Lecture on green-screen keying Assignment

Lecture on green-screen keying Assignment Words: 1127

No re-do work will be accepted after Class 20. 9. Two or more students may NOT submit the same work and no group submissions will be allowed unless specific permission is given by the professor in writing. Each student’s assignments must be unique in every manner including setting, performers, etc. 10. All assignments must be accompanied by a completed camera be accepted. Class 2: HTH, 19, 2013 Presentation on the cage and equipment policies. Continue instruction for the Panasonic HOP camera workflow to be held on green screen stage. Class 3: 24, 2013 Lecture on studio lighting to be held on stage.

Demonstration of how to use studio lighting equipment and proper stage procedures and terminology. Class 4: 26, 2013 Lecture on shooting a background for a green-screen composite. Class 5: October 1, 2013 Lecture on lighting for green-screen (to be held on the stage). Assignment 2: Classical Lighting–Shoot a short video duplicating the composition and lighting of a given image (provided by the professor). DUE: 10/08/2013. Assignment 3: Green-Screen–shoot a foreground green-screen subject and live action background, then composite them together using Nuke (to be covered in class).

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Specifications: Both the background and foreground must be live action, shot with matching focal length, camera height, and tilt. The submitted movie must include the foreground green-screen footage along with the final composite. Note: Background plate must be shot first in order to duplicate the lighting. No still images will be allowed for use as a background plate. Students must use Nuke with no exceptions. DUE: 10/15/2013. October 3, using Nuke. Homework: In your mescal account view Lynda. Com tutorials: 1 .

Nuke 5 Essential Training (Understanding how Primate works; Setting up a basic Primate key; More Primate operations). 2. Nuke 7 New Features (Primate 5) Class 7: October 8, Class 8: October 10, 2013 Lecture on “in camera” effects including nodal point camera pans and tilts, prop- rigging and miniatures. Class workshop: Work on any assignment. Assignment 4: In-camera–Shoot a short video with a convincing visual effect that is accomplished in front of the camera without the use positioning. DUE: 10/22/2013 Demonstration of an in-camera effect.

Class 9: 15, 2013 Lecture on the principles of AD tracking. Class 10: Lecture on planning a visual effects shot. Class 11: 22, 2013 Assignment 5: AD Track–Shoot a short video utilizing the technique of AD tracking by tracking an objection a moving scene. DUE: 10/29/2013 Assignment 6: Storyboard three ideas for a short movie integrating live action with visual effects for Assignment 7. DUE: 10/22/2013. Assignment 7: As a group, make a short movie or single shot that integrates live action with visual effects. DUE:11/19/2013. Class 12: Lecture on how cameras work followed by workshop.

Class 13: 29, 2013 Shoot green-screen for Assignment 7 on stage. Class 14: 31, 2013 Class workshop Class 15: November 5, 2013 Class 16: 7, 2013 Class 17: 22013 Class 18: 14, 2013 Class 19: Class 20: 21, 2013 All work due by end of class. Course wrap-up / post-test Grading Opportunities: Your overall course grade will be computed according to the following breakdown: Assignment Weight Assignment 1 : Jump Cut–Using Jump cuts as a visual effect, shoot a short video to demonstrate the illusion that occurs when a scene is interrupted by a cut in order to change something in the scene.

Stop motion animation will not be accepted nor will the use of Jump cuts as an editorial technique. DUE: 11 . 25% camera set-up. 3. Assignments must be no longer than 30 seconds. Laity. No . Aviva files will be accepted. 5. Movie files must be saved in the proper folder in your dropped, I. E. dropped > student name > Assignment 1 > Submission > file_name. Move. Or they will not be graded. 6. When you have completed each assignment (or re-do) you must e-mail the report. 1 1 . Only Nuke will be used for composition.

Cheating, which includes, but is not limited to, (a) the giving or receiving of any unauthorized assistance in producing assignments or taking quizzes, tests or examinations; (b) dependence on the aid of sources including technology beyond those authorized by the instructor in writing papers, preparing reports, solving problems or carrying out other assignments; (c) the acquisition, without permission, of tests or other academic eternal belonging to a member of the university faculty or staff; or (d) the use of unauthorized assistance in the preparation of works of art. . Plagiarism, which includes, but is not limited to, the use, by paraphrase or direct quotation, of the published or unpublished work of another person without full and clear acknowledgment. Plagiarism also includes the unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another person or agency engaged in the selling of term papers or other prior written approval of the professors of the classes involved. 4. Submission of any work not actually produced by the student submitting the work thou full and clear written acknowledgement of the actual author or creator of the work.

Attendance and Personal Conduct: Only students who are properly registered for a course may attend and participate in that class. Students are expected to attend and participate in all scheduled classes and examination periods. Absences in excess of four class periods per quarter, or 20 percent of the course, result in the student receiving a failing grade for the course. Tardiness, early departure or other time away from class in excess of 1 5 minutes per class session is considered absence for the class session.

The student’s appearance and conduct should be appropriate and should contribute to the academic and professional atmosphere of SCADA. The university reserves the right at its sole discretion to withdraw the privilege of enrollment from any student whose conduct is detrimental to the academic environment or to the well-being of other students, faculty or staff members, or to the university facilities. Enrollment policies: Students are responsible for assuring proper enrollment. See the SCADA catalog for information on add/drop, withdrawals, incomplete, and academic standing.

Midterm Conference(s): Each student enrolled in the course will have a midterm conference scheduled outside of class time with the professor. Students are expected to keep this appointment. Academic Support and Tutoring: Academic support for students at all SCADA locations can be found in Mescal, under the Student Workspace tab, Department Directory, Academic Resources. Course Evaluations: SCADA offers students the opportunity to evaluate all scheduled courses during each quarter term. Student feedback is essential to continuously improve academic services at SCADA.

Evaluations will be available the end of each quarter at the ginning of Week 8 and must be completed online by the Monday following Week 10. A sample course evaluation for on-ground courses is available here. In order to access course evaluations, the student should take the following steps: 1 . 2. 3. 4. Log on to MESCAL Click on the Student Workspace Tab Locate the Course Evaluations link under My Courses channel This will bring up a page that says current surveys and lists all the courses that are currently available for evaluation. For more information or questions, contact us at evaluations@scad. Deed. Student

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Lecture on green-screen keying Assignment. (2022, Apr 03). Retrieved February 16, 2025, from https://anyassignment.com/samples/lecture-on-green-screen-keying-11390/