Similarities and differences of journalism Assignment

Similarities and differences of journalism Assignment Words: 507

Even though, people might think that Journalism and police officer work, don’t have anything in common, a person who has experienced these Jobs, can find many similarities. These similarities include taking assignments, doing researching, and dealing with time pressure. First of all, the schedule, and some of the duties of the workday, are quite similar for Journalists and police officers. Both workers, take their assignments of t h e day, from their supervisors.

They consult heir supervisors, to make sure if everything is clear, and also with whom and how they will go to the specific place. After finishing the Job, in the same way, they have to report what they did in writing. They also make sure, if they need to report immediately, or at the end of the day. Second , both Journalists and police officers have to investigate. For example, when a Journalist does an interview, or a police officer opens a case, usually, they go outside to take some notes, come back to the office, and write the report In paper.

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For n event, or a criminal case, a Journalist or police a officer must answer these same questions, in their report::who, what, where, when, why and how. Exactly who was involved? What happened (what’s the story)? Where did it take place? When did It take place? Why did it happen? And how did It happen? Their reports have to be comprehensible. Another area, In which a police officer and Journalists work Is similar Is both are high pressure Jobs. Because they have to finish by an exact time, and write their report on the same day, Journalists and police officers have high stress/tension in heir work.

If a Journalist doesn’t report the event on the same day, It will be an old report for tomorrow, which Is the same as If a criminal case Is reported the next day. The criminal could escape. In conclusion, police officers and Journalists do superficially different Jobs, but the deep nature of their work, Is still quite similar. Perhaps, as a result of this, It was easy for me to change my work from Journalism to police officer work, and vice verse. The challenges and rewards were equally satisfying. Outside to take some notes, come back to the office, and write the report in paper.

For involved? What happened (what’s the story)? Where did it take place? When did it take place? Why did it happen? And how did it happen? Their reports have to be Another area, in which a police officer and Journalists work is similar is both report on the same day, Journalists and police officers have high stress/tension in their work. If a Journalist doesn’t report the event on the same day, it will be an old report for tomorrow, which is the same as if a criminal case is reported the next day. But the deep nature of their work, is still quite similar.

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Similarities and differences of journalism Assignment. (2021, Jun 07). Retrieved March 12, 2025, from