketing1- Inventory1- Accounting and Finance1-Human Resources1- for Load Leveling| $99,000$99,000$99. 000$99. 000$99. 000$99. 000| Technical Infrastructure Architect| 1| $109,000| Data Architect| 1| $103,000| Quality Manager| 1| $64,000| Software Architecture Salary Budget *(This is if all new employees are brought in. )| | $1,415,396 | (Salary. com, 2009 and Indeed. com, 2009))

Conclusion “It is no secret that more than 50% of software and hardware projects typically fail to achieve the goals of the stakeholders. ” (Alexandrou, 2009). In order to not fall into this category of failed projects, the Software Architecture department will “take the company’s business strategy and then define information technology systems architecture to support that strategy,” (Alexandrou). The legacy of a successful team is one that creates architecture that ensures the business is flexible, adaptable and agile. An agile business will always beat its competitors (Jumelet, 2007).

Web Strategies Department Manager Executive Summary Our goal here in the web department is to make a user friendly, pleasing and attractive page that is easy to navigate. It is our goal to sell you who we are as people and how great our organization is, that you will gladly buy our products with confidence in our company. When you access our page you feel like you are walking in our halls with us. You will be able to access any department and see what is going on. We want you to feel at home with us, because after all we will be a staple in your home. Information Security Department Plan

By Rafael J. Rivera Member of team 3 Information Security Department Manager Composition Introduction The Information Security’s Department mission is to help monitor files, passwords, and web applications. Help to keep security up to date and consulting with the department for best practices. Also persuade other employees to take a little course to learn of the new IT Security put in place. Chief Executive New York; April 1998 ” At what level are CEOs in terms of understanding corporate security risks? CEOs are the ones who are most clueless. They don’t understand the issues or the technology.

They don’t get down in the trenches. They rely upon people in middle management whose expertise it is to understand these things. But, by and large, it’s all ignored. So CEOs have to get more touchy-feely with this stuff. How might they do that? It could be as simple as going to a few conferences and learning about the issues involved, or taking some of their own training classes that they mandate for middle management. CEOs are generally exempt from that kind of training. They’re not part of the technology group and they look at everybody who knows how to touch a keyboard as being a geek.

I don’t expect them to become technicians, but I do expect them, and most stockholders expect them, to become fluent in the issues and to give it more than lip service. ” The mission would be to have everyone on the same page, too know what the others doing in his or her department. In Today’s Integration, Inc 2009 “Today’s Integration, Inc. believes that training is the foundation of our profession. For such training to be ultimately effective we believe in manufacturer training, specific to the equipment we install, integrate, and service for our customers. ” Every job we have or do there is certain training we have to go through.

In the IT field, we would not think that would change cause of technology changing almost every year. Reducing Cost of Information Security Department Looking at how the economy is now the Information Security department’s costs should be reasonable. To make sure Zilac is bringing in money than losing it on buying equipment it does not need. We are putting all our efforts and focus on the coffee cup. The main jobs would be to keep all files, programs and contact information from falling into the wrong hands. We would also be monitoring any threats to the Zilac network. The Information Security department should cover all of these, Privacy issues ?Identity Theft ?Web pages ?Firewalls ?Employee surveillance ?Electronic commerce ?Digital signatures ?Computer viruses ?Encryption ?Contingency planning ?Logging controls ?Internet ?Intranets ?Corporate Governance ?Outsourcing security functions ?Computer emergency response teams ?Microcomputers ?Local area networks ?Voice Over IP ?Password selection ?Electronic mail ?SPAM Prevention ?Data Classification ?Telecommuting ?Telephone systems ?Portable computers ?User security training ?Information Security Related Terrorism Changes to The Zilac Corp. One of the main changes in Zilac would be updating all security programs.

The security team would be performing test on the network all twenty-four hours of the day. In the result of viruses, hackers, or problems we would be able to fix the problem right away. After fixing the problem find out why it happened so it would not happen again. Still with testing all day we would still have to keep updating all software cause they are still risks. One risk would be where the program comes from, like in an Article written by Templeton, Brad 2007, “In fact, in many cases it’s worse than leaving them the keys, because you’re giving them access to your live running computers.

At some companies, computers are hard-secured and need passwords to boot. Companies like Google, Microsoft and several others have access to hundreds of millions of computers at effectively all the companies of the world, if they wished to use it. Worse, unlike physical keys which can only be used one at a time for specific invasions, these keys are general and could be used for scalable, large attacks. I first started worrying about this when PointCast came out. PointCast was one of the first really widely adopted network apps with auto-update and a million users.

One day the manager of the colocation facility used by Pointcast was visiting me. “How many fingers of yours would a mafioso have to break,” I asked, “before you would let him into your server room? ” “They would just have to threaten,” he said. No surprise there. But I was worried that the ability to inject software into a million machines might be something well worth a few threats to a criminal enterprise. I imagined some cute hacks, where I took over a million machines, and hunted for spreadsheets with next quarter’s financial results n CFO’s windows boxes, making a billion in the stock market, or even, more maliciously, telling a million people the Dow was down by 500 and thus making it really happen as they panic-sold. But in fact, far nastier things are possible. So I thought I would outline the sort of principles I would want to see from auto-updating (or even prompted manual updating) software, and challenge vendors to declare that they are doing these things. ” Information Security Department Manager References Chief Executive 1998 Retrieved web October 28, 2009 what you don’t know can hurt you http://proquest. umi. com. library. capella. edu/pqdweb? ndex=2&did=29025732&SrchMode=2&sid=4&Fmt=3&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309&VName=PQD&TS=1256768119&clientId=62763 Templeton Brad 2007 Retrieved October 31, 2009 The Giant Security Hole http://ideas. 4brad. com/giant-security-hole-auto-updating-software Network Architecture Department Plan By Terrance Wright Member of team 3 Introduction Network Architecture is responsible for defining data network reference models and design specifications, designing network infrastructures, performing technology research and development, and providing technology support for the Network Operations team.

The Network Architecture team’s primary responsibility is to provide network designs for the ongoing development of Zilack Corporation . In distinct usage in distributed computing, network architecture is also sometimes used as a synonym for the structure and classification of distributed application architecture, as the participating nodes in a distributed application are often referred to as a network. For example, the applications architecture of the public switched telephone network has been termed the Advanced Intelligent Network.

There are any number of specific classifications but all lie on a continuum between the dumb network (e. g. , Internet) and the intelligent computer network (e. g. , the telephone network). Other networks contain various elements of these two classical types to make them suitable for various types of applications. Recently the context aware network, which is a synthesis of the two, has gained much interest with its ability to combine the best elements of both. New ideas for Network Architecture Department

We would like to build a distributed configuration manager for a region of the Internet that accepts high level assertions, at the administrative level, about how the components of a network are supposed to arrange themselves, and guides the actual configuration accordingly. The distributed manager should have enough understanding of low level configuration to detect if the network is properly configured according to the high-level constraints, to detect if a better configuration alternative is available, and to detect if the system appears to be corrupted.

One of the worst things you can do it try to dictate network architecture from one or a few people. It needs to be a team process, garnering opinions and insights from across the enterprise. Network engineers in Europe and Asia are going to have different opinions and customer needs than in the US. Some engineers will be better at WAN while others bring a LAN and data center perspective. Your network operations team needs to ensure they can support what is being architected. And don’t forget the security guys. (Architecture Review Board, 2008)

Network Architecture Department employees. The Manager of Network Architecture Strategy and Planning is responsible for providing oversight of the Network Architecture team and will deliver network strategy and planning roadmaps for the next generation United airlines global network. This position has global responsibility for setting network architecture by translating business requirements into repeatable design strategies that are adaptable, scalable, and provide high availability throughout Zilack Corporation Network infrastructure.

The manager requires managing a team of communication Solution Architects and their workload as well as providing vision, points of view, execution, network hardware selection and point solutions for all users network that supports critical IT systems, infrastructure and facilities (wikipedia, 2009) Network Architecture Department Support Begin by fixing any weaknesses in your network architecture so that your core finance, sales, and marketing systems have a firm foundation. The first piece is to have a strong infrastructure in place that is solid, stable, and supported.

No business can be agile if its network is regularly down. Next, help your finance professionals find more time for strategic activities by deploying a modern, scalable financial application. “Everyone has an accounting system, but many companies outgrow it”(Clark, September, 2002) That can force them to compensate with manual procedures with paper and spreadsheets. If you integrate your accounting and marketing systems with line-of-business applications, it will encourage well-informed and timely decision-making.

For example, banks can give loan officers immediate access to a customer’s payment history using the same system they use to review mortgage applications. And don’t forget to integrate your accounting and marketing packages. That way, finance professionals can view a customer’s order history when evaluating credit-worthiness and salespeople can check for overdue invoices before finalizing a new deal. You can even configure your marketing system to automatically prepare a thank-you letter each time a customer’s last payment has cleared (Clark, September, 2002)

Network Architecture Department Manager References (Clark, September, 2002) (Do You Have an Architecture Review Board, 2008) (Freeman, 2006)_for_Emergency_Response. pdf (wikipedia, 2009) http://www. microsoft. com/midsizebusiness/technology-for-financial-services. mspx http://www. tellabs. com/services/tlab_netdesign. pdf Software Architecture Department Plan By Talmage Bullock and Vonda Dronen Member of Team 3 Software Architecture Department Manager Composition Introduction In order to have a successful business in highly technological times, you need to have a strong Software Architecture Department.

This department is the backbone of business in the 21st century. Just about every business these days have some interaction with systems and applications. Implementing all of these can play a crucial roll in a successful overhaul or the beginning of a new corporation. In order for this department to be successful, various members of the team need to have a broad understanding of business. “Architecture serves as the blueprint for both the system and the project developing it, defining the work assignments that must be carried out by design and implementation teams.

The architecture is the primary carrier of system qualities, such as performance, modifiability, and security, none of which can be achieved without a unifying architectural vision. ” (Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon n. d. ). Issues affecting the Software Architecture Department: “There are many people affecting the construction of a software system. Customer, end users, analysts, product managers, architects, developers, project manager, business architects, sales people are few examples. These are called stakeholders.

Stakeholders have different concerns and goals, some of which may be contradictory. Architectures are also influenced by the structure and the nature of the development organization. There are three classes of influence that come from the developing organization: immediate business, long-term business, and organizational structure. The other important influence is the background, experience and the education of the architects. ” (Gumuskaya, 2005). The software department has to interface with just about every department within the organization.

This can pose many challenges working with so many different people, departments and systems. It is crucial to have a good working relationship with all personnel that the Software team interfaces with. If these relationships are not in good standings, then it can pose great problems for the software department. When trying to establish all the software needs for each department. System issues can be very challenging to tackle. The data and logic flows are just some of the issues that the Software department may face; many component systems and vendors with a wide variety of users and usage scenarios.

There can be the need to rapidly accommodate frequent changes in missions, environment and interoperating systems. Training end users on systems can also pose various issues. The cost and time of the users being away from their daily roles can be costly; this includes updated training on systems upgrades and changes. Software Architecture Department Employees A strong software architecture department will consist of eight different roles that assist in developing great solutions for business software. The first role is the Software Architecture Manager.

Their first job is to review the skill sets of the individuals already in the department to ensure they have the skills needed to assist the business in reaching its goals and objectives. If the skill set needed does not currently exist in the organization, then the recruitment process will begin to gain the desired skills. This individual needs to have a strong understanding of not only IT, but business strategies, processes, best practice for business improvement, Six Sigma and Lean concepts, knowledge of the latest technology trends and solutions and excellent communication skills.

They are responsible for ensuring the needs of the business are being met. The second role is the Chief Architect who actively engages with external and internal customers and team members (Technical Director, Enterprise Campaigns) to shape requirements and develop architectures for next-generation architecture. Establishes strong relationships and collaborates with internal and external customers to define/refine architecture requirements. Leads architecture trade studies to identify ‘best value’ and competitively differentiated solution offerings. Defines and documents software architectures for proposals.

Evaluates, analyzes, and provides constructive feedback on other architecture designs and proposals. Teaches or mentors others on software architecture development, architecture patterns, and common tools. Works closely with the management team to evaluate current software architectures and makes decisions on future development. Makes presentations to customers, upper management and professional peers and maintains strong and effective inter-personal and communication skills with the ability to interact professionally with a diverse group of customers and staff.

Advocates for process improvement focusing on architecture development and re-use (reference, product line architectures). The Business Process Architect plays a key role in structuring the enterprise in terms of its governance structure, business processes, and business information. This person aligns strategic goals and objectives with decisions regarding products and services; partners and suppliers; organization; capabilities; and key business and IT initiatives. The primary focus is the business motivations, business operations and business analysis frameworks and related networks that link these aspects of the enterprise together.

The Business Process Architect works to develop an integrated view of the enterprise using a repeatable approach, cohesive framework, and available industry standard techniques. Next role is the Business Architect. Their job is to look at the way work is currently being directed and accomplished. They also identify, design and oversee the implementation of improvements that are in alignment with the business’ goals and objectives. Their focus is business improvement (Sundblad ; Sundblad, 2009).

The Business Architect’s work provides a strong foundation for the Solution Architects to design the business software solutions (Sundblad & Sundblad). This individual needs to have experience designing business architecture, knowledge of business operations, business processes, Six Sigma and Lean, understanding of organizational design, experience with project management and analysis, a good understanding of IT and excellent communication and presentation skills (Girgoriu, 2008). The fifth role is the Application Architect.

Their job is to implement software that supports, automates and is in alignment with business goals and objectives. This position is more technical then the Business Process and Business Architects because an Application Architect actually develops the technical solution, the applications that solve the business problems. They develop the solutions, test them and then validate them with the departments that they work for them. Whatever solutions they develop, the goal is to ensure the business is agile and can adapt easily to change (Sundblad & Sundblad, 2009).

This role will work very closely with the Business Architect. They need to have strong project management and analysis skills, experience designing architecture and implementing, knowledge of the technical trends and solutions for all departments within an organization; including e-commerce and excellent communication skills (Silvercreek Systems, n. d. ). The Technical-Infrastructure Architect works closely with the Application Architect to ensure that the applications and systems chosen have a safe and productive deployment.

This role deals with hardware, operating systems, network and system software. Their focus is to ensure the appropriate infrastructure is in place to support the chosen solutions. In order to do this they will work closely with the Network Architecture team. This individual will need ensure all of the solutions are connected, have a modular infrastructure so the business is flexible, adaptable and agile. They need develop an infrastructure structure that is standardized and consolidated so that the business’ processes and applications are supported and there are no overlapping services.

They assist the Application Architect in transforming their solutions so they work properly for the business (Jumelet, 2007). This individual needs strong communication with both technical and business teams, strong design experience and technical knowledge; analytical and ‘joined-up’ thinking and conflict resolution. The Data Architect designs Data Architectures, designs and builds relational databases, develops strategies for data acquisitions, archive recovery, and implementation of a database. Cleans and maintains the database by removing and deleting old data.

Usually requires a degree in an appropriate area and at least 5 years of experience in a related area. Individual should be able to design and develop Databases, Data Warehouses and Multidimensional Databases. Relies on experience and judgment to plan and accomplish goals, may lead and direct the work of others and typically reports to a project leader or manager. A wide degree of creativity and lateral thinking is expected (http://databaseanswers. org/role_of_data_architect. htm, n. d. ). The final role is Quality Manager.

This individual defines a prescriptive architecture based on ubiquitous standards. However, appropriate models are still scarce. An example of an excellent model is OSI. Its layers cater to the needs of many stakeholders and are completely transparent (it surpassed ubiquity and reached the status of user oblivion). Like OSI, architectural models should be layered. Any telescopic or hierarchic model is disastrous. Conforming to IEEE 1471 I. e. starting with stakeholders! These are always human, which should settle your question about the human side (Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon n. . ). How Software Architecture Department Can Support the Organization To be successful, the Software Architecture team needs to develop their vision and communication plan. Since they will be communication with all departments within the organization, it is critical that a plan is developed and the communication process is consistent across team members. The Business Process Architect and Chief Architect will work with upper management to document and understand the business’ strategic plan. This will allow the team to understand the business objectives.

Once the decisions and objectives are understood, then there is a better understand of what is needed to support the business. Next, a Business Architect and an Application Architect will work closely with each department within the organization. They will begin by observing and documenting how work is currently accomplished. They will look to see how processes can be improved and waste can be eliminated. The goal is to ensure the departments business processes are in alignment with the business’ goals and objectives. A Business Architect and Application Architect will work with Production and Operations.

Currently there is one production line. Prior to adding a second line, they need to observe the current production line and document the current workflow. They need to determine what is working, what needs to be changed or eliminated. The entire production line may need to be revamped to make the process quicker and more efficient. After the review of the current production line is completed, determinations are made and changes implemented, then the second line can be added. The goal is for production to increase and be more efficient.

A Business Architect and Application Architect will work with Sales and Marketing. They will come up with a solution for finding new customers and markets. If an international sales force is developed, then they will need to analyze the decision making processes involved and figure out solutions for the entire sales department to stay connected and in sync To be successful the business needs an automated ordering process with a great e-commerce tool so that customers can go online order product and track their orders. Whatever ordering system is used, it needs to be interfaced to the inventory system.

They need to also assist in developing an Advertising and Promotion department and determine what tools will be needed to promote our product. There are a lot of solutions needed to be developed for this area. A Business Architect and Application Architect will work with Inventory, Distribution and Shipping. They need to analyze our current inventory control system, distribution and warehouse to ensure the current processes will work with the increase in production. They need to ensure a reliable inventory system is in place so we can track and meet demand.

The shipping processes may need to be expanded to include international shipping. Current process need to be analyzed to understand what needs to change to meet the increased demand. A Business Architect and Application Architect will work with Accounting and Finance and review current processes and solutions being utilized. They need to determine if what we are currently using will work to accommodate the huge expansion over the next year. It is critical that our current system will be able to handle the increase in new customers, accounts payables and account receivable transactions over the coming years.

The solution needs to handle large volumes, complete detailed financial tracking and have robust reporting capabilities. A Business Architect and Application Architect will also work with Human Resources. They need to analyze the current Human Resource system to ensure that it will be efficient enough to handle an increase in employees, is able to monitor existing as well as new employees and can track completion of training and employee satisfaction. It also needs to be able to easily track benefits information.

Current processes need to be reviewed, improved and waste eliminated so Human Resources is able to handle the increase in employees efficiently. After processes have been analyzed and solutions begin to be determined and validated with departments, the Application Architect will work with the Technical-Infrastructure Architect to determine if our current infrastructure can handle the changes and projected growth in the coming years. This individual will ensure that the business has the appropriate infrastructure so chosen solutions work effectively.

The Quality Manager will ensure that all software is tested appropriate prior to being implemented so expectations are met. The Data Architect will work with each department to review any databases currently being used to ensure they are meeting needs and to determine if there is data that needs to be deleted. They will also determine if there are additional database that need to be developed. Conclusion As Software Manager, you must have well managed systems and software in order to have a successful business model. You must establish a strong team with a wide variety of skills and knowledge.

If this is done properly it can make the day to day operations and management of data, finances, employees, sales tracking and just about every aspect of the business, run like a well oiled machine. This is not an area I feel corners should be cut, or pennies pinched, since practically all areas of business have some form of software or systems involved. Our proposal is a well crafted plan to implement and maintain all systems within the Zilack Corporation. As a Software Architecture department our goal should be to better integrate the business processes and ensure the software solutions are based on business’ strategic goals and objectives.

We need to set the business up so it is agile enough that if a software system needs to be changed, it is not going to impact the entire business. The ultimate goal is to ensure the Software Architecture department “understands business issues well enough to be able to define IT solutions that help solve business problems, help reach business goals and are structured in compliance with the structure of the business. ” (Sundblad & Sundblad, 2009). Software Architecture Department Manager References Alexandrou, Mario (2009). Enterprise Architect. Retrieved on October 31, 2009, from the Internet at http://www. ariosalexandrou. com/free-job-descriptions/enterprise-architect. asp Balmes, Geoff (July 29, 2009). Business Architect Job Description. Retrieved on October 31, 2009, from the Internet at http://www. bpminstitute. org/articles/article/article/business-architect-job-description-1. html Boehm, Barry (2003). Software Architecture Challenges for Complex Systems of Systems. Retrieved 30, 2009, from the Internet at http://www. sei. cmu. edu/architecture/ Database Answers: Role of data architect (n. d. ). Retrieved on October 3, 2009, Internet at http://databaseanswers. org/role_of_data_architect. htm D’Souza, Ajay (2008).

A Sampling of a Solution Architect Job Descriptions. Retrieved on October 31, 2009, from the Internet at http://blog. firexis. com/index. php/2008/10/11/on-being-a-solution-architect/ Grigoriu, Adrian (2008). The Enterprise Business Architecture and Architect’s Role. Retrieved on October 31, 2009, from the Internet at http://it. toolbox. com/blogs/ea-matters/the-enterprise-business-architecture-and-architects-role-24859 Gumuskaya, Haluk (2005). World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. Retrieved on October 31, 2009, from the Internet at http://www. waset. org/journals/waset/v9/v9-7. pdf, page 2.

Indeed (2009). Architecture salary ranges in Minneapolis, MN. Retrieved on October 31, 2009, from the Internet at http://www. indeed. com/salary? q1=technical+infrastructure+architect&l1=Minneapolis%2C+MN+ Jumelet, Daniel (2007). Infrastructure Architecture. Retrieved on October 31, 2009, from the Internet at http://msdn. microsoft. com/en-us/library/bb402960. aspx Salary. com (2009). Software Engineer Director. Retrieved on October 31, 2009, from the Internet at http://swz. salary. com/salarywizard/layouthtmls/swzl_compresult_national_IT10000244. html Software Engineering institute – Carnegie Mellon (n. d. ).

Retrieved on October 30, 2009, from the Internet at http://www. sei. cmu. edu/architecture/ Silver Creek Systems (n. d. ). Job Description: Solution Architect. Retrieved on October 31, 2009, from the Internet at http://www. silvercreeksystems. com/files/jobs/Solutions%20Architect%207-08. pdf Sundblad and Sundblad (2009). Business Improvement Through Better Software Architecture. Retrieved on October 27, 2009, from the Internet at http://msdn. microsoft. com/en-us/library/bb266336. aspx Wright, Steven D (2009). Architecture Roles and Responsibilities. Retrieved on October 30, 2009, from the Internet at http://stevendwright. home. comcast. et/~stevendwright /ArchRol es. htm ZDNet UK (2009). Technology Architecture Consultant (Business strategy and Team Lead). Retrieved on October 31, 2009, from the Internet at http://www. zdnet. co. uk/jobs/0,1000003278,39764732,00. htm Web Strategies Department Plan By Octava OBrien Member of team 3 Web Strategies Department Manager Composition In with the “New” and out with the “Old”, that is what is going on in the web strategies department. As the manger I have looked into several things to meet the needs of our company. I have met with the stakeholders of each department to set a clear view as to what we want this web page to advertise.

We evaluated the current page to see what the down fall was and we implemented the new suggestions. I have currently made a wish list of new web page functionality that will be implemented as well. Our department has gathered several bits of information from other web sites that seem to be effective. The team will determine what corporate information should and should not be for public view. We have decided to make a web page where customer, consumer, employees, perspective employees and business partners can come to get updated and accurate information.

Each department of the corporation will have their own information page accessible through the site. Our goal is to have a web page that is more than a brochure about Zilack. When you come to our web page we want you to be able to obtain any and all information that you can. There will be information available about which we are as a company; you will be able to read the history that is behind us. You will be able to view a top of the line web site with all of our products and our new upcoming products. You will be able to order your coffee mugs in a single order or in quantity.

We at Zilack want you to feel as comfortable and confident as we do in our product, and by making you a web page that is easy to navigate and get where you want, will do that. As an employee here at Zilack you will be able to go to the site and obtain new information every month about the company and any upcoming events. As a perspective employee you can visit our page and read about us if you think you would like to join our team you will be able to access our employment site. Once in the site you can apply by submitting an application and resume and we

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Software Architecture Department Assignment. (2020, Dec 03). Retrieved October 23, 2024, from