Sdfdsf Assignment

Sdfdsf Assignment Words: 1116

Business 109 will provide an introduction to the modern business enterprise. We will examine the role of business in a market economy, survey current business trends and the global, financial, and social environment in which businesses exist and operate. Moreover, the course will describe the evolution, formation and management of American and international businesses, and provide a basic understanding of various functional areas of business, including economics, marketing, finance, management, human resources, international operations, and business decision making using information technology.

In lieu off final exam, students will be able to get additional experience in the business world through a semester-long final project of building a comprehensive profile of an actual business. The Business Profile project consists of a series of three (3) written research assignments, including corporate background as well as business strategies and practices related to marketing, management, and finance. Students have a choice of either working alone or in a team of two.

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For extra credit, students may present the profile of the particular business to the entire class at the end of the course. II. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Students will learn to: a. Analyze the relationship and interaction between business enterprises and other institutions b. Develop basic business vocabulary and a familiarity with key business concepts c. Practice and participate in research, business communication, and teamwork activities d. Apply actual business practices in model business situations e. Ill.

TEXTBOOK BUSS, 4th Edition, 2011; Clergywomen; ISBN: (Please note you will need to purchase Webster access either from the DVD Bookstore as packaged with the book, or online from within Web). ‘V. GRADING Your grade will be a composite of classroom participation, end-of-chapter quizzes, and a course-long Business Profile project that includes three written assignments. There are total of 1000 points (required) possible for the course: 1. Class Participation @300 points 2 End-of-chapter Quizzes (Best 10 of 12 taken online) – 300 @40 points each -400 3.

Business Profile Project (3 written assignments) @OHIO points each – 300 Total points = 1000 Students will also have the potential to earn a total of 100 extra credit points, 50 of which through clipping business related articles and sharing them with the class inline on the course website, and another 50 of which by presenting the results of your Business Profile project to the whole class at the end of the course. Grade Distribution: 900 – 1 oho = A (90%) 800-899 = B (80%) 700-799 = c (70%) 600-699 = D (60%) 599 and below = F V. MORE ON QUIZZES, ASSIGNMENTS AND FINAL PROJECT 1.

End-of-chapter Quizzes There will be self-administered quizzes for each chapter after you read the chapter in the textbook, go through the Powering Notes and attend lecture. For each quiz, you will be given 60 minutes to complete 20 questions which are true-false or ultimate-choice types. You are given one question at a time and are only allowed one try with the quiz so please do not take the quiz until you are absolutely ready and prepared. Please note that you will not get the results of the quiz until after the quiz deadline.

The end-of-chapter quizzes will cover textbook readings, Powering notes, and discussions topics and can be accessed on the Web course site. They will be a combination of multiple-choice and true/false items. Each quiz is worth 40 points and has a deadline that can not be extended. You may take a quiz as early as it becomes available and as late as on the same day before the deadline. No make-up quizzes will be given-No exceptions. You final grade will be based on the best 10 of the 12 quizzesвЂ?the two quizzes (including missed quizzes) with the lowest scores will be Please note that there will be NO Final Exam for this class– Cheers!

Instead, students will participate in a semester-long business profile semester project�see below for details. Warning: Please note that all students are required to abide by the DVD academic honor codes�No cheating of any kind will be tolerated. 2. Written Assignments and Business Profile Project There will be no FINAL EXAM for this class. Instead, students will be able to get additional experience in the business world through a course-long project of building a comprehensive profile of an actual business.

The Business Profile project consists of a series of three written research assignments, including corporate background as well as business strategies and practices related to marketing, management, and finance. Students have a choice of either working alone or in a team of two. For extra credit of 50 points, students may present the profile of the particular business to the entire class at the end of the course. Papers should be appropriate pages in length (see Assignment Description on Web), word processed using 12 point type, double spaced. Papers are expected to be proofread and checked for grammar and spelling.

Please note that handwritten assignments will NOT be accepted. Assignments are due on the dates listed in the course outline. Please turn in your assignments in class on the dates due and please do NOT upload your assignments online. Late assignments will NOT be accepted. For extra credit, final project presentations can be one using projectors, either via transparency or Microsoft Powering. To help gain valuable teamwork experiences, students are encouraged to work in groups on the course-long business profile project, although individual work will be accepted if student is unable to or do not wish to find another team member.

However, group sizes are limited to a maximum of two (2) because as research and experience suggest, the tasks of scheduling team meetings become more difficult as the number of team members increase and team productivity and effectiveness tend to suffer as a result. Remember that all team members will get the same grade for the same project. Having a great team can help reduce individual workload and boost the grades of all team members, but unfortunately the opposite tends to be true as well for a dysfunctional team�so pick your team member(s) carefully! VI.

I will keep attendance record regularly and will record any late class arrivals or early departures. According dropped by the instructor. If you are not planning to ever come back to class, be sure to DROP the class yourself with Admissions and Records- it is not my responsibility to o that. Students are also expected to read assigned chapters ahead of scheduled class time and actively participate in class. Please follow the below-listed Reading and Assignment schedule carefully. Your class participation will be an important part (1 [3rd) of your course grade so please take it very seriously if you want to get a good grade in this class.

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