Roles of Teachers in Classroom Management Assignment

Roles of Teachers in Classroom Management Assignment Words: 2929

Chapter I Introduction Sunday is typically the rest day and the family day. But for certain and valid reasons working students use Sunday for schooling. A Sunday school is usually attended by working individuals who are busy on weekdays and so to continue their needs of education they pursue through enrolling Sunday school class under the supervision of their Sunday school teachers.

The first role of the classroom teacher towards the learner is to assess the behavior of the students; to develop their knowledge and enhance skills; to create a good relationship as students and teachers; and to mold their students into a distinctive character by teaching good manners and right conduct. They are also the one who implements rule and regulations to organize and maintain the orderliness of his students, to be the role model of the class and to show the passion he has for his profession as teacher.

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However, being a Sunday school teacher is not a piece of cake because they have to sacrifice their rest day for the purpose of sharing their capability to those who are thirsty of knowledge such as the Sunday school students. Most of the teachers are teaching weekdays so it would be easy for them to manage the classroom. They handle the class accordingly and with the passion since professionalism is always maintained. According to Honeyford (1982) from London the teacher plays a pivotal role in a student’s life. The teacher is the one influencing the student’s view of himself and the sort of progress he/she makes.

Another idea from Laslett and Smith states that successful classroom management has been defined as producing a high rate of work involvement with a low rate of deviancy in academic settings. In our country Philippines, 15 percent of the total population as estimated is attending Sunday school classes. Therefore the greater the students in Sunday class the higher the demand of the teacher. Statement of the Problem 1. Are the Sunday students satisfied with how the teachers deal with them in the classroom? Objectives of the Study This study was performed and conducted aiming the following objectives: 1.

To determine the significance of the study towards the student; 2. To conduct a brief investigation with regards to the reactions of the students to the teacher’s role inside the classroom; and 3. To provide information about teacher’s classroom management. Definition of Terms The following are some key terms in the investigation which are defined both conceptually and operationally for better understanding. Students| * The main subject who benefited in this study. The one where data collected. | Teachers| * The one who guided the students and teaches them formal education. Principal| * The head of the office system in the school. | Higher Concentration | * It has a bigger contribution and plays important role in data gathering. | Communication| * An exchange of information from one to another by means of speaking and listening. | Significance of the Study The findings will be beneficial to the interest of the following: Teacher. The teacher must know the importance of their role inside the classroom and the response of the students towards his role. The teacher plays an important role in a student’s life.

They’re the one who teaches and motivates the students even if sometimes they do not cooperate well in their rules and regulations. They maintain the wellness and promptness of their student’s performance. The teacher also helps the student to recover from home problems. A student who has problem at home cannot perform well and the teachers are expected to be their comforter. This study provides various strategies for teachers to improve classroom management according to their role as motivators Students. This study helps student to know that a teacher’s role has its own limitation.

The teachers must have enough gaps with the students to avoid misinterpretation amongst others. Financial support is strictly prohibited, since that role should be coming from the parents or whom the students is residing with. The researchers themselves. The results of this study will serve as the baseline data for another research to be made. Scope and Delimitation of the Study This research study will be conducted at North Davao Colleges of Panabo City. The respondents were Sunday school students from second year to fourth year of the said school. The study covers the academic year from October to March school year 2009-2010.

Chapter II Review of Related Literature This chapter presents a review of related literature gathered by the researchers, which are relevant to the present study. These are mentioned to provide insight and perspective for the present investigation. In 1930’s, English professors were able to give the rules in classroom management. They were supported by the British and Greek. The people appreciated their rules but there are some people who disagreed. Two of the students who disagreed is Duke Lance and K Rehage (1949). When they finish Bachelor degree in Education they implemented classroom management rules.

It was not a simple rule since it opposes the rules of the British years ago. Still, it was implemented at the University of Chicago Press, Chicago. They succeeded in their rule which is the superiority of the teachers. No students are allowed to raise some ideas and suggestions. But throughout the year, they received criticisms from the parents of the students. They thought that their rules would be granted and so they just continue it. Professor Dhand, H. (1951_ shared his knowledge to the two professors. The Techniques of Teaching, in addition with their rule is implemented. Dhand is an Indian in Shish Publishing house, New Delhi, India.

He added an effective and tested teaching technique to their rules in which they heartily accepted because they got tired of handling an autocratic classroom management. As they work together they found out that the student liked their strategies and so the population of the University of Press, Chicago increases. They published an article “Effective teaching strategies among high quality education” and an announcement for in need more professors for such school. When Duke Lance died in 1968 due to aneurysm, he was replaced with Honey Ford, the first woman who strongly implements her own rule.

Because of her strong personality she stands on her own opinion and tried to change the old rules. But Dhand and Laslett (1978) combined their power to against Honey Ford. She didn’t listen to them and went to London, UK, to spread her project in Croom Helm Ltd University (1980). She gathered data and information and make her own strategy of classroom management. It was followed by many successors made it possible to be implemented and continue throughout the nation. Some of the professors improved the rules adding suggestions. More educational learning was added and more classroom management psychology was given among schools.

Chapter III Research Methodology This chapter presents the procedure in gathering the data to explicitly answer the problems cited in chapter I. it includes the following: 1. ) the research design; 2. ) research environment, population and sample; 3. ) sampling technique; 4. ) research instrument; and 5. )data gathering procedure. Research Design The nature of the study requires the use of the normative survey supplemented by the descriptive method using information gathered through the questionnaires, which is the principle measuring tool for the study.

The descriptive method aims to describe the nature of the situation as it existed as the time of the study and to know the causes of the particular phenomena. On the other hand, the normative survey was used as a device or descriptive survey to conduct measurements from the selected participants. It is the study in which it establishes the relevant data collected. The descriptive method will help us determine the interest of the students who would share their reactions, knowledge with regards to the study and suggestions. Research Environment, Population and Sample

The respondents of the study were the Sunday school students of North Davao Colleges, Panabo City who were officially enrolled during academic year 2009-2010. It’s a school that is dedicated to “Nurture Distinctive Character’ as its founder is the late Dr. Caesar Somoso dreamed for it. North Davao Colleges has been serving the community for twenty four years offering complete elementary, secondary and tertiary education including Sunday session. The school which the study was conducted is located in the heart of the City, New Visayas, and the largest barangay in Panabo.

Panabo comprises forty barangays. Its foremost source of income is its vast, fertile agricultural land planted with bananas. Panabo City is the fourth class city situated, between Davao City and Tagum City. Sampling Technique Random sampling was used in this study. Only Sunday school students who were available during the period of the survey were observe by the survey questionnaire. Research Instrument A researcher made questionnaire on the survey. The questionnaires were formulated and printed out to start gathering information about our topic.

These questionnaires contain the relevant questions needed to complete the data. The researchers decided to make self-questionnaire so that they can also assess their own reactions with regards to their selected topic. The questionnaires were divided into two parts: (1) Profile of the respondents, (2) Are the Sunday school students satisfied with how the teachers deal with them in the classroom. Data Gathering The researchers conduct an interview on the Sunday school students during the break time of NDC. The following steps were followed in the gathering data procedure: 1.

Asking permission from authorities to conduct the study and to administer the questionnaire to the respondent. 2. Administration and retrieval of the questionnaire. 3. Collection of data from the questionnaire. 4. Analysis and interpretation of data. 5. Formally answering the questions asked in the statement of the problem using the data gathered. Chapter IV Analysis and Results In this chapter the researcher shows the presentation analysis and interpretation of data collected according to problems cited in chapter I. 5- Excellent 4- Very Satisfactory 3- Satisfactory 2-Needs Improvement 1- Poor Table 1.

Mean distribution of the extent of the role of the teachers in classroom management answered by the Sunday Session students. | 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 1. Does your teacher use interesting visual aids? | | 3| 5| 2| | 2. Do the teachers update their lesson as the regular class? | 1| 1| 6| 2| | 3. Do you enjoy the discussion style of your teacher? | | | 8| 1| 1| 4. The teachers monitor their student’s output. | | 2| 6| 2| | 5. The teachers are always available for us. | | 1| 3| 5| 1| 6. The teachers update you of your grades. | | 1| 5| 3| 1| 7. The teachers are approachable. | | 1| 5| 2| 2| 8.

They offer easier solutions top your academic problems, such as schedule of classes. | | 1| 7| 2| | 9. They make lesson easier for students to group and provide adequate activities for better understanding. | | 3| 5| 2| | 10. The teachers extend their deadline for assignments, projects in considerable situations. | | 1| 8| 1| | 11. They guide us in things that we need assistance. | | 1| 1| 5| 3| Guided by the scale above, among the 10 respondents, 50% of them agreed that the teacher’s usage of interesting visual aids is Satisfactory; 30% said it Needs Improvement and 20% said it is Very Satisfactory.

This implies that the teachers are observed with this kind of activity which is an exciting apprehension for their discussion. Through this, student’s attention will be on the lecture. There are 60% of the respondents agreed that updating the lesson as the regular classes done by the teacher is Satisfactory. This implies that whatever the daily class discussions will be discussed also to the Sunday school students. In this, the students in Sunday session and daily class do have similar activities and lesson which is better to let them know that they are taken care of by the teachers.

Fun in learning is very helpful in teaching. Teachers on Sunday school session make their discussion enjoyable in which 80% of the respondents answered Satisfactory. It illustrates that the students are aware of the teachers’ effort to make a live discussion. As the student may be able to interact, share ideas and perception to the topic being discussed. Teachers monitor the output of their students such as projects, activities, etc. Out of the 10 respondents 60% said that it is Satisfactory. It implies that the teachers appreciate the efforts of the students in making their output or assigned tasks.

Teachers’ availability is Very Satisfactory according to the 50% of the respondents. 30% stated that it is Satisfactory; 10% answered Excellent while 10% agreed that it Needs Improvement. This implies that the teachers on Sunday session are open arms to their students. Grades of the students are on of the teachers concern. There are 50% of the respondents who stated it as Satisfactory; 20% said it Needs Improvement; 10% said Very Satisfactory and 10% agreed it as Excellent. This implies that many students are guided by their teachers in improving their grades which is good for the awareness of the students in their status.

There are 10% stated it Needs Improvement; 10% said it Excellent; 30% said it Satisfactory and 40% stated it is Very Satisfactory when the respondents are asked if the teachers are approachable. This statement proves that the institution has student-friendly teachers. Offering easier solutions prior to the academic problems of the students such as conflicts in class schedules is observed by 70% of the respondents which said it is Satisfactory. This helps the students to manage their studies and classes as well. It also helps the students to lessen the pressure and hustle brought by conflict schedule and academic problems.

Providing adequate activities for students whether it is by group or individual is Satisfactory according to 50% of the respondents; 20% it as Very Satisfactory and only 30% said it Needs Improvement. It shows that teachers are using various methods to create balance workshop for the students. Student hates deadline that’s why it is additional pressure if the teacher cannot understand considerable situations for late projects. According to the survey, 80% agreed that because the teachers in Sunday session classes extend their deadlines as they answered Satisfactory in the questionnaire.

It implies that teachers in Sunday session aren’t just approachable but definitely understandable also. The awareness of the teachers on issues like this helps the students in cooperating with them. As motivators, the teacher also serves as the guide of students when they need assistance especially in their decision making for their careers. There are 50% of the respondents said that it is Very Satisfactory; 30% agreed it as Excellent; 10% Satisfactory and 10% said it Needs Improvement. This implies that the teachers are the students shoulder to lean on in times of difficulties. Chapter V

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation In this chapter the summary of findings, conclusion and recommendation are shown to reveal full understanding of the problem. Summary The main objective of the study is to determine the roles of the teachers in the classroom management of the Sunday school students of North Davao Colleges, Panabo City academic year 2009-2010. It used descriptive method research design presented by the ten (10) respondents answering the questionnaire given. It also tries to determine the extent of improvement of the teacher in dealing classroom management and the satisfaction of the student.

Conclusions In the light of findings of this study the following conclusions are drawn. 1. Using interesting visual aids during discussion is done by the teachers which gets the students attention and makes the discussion enjoyable. 2. Teachers updated their lesson as the regular classes, update their grades and monitor their output which let the student to know their status. 3. The teachers also are approachable, understanding and give their available time to serve and assist the students on their academic needs. 4. Providing adequate activities for the students help them learn more and correspond to one another. 5.

The teachers serve as guide, motivator, educator and the shoulders of the students in times of needs. Recommendation Based on the aforementioned findings and conclusions of this study, the following recommendations are offered for consideration. Teachers 1. Teachers should be able to maintain superiority for the best respect the students could give to them. 2. Teachers should limit their help so that the student will learn to stand on their own feet. 3. Teachers should be maintaining the usage of interesting visuals to drag student’s interests. Students 1. Students should take their part and exert effort in improving themselves. . Students should be considerable also to the teachers by being responsible ad obedience. 3. Deadline is deadline and should be observed by the students. Researchers 1. For further study from the source institution can be also of great help. For more brand new information researchers m Bibliography Anderson, L. (1991). Increasing Teacher Effectiveness. UNESCO. International Institute for Education Planning, Paris. Arif, H. M. (2003). Human Development and Learning, Majeed Book Depot, Lahore, Pakistan. Callahan, S. G. (1996). Successful Teaching in Secondary schools, Foresman and Company, Atlanta.

Dhand, H. (1990). Techniques of Teaching, Shish Publishing House, New Delhi, India. Dilworth, E. M. (1991). Diversity in Teacher Education: New Expectations. Jossey – Boss Publishers, San Francisco. Durke, L. D & K. J. Rehragle (1979). Classroom Management, the University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Honey Ford, R. (1982) . Starting Teaching, Croon Helm Ltd, London, UK. Laslett, R & C, Smith (1984). Effective Classroom Management: A Teacher’s Guide, Croon Helm Ltd, London, UK. Lemlech, J. K (1988). Classroom Management: Methods and Techniques for Elementary and Secondary Teachers, 2nd ed.

New York: Longman. Nitsaisook, M. & Anderson, W. L(1989). An experimental Investigation of Effectiveness of In service Teacher Education in Thailand, Department of Teacher Education, Ministry of Education, Bangkok. Sadker, P. M & D. M. Sadker (1997). Teacher school and Society, The McGraw-Hill Company Inc, New York, USA. K, Safia (2000) Sprinthall, A. N, R. C. Sprinthall & s. a Oja (1994). Educational Psychology, McGraw-Hill Company Inc, New York, USA. Walberg, J. H. (1998). Synthesis of Richer on Time and Learning Educational Leadership, 45 (6): 76-81.

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