Security Council Assignment

Security Council Assignment Words: 704

TO the state and other honest folks. Hill locked up like an animal, the risen relapses back to the basic cannibalistic tendencies for survival; and whenever he rejoins society at any point, the prisoner is so left behind that he feels only resentment and hatred for the society and its inhabitants that in majority of cases, instead of being reformed, the prison system actually regenerates an animal into the environment. Today One mighty evil, two major evils and many many minor {by my classification} ones bedeviled my country Nigeria.

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, the minor ones include the massive corruption, stealing and assignment of the resources this country was given by God to be a great nation, but I want to discuss the 2 major evils and the one mighty evil in this space. The Politics Book Harm and Fuel subsidy. Book Harm is a phenomenon that has spun out of the control of its creator{s} and is now being used to annihilate and decimate

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As if we have not had enough to chew, we are told that we have to purchase MS at twice the price because government subsidy has now been withdrawn and will be diverted to the Loot-ere for further action. All the arguments for this irresponsible action sound so hollow that I wonder if the scoundrels we call Leaders and Policy Makers ever see beyond their noses. The 2 issues I mentioned above as far as I am concerned are a western plot to keep us perpetually enslaved to them using their agents {including our leaders} and other spies.

In addition to this economic-warfare, The promotion of violence is to provide a veritable market for their weapons of extraction; and security services and consultation. This brings me to the mighty evil plaguing us to wit the absence of Leaders who have a conscience. For God’s sake how can our leaders tell us they intend to channel the subsidy savings towards building infrastructure etc when all previous monies allocated for these ventures were stolen by them which is why we don’t believe that the monies gained from this subsidy removal will not be stolen by the same thieves that govern us.

As if our lives are not already too hard to live, we now have to holder the cost of creating Jobs in US and western Europe, very soon the cost having a shave in a foreign barbing saloon will be cheaper than in a Nigerian owned and run saloon because the cost of producing indigenous goods and services are bound to out grow the market for them.

The blood sucking demons have continued to demand the blood of innocent Nigerian in all kinds of man-made rituals from armed banditry to road accidents {poorly maintained and constructed roads} to religious and ethnic upheavals and we have a government whose defense and security budget is higher than Indian’s spend on security and we still have Just 24 2nd hand Fl fighter Jets and our Police and Defense personnel are amongst the most poorly paid in the world.

I really wonder at what stage the Security Council will decide to act to refer the massacre that are occurring in Nigeria to the Criminal Court Of Justice….. No they will not even bother, because that’s what their masters want for us; not minding that the number of Nigerian who have died in the religious-ethnic motivated genocide is more than the number of people killed in the entire Arab spring… Will not get a no fly zone for innocent civilians being massacred in Born/ Dammar/Game and elsewhere because the White house have no interest in upholding the lives of these innocent Nigerian,- Just imagine whole families including unborn babies being massacred everyday… “They gather themselves together against the soul of the righteous, and condemn the innocent blood. But the LORD is Our defense; and our God is the rock of our refuge. And he shall bring upon them their own iniquity, and shall cut them off in their own wickedness; yea, the LORD our God shall cut them off. ”

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Security Council Assignment. (2022, Apr 03). Retrieved March 31, 2025, from