Ptv Management Project Assignment

Ptv Management Project Assignment Words: 8515

Organization # 2 PAKISTAN TELEVISION RESEARCHERS’ SUBMISSION A report submitted to Ms. Tehmina Khan in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the course principles of management. PREFACE I choose PTV on the following basis: As PTV is a well-known organization not only in Pakistan but also around the world, for it is the only organization, which claims to provide family entertainment, education and information. I studied the structure of PTV Islamabad center.

In spite of the shortage of time, lack of printed material and hesitation of high officials in disclosing the required information, I managed to have a short but comprehensive analytic study of this organization. DEDICATED To Our Sweet Parents, Family ; Honorable Teacher Ms. Tehmina Khan, Who Encouraged ; Supported Us In This Project ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all we would be thankful to Allah Almighty without whose blessing and mercies we were never ever able to complete this project. Projects are the team work. This project is refined from a splendid efforts of many eople who contributed regardless of any reward. We thank them from the core of our hearts. May Allah give them success by leaps and bounds. We can’t forget the guidance’s and knowledge which our kind teachers have provided us. We were lucky to have such a kind teacher who taught us and with such devotion and zest, which we could not forget. We thank her from the core of our hearts. In the end we would like to thank to all those people who provided us with useful suggestions, useful data and facility of composing. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Pakistan Television Corporation is Pakistan’s national television broadcaster.

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The first live transmission of PTV began on November 26, 1964, in Lahore. The PTV family includes six channels. Originally broadcast in black and white, PTV began color transmission in 1976. With this new upgrade in techniques and equipment, the Pakistan Television Academy was founded and opened in 1987 to teach students who wished to work in the medium. The broader perspective to start electronic media in the country was to inform and educate the people through wholesome entertainment and to inculcate in them a greater awareness of their own history, heritage, current problems and development as well as knowledge of the world at large.

In fulfillment of its broad and main objectives, PTV’s telecast policy concerning various matters of national and international interests has always been motivated and guided by the cardinal principles of educating viewers about the values that are vitally important in building a united, integrated and disciplined society. These objectives have successfully been achieved through a variety of programs on religion, education, entertainment and culture. CHAPTER 1:1 INTRODUCTION1 1. 2 DEVELOPMENT2 1. 3 ADMINISTRATION ; PERSONNEL DIVISION2 1. 4 FINANCE DIVISION3 CHAPTER 2:4

ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE ; DESIGN4 MAIN DEPARTMENTS7 1. Administration ; Personnel8 2. Information Technology9 3. Training Academy11 4. Security11 5. Current Affairs11 6. International Relations11 7. Engineering12 8. Marketing12 9. Public Relations13 10. Programmes14 11. News14 12. Sports15 13. Public Relations16 14. Finance16 CHAPTER 3:17 ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE ; ENVIORNMENT17 3. 1 SOCIAL ENVIORNMENT17 3. 2 ATTENTION TO DETAILS17 3. 3 PEOPLE ORIENTED18 3. 4 RISK TAKING AND INNOVATION18 3. 5 PEOPLE ALLOCATION18 3. 6 RESOURCE ALLOCATION18 3. 7 OUTCOME ORIENTATION19 CHAPTER 4:20

ORGANIZATIONAL PLANING, GOALS ;20 OBJECTIVE SETTING20 4. 1 PLANING20 4. 2 GOALS ; OBJECTIVES20 4. 3 THE CHRONOLOGY FOR REGIONAL CHANNELS20 4. 4 PREPAREDNESS21 CHAPTER 5:22 MOTIVATION TECHNIQUES ; TOOLS22 CHAPTER 6:23 CONTROL MECHANISMS23 6. 1 Framework of Risk Management23 6. 2 Independent Market Risk Management24 6. 3 Independent Credit Risk Management24 6. 4 In-House Expertise and Resources24 6. 5 Risk Reduction Techniques24 6. 6 Valuations and Exposures24 6. 7 Systems25 6. 8 Liquidity, Funding Arrangements and Financial Performance25 CHAPTER 7:25 SWOT ANALYSIS25 CHAPTER 8:26

CONCLUSION26 REFRENCES27 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION The original logo of PTV was designed by Chughtai and later redesigned by another creative supremo Shahzad Nawaz Khan. The new logo of PTV was designed to represent the contemporary artists movement in the country. Shahzad Nawaz Khan managed to change the entire look of PTV through his skills and brought about a change that was much needed for the channel. Pakistan entered into Television Broadcasting age with a small pilot TV Station established at Lahore, from where transmission was first beamed in Black ; White with effect from 26 November 1964.

The main objectives for establishing a public service commercial television in Pakistan were: i) Providing television broadcasting services by telecasting programmes of all kinds, news pictorials and documentaries local and foreign films of all kinds and nature for the purpose of disseminating information, education and entertainment. ii) Carrying out instructions of the Government of Pakistan with regard to general pattern or policies of programmes, announcements, news, etc. iii) To carry on the business of commercial advertisement by selling programmes and advertising time of elevision stations either directly or through advertising agencies or by setting up advertising agencies or by other means. While introducing the sophisticated branch of the electronic media in the country, the broad perspective kept in mind was to inform and educate the people through wholesome entertainment and to inculcate in them a greater awareness of their own history, heritage, current problems and development as well as knowledge of the world at large. PTV is a Public Limited Company registered under companies ordinance 1984.

Its affairs are managed by a Board of Directors appointed by the Government of Pakistan. The Board is headed by the Secretary, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, who is the ex-officio Chairman of the Corporation. The Managing Director of the Corporation, duly appointed by the Government of Pakistan and approved by the Board of Directors of the Corporation, is the Administrative and Executive Head of the Corporation. He is the competent authority to implement rules for the Corporation and its employees.

The Managing Director is assisted by eleven working Directors in the administrative, financial ; operation functions/activities of the Corporation in their Divisions. The Administrative Heads of the Centres duly appointed by the Managing Director are designated as General Manager and empower to exercise all administrative powers over their respective units. The Controller Administration ; Personnel and Controller Marketing are the Administrative Head of the PTV-Headquarters Unit Islamabad and Central Sales Office Karachi respectively.

PTV has a network of Rebroadcast Stations having 78 transmitters for terrestrial coverage. Each of these Rebroadcast Stations is headed by an Engineer Incharge. The population covered by four PTV Channels, PTV-1, PTV-World, PTV-National and PTV-Bolan with 24 hours transmission is 87% of the total population of the country. 1. 2 DEVELOPMENT Rapidly growing into a modern TV network, PTV introduced via satellite transmission in December 1972. It was during the year 1975 that PTV started using National Microwave Link of the T;T Department linking transmissions of its TV Centers with each other.

As a further step towards modernization, PTV transmission was switched over from Black and White to Color in December 1976. PTV established the Second TV Channel for Education, which was formally inaugurated on 26 November 1992. PTV World launched its transmission from ETV-Centre Islamabad in 1998. It was during the year 2000 that PTV started the transmission of Channel-3 on STN. PTV launched the new channel “PTV National” on 12. 06. 2003 for telecasting of program in regional languages. PTV launched AJK TV Centre Muzzaffarabad on 05. 2. 2004. Pilot services of “PTV Bolan” started from TV Centre Quetta on 14. 08. 2005. 1. 3 ADMINISTRATION ; PERSONNEL DIVISION The Administration ; Personnel Division is responsible for implementation of the Corporation’s policies pertaining to its sphere. The broad functions of this Division are to provide logistic and general administrative services and to provide and maintain the necessary manpower for other Divisions. Administration & Personnel Division consists of the following Departments: –

Administration Department Responsible for formulation and implementation of Administrative policies, co-ordination with Centres, overseeing administrative services throughout the Corporation and to deal with the legal matters instituted for and against PTV in various Courts of Law. This Department is also entrusted to deal with the Union matters. Personnel Department Responsible for formulation and implementation of personnel polices, overseeing personnel functioning all over the Corporation, manpower planning including recruitment, promotion, transfer etc.

Training and Delegation Department Responsible for training of staff within the country and abroad, dealing with the delegations, sending PTV coverage teams abroad for VVIP coverages. Security Department Responsible for security arrangements of men and material. Company Secretariat Responsible to deal with corporate affairs, preparation of agenda for meeting, to arrange meetings of the BOD, to record & circulated the minutes of BOD and to ensure implementation of the policies approved by the BOD. Admin. amp; Personnel Division of the Corporation is headed by the I)irector Administration & Personnel who is assisted by a Controller Administration & Personnel. The Controller has two Deputy Controllers and one Manager Training & Delegations with other subordinate staff for implementation of the administrative and personnel functions. At Centre’s level Administrative ; Personnel Managers are responsible to look after the administrative and personnel needs of the Centres under the supervision of the General Manager.

In order to achieve the goals and targets identified by the Ministry of I;B, on the instructions of the Prime Minister, the Admin. ; Personnel Division initiated a process for induction of qualified professionals in the field of Production, News, Current Affairs, Information Technology, Marketing, Engineering and Human Resource. The Board of Directors of Pakistan Television Corporation had also approved induction of fresh and experienced professional in its l63” meeting held on 26. 10. 2004.

In pursuant to policy approved by the Board of Directors and the Secretary Information ; Broadcasting, various positions for induction of professionals were displayed on the website of PTV and also advertised in the Urdu/English daily newspapers. In the first instance 12 qualified professionals were inducted in the targeted 1st quarter of 2004-2005. Through continuing process, 208 professionals/trainees in the fields of Production, News, Current Affairs, Information Technology, Marketing, Engineering and Human Resource have been inducted upto 2nd quarter of 2005-2006.

The process for induction of some more qualified professionals is under going and hopefully it will be completed in 4t) quarter of 2005-2006. Going further into the induction of qualified professionals the BOD resolved in its 166th meeting held on 5th September, 2005 that a data base shall be maintained on PTV website after giving advertisement in the newspapers so that required Human Resource could be picked up from that data base as and when required. The first data base has been maintained for a period of 6 months.

Besides the induction of qualified professionals, the Management of PTV has restructured its Programmes, News and Current Affairs Department. Programmes Division has been bifurcated into Planning/Administration and Event Management while the News ; Current Affairs Division has been merged to achieve the optimum level of excellence. This target has also been completed in 2nd quarter of 2005-2006. 1. 4 FINANCE DIVISION PTV is a public limited company with an authorized capital of Rs. 3,000. 0 million and a paid-up capital of Rs. 1529/- million, including bonus shares of Rs. 643 . 705 million, issued by PTV to Government out of its profits. Entire share capital is held by the Government of Pakistan. Financing structure of PTV, laid down in the PC-I Form and duly approved by ECNEC in May 1974, explicitly provided the financing of capital cost and payment of operating deficit of commercially non-viable projects by the Government and also for payment of time utilized for the projection of Government.

Finance Division comprises Accounts Department which performs implementation of administrative orders, Financial Control Department which is entrusted with function of financial policies, financial control and the Revenue Department deals with collection of Revenue through licences etc. Finance Division of PTV is headed by the Director Finance who is assisted by Controllers, Deputy Controllers, Asstt: Controllers, Accounts Officers and other staff in the lower chain. CHAPTER 2: ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE ; DESIGN

Organizational structure refers to the way that an organization arranges people and jobs so that its work can be performed and its goals can be met. When a work group is very small and face-to-face communication is frequent, formal structure may be unnecessary, but in a larger organization decisions have to be made about the delegation of various tasks. Thus, procedures are established that assign responsibilities for various functions. It is these decisions that determine the organizational structure.

In an organization of any size or complexity, employees’ responsibilities typically are defined by what they do, who they report to, and for managers, who reports to them. Over time these definitions are assigned to positions in the organization rather than to specific individuals. The best organizational structure for any organization depends on many factors including the work it does; its size in terms of employees, revenue, and the geographic dispersion of its facilities; and the range of its businesses. PTV’s organization structure is more Mechanistic in nature.

PTV have clear, well-defined, centralized, vertical hierarchies of command, authority, and control. Efficiency and predictability are emphasized through specialization, standardization, and formalization. This results in rigidly defined jobs, technologies, and processes. This suggests that organizational structures, processes, and roles are like a machine in which each part of the organization does what it is designed to do, but little else. PTV’s justify for having mechanistic structure because they believe their abilities to achieve the purpose the purpose of their existence can be achieved more efficiently and effectively.

PTV utilizes to increase efficiency when tasks and technologies are relatively stable. The vice-president of PTV employee such production processes and techniques that minimize waste and maximize outputs for a given quantity of inputs. The goal of PTV is ‘Quality and Efficiency. ‘ PTV’s structure is highly formalized, which simply means that nearly all processes and procedures have been administratively authorized. The organization considers processes and procedures out-side these established protocols as variances that must be brought under control.

Such formalization is driven by efficiency; reduction in variance increases predictability, and increases in predictability allow for improvements in efficiency. Environmental and technological stability allow work to be clearly defined and differentiated. The work of the PTV is divided into specific, precise tasks. Created from one or more such specific tasks, specialized job positions rigidly define skills needed, task methodology and procedures to be used, and specific responsibilities and authority.

In effect, lower-level managers and other employees simply follow procedures, and while this may have the side effect of stifling creativity, it also increases efficiency of established processes. In stable environments, however, stifling creativity may be worth the improvements in efficiency. Specialization carries throughout this organization. Positions are grouped together into specialized work units and, ultimately, into specialized functional departments such as production, marketing, or finance.

Each organizational unit has clear and specific responsibilities and objectives. Communication is primarily vertical, with more emphasis on down-ward directives than on upward communication. Thus, such matters as goals, strategies, policies, and procedures are determined by top-level management and communicated downward as instructions and decisions to be implemented. Upward communication usually involves transmittal of reports and other information for management to consider, usually at the request of management. Coordination is maintained through the chain of command.

However, employees sometimes feel that specialized tasks are repetitive and can sometimes be boring and monotonous, and they need to break this monotony. Personnel selection, assignment, and promotion are based on the possession of skills required for specific tasks. Other people, like interchangeable parts of a machine, can replace people in a position. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Pakistan Television Corporation has tradition organizational structure with centralized authority and narrow span of control. Pakistan Television News is headed by a MD.

It has departmentalization structure and each department is led by director of that MD Director News Director Admin Director Finance Head of Programming Director Marketing Senior marketing manager Marketing manager Assistant Marketing manager Senior Admin Manager Admin Manager Assistant Adminmanager Manager Finance Account Manager Assistant Account manager Assistant account manager Bureau Chief Assignment Editor Beat Reporters ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Fig. 1 MANAGEMENT: Secretary Ministry Of Information and Broadcasting is the chairman of Pakistan Television Board of Directors.

A Board of Directors appointed by the Government of Pakistan manages its affairs. The Managing Director of the Corporation, duly appointed by the Government of Pakistan and approved by the Board of Directors, is the Administrative and Executive Head of the Corporation. He is the competent authority to implement rules for the Corporation and its employees. Ministry Of Information and Broadcasting ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Fig. 2 | PTV Whole time Directors| DIT| Director Information Technology| DAP| Director Admin ; Personnel| DN| Director News| DP| Director Programmes|

DF| Director Finance| DE (OM)| Director Engg. Oper ; Maintenance| DTA| Director Training Academy| DEP| Director Engg. Project| DIR| Director International Relations| D. DTH| Director DTH| D. Nat| Director PTV National| DM| Director Marketing| D. Global| Director PTV Global| D. MSP| Director Mkg. Strategy ; Planning| DCA| Director Current Affairs| Permanent members of Board of Directors include, Managing Director PTV * Ad. Sec (Ad) Foreign Affairs * Ad. Sec (Budget) * Director General PBC * DG ISPR * VC AIOU * Javed Hassan Aly Full time Directors include, Director Current Affairs * Director News * Director Finance * Director Information Technology * Director Training Academy * Director International Relations * Director PTV National * Director PTV Global * Director Admin and Personal * Director Programmers * Director Engineering (Project) * Director Engineering (Operations ; Maintenance) * Director DTH * Director Marketing * Director Marketing Strategy ; Planning The General Managers are the Administrative and Executive Head of TV Centres. * GM, PTV Karachi * GM, PTV Lahore * GM, PTV News * GM, PTV Home / ETV GM, PTV Academy * GM, PTV Peshawar * GM, PTV Quetta * GM, PTV National MAIN DEPARTMENTS * Admin ; Personnel * Information Technology * Training Academy * Security * Current Affairs * International Relations * Engineering * Marketing * Programme * Public relations * Finance * News * Sports 1. Administration ; Personnel SET UP Administration ; Personnel Admin. ; Personnel Manager Senior admin ; Personnel officer Admin. Officer Personnel officer Assistant Admin. officer Assistan Admin. officer APO APO APO APO Assistant Personnel officer Administration

Responsible for formulation and implementation of administrative policies, co-ordination with other Centres, overseeing administrative services, formulation of PTV Employees Service Rules and amendment in the Rules, as and when required, implementation of directives received from the Government, to arrange centrally insurance of all PTV assets/properties and realization of Insurance Claims in case of loss/damage caused to PTV assets/properties, to deal with legal matters instituted for and against PTV in various courts of Pakistan and to deal with PTV Unions.

Personnel Responsible to perform the personnel functions, which fall into two categories: i) Operative The operational function of Personnel Department include the activities specifically concerned with procuring, developing, utilizing and maintaining efficient work force. ii) Managerial The Managerial function of Personnel Department pertains to the activities concerned with planning, organizing, staffing and directing the work of those who perform the operative functions.

The broad functions of Personnel Department are formulation and implementation of personnel policies, over-seeing personnel functions all over the Corporation, manpower planning including recruitment, promotion and transfer etc. 2. Information Technology The Information Technology Department has been recently created to face the challenges of next millennium with special reference to bring improvement in TV Screen and ensure free-flow of information. The main objectives of Information Technology Department are as under: – 1.

To bring overall efficiency thus triggering increase in productivity. 2. To develop Internets in order to ensure speedy and accurate flow of information. 3. To introduce Computer Graphics and animation for improving presentation in its creativity and style. 4. To launch and maintain PTV’s Internet Video Server in order to achieve global viewer ship and compete the challenges of the contemporary channels. 5. To introduce new concepts of Information Technology 6. To maintain and expand the use of Teletext and Audiotex. To maintain and expand the use of Teletext and Audiotex. 7.

To establish a Digital Video Archival Library for on-line use in transmission. 8. To fabricate News Computer Networks for real-time for reporting and its interfacing with main databank. 9. To further enhance the use of Computer Graphics in the fields of sports and Current Affairs. 10. To coin ideas pertaining to the increase in revenue by getting computer screen sponsored. 11. Management Information System. The Information Technology Department has also got the distinction of developing, launching and maintaining the Award Winning Govt. of Pakistan official Web Site on Internet.

Besides these, the Information Technology Department has also provided consultancies to other Govt/Semi-govt organizations – which has brought good name to the department in particular and PTV in general. PTV World News PTV World, a new satellite channel was launched in the face of tough international competition. The objective of providing update news for 24 hours. Channel-3 The objective of the channel-3 is providing a homely atmosphere to all family viewers. PTV National The objective of the PTV National is providing different local News and as well as entertainment in all language different part of the country.

AJK TV AJK TV is Kashmiri Channel, providing different programs for local viewers, Kashmiri news and Gojri news. Prime TV (For European Viewers) Prime TV in U. K, Telecasts PTV Dramas and Documentaries For European People Especially Pakistanis Living In Europe. 3. Training Academy Responsible for training of Staff within the country and abroad, dealing with the delegations, responsible for deputing officials for Seminars, workshops Symposia, Conferences, Meetings, Exhibitions, Competitions, Advisory Missions to Foreign Agencies make arrangement for PTV Coverage Teams deputed for VVIP coverage abroad.

COUNCIL BUISINESS Training & Delegation Department is also responsible to deal with the Council Business (Senate / National Assembly). 4. Security Responsible for maintaining security of men and material of entire TV Network in the country according to the prescribed procedure as laid down by the KPID (Key Point Inspection Directorate) of the Government of Pakistan for the key points. 5. Current Affairs Current Affairs programmes has been a regular features of PTV Transmission, ever-since its inception. A separate PTV Current Affairs Directorate was however, established in 1982.

Current Affairs programmes, including regional languages, produced by each of the TV Centre are accommodated in regular PTV transmission. The themes of Regional Language programmes mainly revolve around local and provincial matters of current affairs nature. Current Affairs Division also produces programmes on special occasions such as live telecast of Armed Forces Parade on Pakistan Day, Live telecast of Flag Hoisting ceremony on Independence Day, Head of State’s Address to the Nation, Documentaries on important national projects, live telecast of certain sessions of Senate and National Assembly.

In the programme Open Forum, Federal Ministers/Minister of States are invited to answer the questions through e-mail, on Telephone and by Media/Experts sitting in the various studios of Ptv. This programme is live and is very popular amongst viewers. 6. International Relations The major responsibility of I. R. Division is to promote friendly relations with international TV Networks/Organizations to enhance know-how in the field of electronic media. I R Division participate in the International Television Festivals/Competitions held in different countries by sending best PTV-Programmes. Thus PTV has won distinguished prizes and commendations.

A large number of programmes have been sold for telecast in different counties which resulted strength of the financial condition of PTV and more efforts are being made to increase the sale of PTV-Programmes. M/s Shalimar Recording and Broadcasting Company and M/s Sports Star International are the major distributor of PTV programmes. A lot of PTV plays and documentaries have been provided to foreign countries through Ministries and our missions abroad on gratis basis for the projection of Pakistan and its people which have been liked by them and later on they have purchased several selected PTV programmes.

Co-productions with foreign TV organization are conducted on bilateral basis to strengthen relations with each other. A proposal of co production received from Islamic Republic Iran Broadcasting on the life of Allama Iqbal is under consideration. A PTV Editorial Board comprising six Directors headed by the Managing Director evaluates publicity material and viewing samples provided by the international distribution agencies. There are four sub-Censor Boards for Commercials functioning at Karachi/Lahore/Peshawar and Quetta.

The meeting/censor sessions are held twice a week with exception of censor shows of NTM’s classified material required to be held in emergencies. 7. Engineering The Engineering Division takes care of the day to day operations and maintenance of PTV Centres and Rebroadcast Stations, new projects, Planning & Procurement, as well as research and Development activities. PTV started its services on 26 November 1964 with two small stations at Lahore and Dhaka (Former East Pakistan). Over the years the system has grown into a Countrywide network offering two programmes channels. . Marketing The Marketing Division of PTV is responsible for marketing the programmes and the commercial time on its screen. It is the major source of PTV’s earnings. The Marketing Division launched its activities on a modest scale after the inauguration of the electronic media in the country, in November 1964. Central Marketing Office, the main Office of the Marketing Division, is located at Karachi, while Regional Marketing Offices are operating at each of the PTV Centres at Lahore, Islamabad, Peshawar and Quetta.

Additional Marketing Offices at Faisalabad and Gujranwala are functioning to facilitate the local business and industry. A major part of the business enacted by the Marketing Division is through advertising agencies accredited with PTV. These agencies are entitled to 15% commission on their gross billings. Direct business from clients is also accepted on cash payment. Contracts are also executed between producers of private programmes and PTV for time purchased programmes. All business conforms to clearly laid down terms and conditions, framed by the Board of Directors of PTV.

The maximum time allowed for advertising is 60 minutes per day on PTV. Advertisers can book commercial spots in the commercial breaks provided between programmes and can also sponsor programmes shown on PTV. There are usually two commercial chunks in a 50 minutes programme. The Director Marketing is the overall head of the Marketing Division who devises marketing strategies and polices under the guidance of the Managing Director of PTV and implements them and guides the Marketing Department for achievement of maximum business. . Public Relations In the course of institutional Projection of PTV the Public Relations Department has been co-coordinating with the National Press effectively. The other activities are as under: – * Daily Press clippings and reports. * Arrangement of Press Show. * Arrangement of Press Conferences. * Issue of Press releases. * Reply of False Stories, Propaganda ; Criticism and at the same time appreciation of positive articles and items in the Press. Co-ordination with the Press Artists, Producers and PTV Officials. * Release of PTV Advertisements. 10. Programmes In fulfillment of its broad and main objectives, PTV’s telecast policy concerning various matters of National and International interests has always been motivated and guided by the cardinal principles of educating viewers about the values that are vitally important in building a united, integrated and disciplined society in the light of Islamic injunctions.

The projection of new emerging social order is highlighted in PTV’s general programming focusing directly and indirectly on the themes like morality, civic or national responsibilities, drive against narcotics, environmental pollution, agricultural reforms in discussions, shows, and through anchorpersons in the transmission. PTV has started programmes AL-QURAN AL-HAKEEM one hour of Tilawat and Tarjuma by renowned Qaris is being telecast daily at 6. 00 a. m. The text of the Aayat is shown on screen.

This helps the viewers in reading and listening so that they can read the Qura’an correctly. 11. News Pakistan Television News informs its viewers across the country on the latest newsworthy happenings on the national and international levels. Enhancement in the number of bulletins has enabled PTV to keep the viewers abreast of the latest happenings here and abroad. There has been a qualitative change in the news reporting as well as presentation of news bulletins from National News Bureau, Islamabad and at other centers.

Merit and objectivity are being maintained as a hallmark of PTV news items, which extends to routine day-to-day coverage and to the parliamentary proceedings, political activities of the government and opposition, besides human-interest stories. PTV news broadcasts stretch over from early morning till midnight. There are two Urdu language bulletins in the morning transmission. In the evening/night transmission, there are four short duration Urdu language bulletins, one Kashmiri language bulletins and one Arabic language news bulletins Al-Akhbar and 6 O’clock English News and 9 O’clock Urdu language main bulletin khabarnama.

All the news bulletins after 6. 00 p. m. are being aired on the national network which are also beamed through satellite to more than 38 countries. To bring home maximum coverage of international events, PTV news has made arrangements with Reuters TV, London, a world-leading network, to satellite news items to PTV Islamabad round the clock. PTV News has been making continuous efforts to project right of self-determination of the people of occupied Kashmir and countering Indian propaganda about the fate of our Kashmiri brethren.

PTV news has its permanent news bureau at Muzaffarabad, Azad Kashmir, to cover various events including visiting foreign journalists and foreign delegations that witness the plight of Kashmiri refugees who were forced to leave their home. With the advancement of the Computer Technology, PTV news is also in the process of computerization to receive and telecast news items by computer. Computer Graphics are being used in all news bulletins. 12. Sports PTV Sports Division was created in 1983 to provide healthy entertainment to our viewers.

It has emerged as an extremely productive and earning division of PTV. The chief objectives of this division are to arrange healthy sports entertainment through the coverage of exciting moments and happening in the field of sports and to keep the viewers abreast with the National and International sports event. Presently Sports Division is producing 200 minutes regular weekly transmission on PTV apart from occasional International / National sports coverage. PTV also televises live national and international sports around the world, keeping in view the interest of Pakistani viewers.

SPORTS CHANNEL PTV has launched its Sports Channel from 07/05/99. The transmission of this channel is going on air from PTV-I and STN. The duration of this Channel is 04 hours daily from PTV-1 and STN and 05 hours from STN. The schedule of daily transmission is as under: 1) From 1200 hours to 1600 hours on both PTV-1 & STN. 2) From 1600 hours to 1700 hours only on STN. This transmission is based on International/National Sports events. 13. Public Relations In the course of institutional Projection of PTV the Public Relations

Department has been co-coordinating with the National Press effectively. The other activities are as under: – * Daily Press clippings and reports. * Arrangement of Press Show. * Arrangement of Press Conferences. * Issue of Press releases. * Reply of False Stories, Propaganda & Criticism and at the same time appreciation of positive articles and items in the Press. * Co-ordination with the Press Artists, Producers and PTV Officials. * Release of PTV Advertisements. 14. Finance PTV is a public limited company with an authorized capital of Rs. 2. 000 billion.

The Government holds entire paid up share capital of Rs. 1778. 413 million. SET UP IN FINANCE DEPARTMENT Finance Manager Senior Account Officer A/C Officer Finance A/C Officer Finance Accauntant Programme Assistant Accountant Assistant Accountant Accountant Ledger Accountant Store Accountant Billing Assistant Accountant Assistant Accountant Assistant Accountant Accountant Salary CHAPTER 3: ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE & ENVIORNMENT PTV has state-of-the-art newsroom computer system designed to meet the challenges of today’s dynamic news environment. PTV uses terrestrial coverage for broadcasting.

A powerful and comprehensive news production system, it can be customized for use by everyone – from small news channels with just one broadcast a day, to 24-hour, multi-channel news networks. It grasps and connects all the elements of news operations. Newsgathering, feeds, wires, scripts, rundowns, archives, contacts, video browser, on air schedules, personal work spaces, staffing and much more created and formatted to meet individual requirements 3. 1 SOCIAL ENVIORNMENT PTV has coverage over different countries. And it is viewed by people of the sub continent living in all of these areas.

PTV is a family channel, supports those program which are comfortable in every environment. It also primarily targets the youth as its technology and overall outlook is energetic and shows a responsibility for being the generation next of Pakistani channels. PTV gives a social environment which is likely to create a feeling of solidarity amongst its members, who are more likely to keep together, trust and help one another. Members of the same social environment will often think in similar styles and patterns even when their conclusions differ.

The media channels play a vital role in development of a country. It provides the prime services that an economy needs for rapid growth, development and modernization. As the economy grows, demands for improvement in media sources. The module of communication and media studies is crucial to everybody on this earth. For instance, technology is growing amazingly fast these days. People may only consider studying aspects related to technology. Media has the purpose of getting people more up-to-date. Not only does it have the above academic functions, but also its main role is to entertain people on earth.

Without it, this world would be back to the uncivilized stage. Communication and media studies get us to understand more about the all-rounded life of human. Media and communication provide the common factors for human being to be united and cohesive. The environment of PTV comprises of the moves and the strategies adopted by its competitors. It also takes into account the changes in the general economy and other socio-cultural factors. It is imperative for the PTV to precisely study the opportunities and threats prevalent in its external environment. 3. 2 ATTENTION TO DETAILS

All Organizations have their own culture. Some give more attention n some not. Somebody said that: “The magic behind every outstanding performance is always found in the smallest of details. ” Many people downplay small details, dismissing them as minutia-the “small stuff,” that we’re encouraged to ignore. But, in fact, our whole environment is simply an accumulation of tiny details. Some jobs need people who can handle both the small and large parts of a task. Such individuals won’t overlook what needs to be done and can be depended on to do each task accurately and completely.

PTV is such a corporation where the work or the task of the project is the main priority. They are just interested in the work, they have no concern how they perform it . they don’t interrupt during the process of work. They just asked for desired work on the day it is required. Other factors or things are not much valued. 3. 3 PEOPLE ORIENTED In PTV, the jobs and roles of every employee are well-defined. They all are cleared about there status accurately. They are told how to deal with people, paying attention to all aspects, however small, of a given task.

They are trained to use there time in an efficient manner. They should make more from the given time. The employees are also explained that how to meet new people, conduct business/friendships with them. PTV has its proper rules and regulations, whoever is part of this corporation, has to follow in true approach. High educations and experiences are not important. PTV welcomes broad-minded, open, observant, active, thoughtful, teachable and selfless people who like to give their skills, energy, time, services and possible donations. 3. 4 RISK TAKING AND INNOVATION

PTV is seems very reluctant to search for new talent as compared to other channels. There is no talent hunt for PTV unlike other channels. There is a lot of innovation and work done in the computer department . Paper less environment is ensured. The automation of staff salaries, TV license accounting system, PTV program archive information system, current affairs Information System, PTV –News Information and Reference System, Engineering Inventory Control System and PTV Commercial Time and Cost Analysis Database is implemented. PTV BOLAN is styled as BOLAN for Baluchistan was launched by the Prime Minister.

This channel has been instrumental in blunting the propaganda and disinformation. 3. 5 PEOPLE ALLOCATION PTVs affairs are managed by Board Of Directors. The Board is headed be Secretary, Ministry of Information and broadcasting. The managing director of the corporation , duly appointed by Govt. of Pakistan and approved by Board of directors, is the administrative and executive head of the corporation. The managing director is assisted by eleven working Directors in administrative, financial & operation functions/activities of the corporation in their divisions.

The administrative heads of the centre duly appointed by the managing directors and designated as General Manager ad empower to exercise all administrative powers over their respective units . The controller administration and personnel and Controller marketing are the administrative head of the PTV-Headquarters Unit Islamabad and Central Sales Office Karachi respectively. 3. 6 RESOURCE ALLOCATION PTV is a public limited company with an authorized capital of Rs3,000 million and a paid –up capital of Rs. 1529/- million , including bonus shares of Rs 643. 705 millions issued by PTV to Government out of its profits .

The income and expenses as on December 2005 and December 2004 are drawn here under. Income| Dec2005(millions)| Dec2004(millions)| Advertisement| 925| 918| License Fee| 1,069| 739| Other Income| 58| 68| Total Income| 2,052| 1,725| Total Expenditure| 1,873| 1,640| Net Profit /Loss| 179| 85| 3. 7 OUTCOME ORIENTATION PTV is partially outcome oriented. PTV holds profit of Rs. 1529/- million , including bonus shares of Rs 643. 705 millions issued by PTV to Government out of its profits . | | | | | | | CHAPTER 4: ORGANIZATIONAL PLANING, GOALS & OBJECTIVE SETTING 4. 1 PLANING

PTV is planning to launch its channels abroad like PTV –Global for the projection of Pakistan in other countries. PTV will also get substantial business of commercial advertisement and its due share from the cable operators of that particular country. DTH is yet another venue open to PTV which can be materialized to generate more revenue. PTV is planning to launch an independent sports channel which will be liked by the viewers and will generate more revenue. PTV is trying to project state policies, development schemes, politico-economic events and socio-cultural activities.

Through proper planning PTV can raise the general level of common sense of the masses and inculcate them a great awareness of their own history and heritage. 4. 2 GOALS & OBJECTIVES Recognizing that in a country like Pakistan where literacy is low, electronic media communication could be best made through Regional Language Programmes, Regional languages, which instantly touch the vernacular and indigenous instincts of every individual, regional language programmes have always been the high point in PTV’s programme mix, soon after the inception of Pakistan Television.

Ever since, there has been gradual but constant progress towards their betterment and improvement. Starting with segments in Punjabi and later Sindhi, PTV Added programme segments in Siraiki, Pushto, Hindko, Balochi and Brahvi as Peshawar and Quetta Centre came on air in 1974. PTV has always been reached out to viewers all over the country and with Programmes which address their concernsand aspirations and allocated sizable chunk of its transmission time to Regional Language programmes. 4. 3 THE CHRONOLOGY FOR REGIONAL CHANNELS ) PTV NATIONAL In keeping with the spirit of Regional Language Programmes and rapid developments in the electronic media sector, the Government desired that PTV set up a Channel exclusively catering only to regional languages of the country and in compliance, PTV National was launched by the Prime Minister on 12th June, 2003 allocating equal time to the four Provinces. Although most of the programmes initially were often old repeats, the channel evoked a very positive response. b) FOUR INDEPENDENT CHANNELS

Encouraged by this development and recognizing that messages of cohesion and tolerance were necessitated by the circumstances and best communicated in one’s own language, the Government and PTV Authorities directed that four individual Channels be set up in the Provincial Languages, so that these channels provide an excellent platform to highlight the diversity and richness of cultures and heritage abounding the Pakistani landscape. It would also help establishing a variegated identity of the nation on the global canvas with electronic signals transcending all borders. c) PTV BOLAN

The first of the four channels styled as “BOLAN” for Balochistan was launched by the Prime Minister on the independence Day the 14th August, 2005, which has also been instrumental in blunting the propaganda and disinformation. This has added another positive dimension to the regional language Channels. 4. 4 PREPAREDNESS PTV has made extensive preparations both technical and programming for the launching of three new Regional Channels i. e. PTV Mehran (Sindh), PTV-Abaseen (NWFP), PTV Punjnad (Punjab). Regional Language Programming started initially with half hour and increased to one hour.

Now being extended with the inception of new channels to eight hours with twice repeat. Quantum of news bulletins have also been increased from five minutes to ten minutes and thrice a day. Regional Language programmes are telecast with Urdu subtitling. Efforts are underway for dubbing. Regional Languages channels are depending on the software produced by the Centres. CHAPTER 5: MOTIVATION TECHNIQUES & TOOLS As we know PTV is highly aware of how to motivate its employees in the best way. This can be judged by the enthusiasm and good spirit that people show in performing their jobs.

There is a well-devised system that PTV follows for the purpose of motivation. It includes both financial and non-financial rewards along with the major Motivators and Dissatisfies. The company recognizes the importance of making people drive towards their goals and the basic step towards this is made through recognizing the value of importance that the company gives to its employees. PTV has a set of financial rewards, medical, dental, vision and life insurance, retirement plan, paid vacation days, family and work life balance benefits and profit sharing plan, Annual bonus opportunities, company cars etc.

Other ways in which employees are motivated are: Employee Consultation for: * Everyday residence issues (remodeling, repairs, house-sitting, etc. ). * Legal matters. * Financial issues * Education and schooling. * Parent and child care. * Resources for seniors and eldercare issues * Emergency dependent-care reimbursement. * Adoption assistance. Employees are safe in knowing that they will be rewarded for any exceptional work. This reward is not only monetary. It is accompanied by the employee being given recognition and greater empowerment.

Employees are given a very beautiful and healthy work environment. Special attention is given to make the physical environment most productive. This is why PTV offices are considered to be the most well decorated and organized. As we know PTV has a desire to promote the high achievers from within the company. Positions are given on merit and are transparent and fair in nature. There is no special treatment. Therefore each employee knows that he can aim for the top and actually get there.

This has proved to be a great source of motivation for the employees of PTV. CHAPTER 6: CONTROL MECHANISMS Control mechanisms are important to every organization. Without them, it would be difficult to determine whether or not the planning, organizing and leading functions of management are effective and productive for the company. Although some mechanisms are used widely throughout many organizations and companies, some mechanisms are tailored to fit a specific organization. Management must determine the most appropriate control mechanisms for their company.

PTV keep track of every process with different types of spreadsheets, reports, and statements which either proves the organization is working well or show where things are distributed to the different managers for their review. Managers confirm that timetables are being adhered to and that projects are being completed in a timely manner. These time reports not only identify amounts of costs and time used to complete these projects, but also help management establish budgets for the coming year. Overall, the use of these controls is understood and accepted by all employees.

Each employee realizes the need for these mechanisms and strives to operate within the proper guidelines. There are times when employees’ hours or costs are over budget, and management must delve into the reasons surrounding the circumstance. 6. 1 Framework of Risk Management The key point that PTV focus is the framework of risk management policies and procedures and management controls overseen by the board of directors or equivalent management body of the firm should specifically cover derivatives activity, clearly establish responsibility for its implementation, and provide for accurate, informative and timely reporting to management.

This framework should be communicated to all concerned and should be reviewed as business and market circumstances change. The PTV’s board of directors or other equivalent body establish and communicate risk management policies and procedures for derivatives activities that integrated with the PTV’s overall management policies.

Such policies and procedures should address the measurement of market risk and credit risk including aggregate exposures against risk tolerance objectives (position limits or capital at risk); acceptability criteria for counterparties, strategies and products (hedging, covered writing, risk management, position taking and related legal risks); risk monitoring procedures and exception reporting criteria; personnel policies (including expertise, training and compensation policies); the separation of trading and risk management functions; and the establishment of management controls and checks over accounts, traders, operational staff and systems.

The PTV’s main focus is that framework provide for two-way communication between the board and persons responsible for implementing board policies. Delineation of derivatives authority should be without prejudice to ultimate board supervisory responsibility Controls address stress scenarios, confidence levels, credit assumptions and market risk measurement methodologies, separation of back office, accounting and compliance functions from trading, risk policies and integration of accounting systems. Stress tests test the consequences of severe price moves and changes in market behavior, including changes in correlations and other risk assumptions. 6. 2 Independent Market Risk Management

Management controls provide for independent market risk management at the PTV to develop and monitor the application of risk limit policies, to review and approve valuation systems . 6. 3 Independent Credit Risk Management Management controls provide for independent credit risk management at the PTV to consider credit exposure measurement standards, set and monitor credit limits, and to review leverage, concentration and risk reduction arrangements. Appetite for risk, quality of credits, level of concentration, reliance on credit enhancements, measurement methodologies and separation of sales supervision from exposure supervision are subject to controls. Controls also address the risk of failure to deliver or of termination provisions, as appropriate. 6. 4 In-House Expertise and Resources

In view of the speed of evolution and complexity of derivatives products, PTV devote adequate resources to all aspects of risk management controls, including back office systems and accounting and supervision. PTV makes every effort to ensure that knowledge at all levels of the firm, and of traders and risk managers is adequate in terms of market developments for the appropriate assessment and management of risks. 6. 5 Risk Reduction Techniques PTV use appropriate risk reduction techniques such as master agreements, netting arrangements, collateralization of transactions and third party credit enhancements, including letters of credit and guarantees. Firms also should consider risk reduction techniques to address operations risk, including contingency planning.

Controls address credit enhancements in terms of exposure and explore the use of master agreements to reduce documentation risk and to increase the potential to assign and/or otherwise unwind transactions. Legal capacity of counterparties to transact and legality of netting arrangements should be evaluated. 6. 6 Valuations and Exposures PTV on both an entity and a group basis should have the capability to make accurate risk valuations daily, using an acceptable methodology to mark-to-market and to identify concentrations. Potential exposures to credit and market risk should also be calculated using appropriate methodologies. Exposures may be aggregated provided netting arrangements are acceptable and enforceable.

Arrangements are made to value dynamic portfolios sufficiently frequently to address exposures taking into account legal netting arrangements. Outputs of simulations should be tested against actual results and adjusted accordingly. 6. 7 Systems PTV’s accounting, risk management and information systems ensure adequate and timely documenting, processing, confirming, approving as appropriate, and reconciling of trades and valuation systems used by front and back offices; assessing of risk on a global (firm-wide) basis; accurate and timely reporting to management; and external reporting by management. Internal or external independent systems reviews are used to verify that such systems are operating as designed.

The complexity and dynamic nature of derivatives trading activity and portfolios require that accurate and timely information is always available. Systems must are kept constantly under review to be certain that they permit tracking and reporting financial performance and effectuating management policies. Significant deficiencies in the design or operation of the systems that could adversely affect the entity’s ability to record, process, summarize, and report financial data should be reported upon. This is not intended to define the scope of external financial audits. 6. 8 Liquidity, Funding Arrangements and Financial Performance PTV monitors on a continuing basis financial performance, including profit and loss, funding requirements and sources and cash flows.

Risk management personnel take account of revenues and the adequacy of funding arrangements in designing and implementing risk management strategies. Do Liquidity planning attempt to anticipate changes in cash flow or funding requirements and should accommodate the possible need to rebalance portfolios, augment collateral, and permit the management of defaults. CHAPTER 7: SWOT ANALYSIS SWOT Analysis is the strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. STRENGTH The strength of PTV is its nationwide coverage unlike any other channel. WEAKNESS Its weakness is the business of government induced programs and low quality. OPPORTUNITIES The opportunities are to expand globally, and add quality programs with slight change in culture. THREATS

The threats are all the other quality cable operators which have taken the market share. In PEST, the political forces are playing a lot of role in the media these days, the economic factors are diminishing, social effects are causing other channels to capture PTV’s share and technological advances have led PTV to change its infrastructure a bit. CHAPTER 8: CONCLUSION The very idea of a channel dedicated to the regional languages of a country, present infinite opportunities of programming and its presentation, which calls for innovation, and a systematic plan and strategy. We must create events by way of festivals based on our rural culture, customs and tradition, folklore and classical literature.

In a world given over to diversity, this channel can make an imprint amongst the galaxy of available channels, as a truly Pakistani Channel, and has the potential of creating and maintaining its own identity. The challenge of any new enterprise, is to survive in a competitive world. Apologies of any kind whether pertaining to lack of resources or other limitations, will have no justification, and nothing short of commitment, inspiration and creativity will make the channel worth its while. There are exclusive language channels already on-air with some more coming up. We not only have to improve the quality of programming contents in each language, but also gear up to match exclusivity. REFRENCES http://ptv. com. pk/index. asp http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Pakistan_Television_Corporation http://www. nswerspice. com/c99/2053472/how-peste-and-swot-analysis-of-pakistan-televisionptv-should-be-done-how-to-do-peste-and-swot-analysis-of-ptv http://foundation. ptv. com. pk/Ptv-Foundation. asp http://foundation. ptv. com. pk/FAQ. asp http://www. scribd. com/doc/37893366/PTV-Autosaved http://www. scribd. com/doc/20571696/Government-of-Pakistan-Ministry-of-Information-and-Broadcasting http://www. selfgrowth. com/experts/gary_ryan_blair. html http://eastbound. eu/site_media/pdf/EB2010_Alam. pdf http://www. referenceforbusiness. com/management/Ob-Or/Organizational-Structure. html http://www. blurtit. com/q355062. html http://ptv. com. pk/management. asp

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